Dragi timu Tikitaka,
Hvala vam na odgovoru i pruženim dokazima.
Dragi Trustvaarde,
Kao što sam vas obavestio putem e-pošte, nakon pregleda svih informacija i dokaza, mogu da potvrdim da je sporni dobitak od 690 evra knjižen na vaš račun 17.1.24.
Razumem da ste zahtevali da se ovo direktno pošalje na vaš bankovni račun, ali pošto su to bili dobici iz igre, standardna procedura je da se dobitak pripiše na vaš račun u kazinu kao pravi novac. Kada sredstva budu u vašem stanju, na vama je šta želite da radite sa njima. Mogli ste jednostavno da podnesete povlačenje i oni bi vam bili isplaćeni.
Pošto ste odlučili da ih koristite za igranje i nažalost prilično ste ih izgubili, ovde se više ništa ne može učiniti.
Kada su u pitanju dezinformacije agenata za ćaskanje uživo. Primetio sam da ste kontaktirali kazino ćaskanje uživo više puta svakog dana, tokom dužeg vremenskog perioda. Ova učestalost je možda dovela do neke zabune među agentima u vezi sa vašim pitanjima. Iako ne mogu da utvrdim da li je to bilo namerno, čini se da su neki agenti možda dali netačne odgovore zbog ove situacije i verovatnog scenarija da nisu imali najnovije informacije u vezi sa vašim računom ili sredstvima u to vreme.
Ipak, iako je cela situacija pomalo nesrećna, primili ste sve dobitke koje ste trebali da dobijete, a ja nisam identifikovao nijedan valjan razlog zašto ili za šta bi kazino tim trebalo da vam refundira.
Razumem da ovo možda nije odgovor kojem ste se nadali, ali bojim se da nema mnogo toga drugog na šta treba da se pozabavite.
Nadam se da je situacija dovoljno razjašnjena. Obavestite me ako vam je potrebna pomoć oko nečega drugog ili ako mogu da zatvorim ovaj slučaj kako je adresiran/rešen.
Dear Tikitaka team,
Thank you for your response and the provided evidence.
Dear Trustwaarde,
As I have you informed via email, after reviewing all the information and evidence, I can confirm that the disputed winnigs of €690 were credited to your account on 17/01/24.
I understand that you requested this to be sent to your bank account directly, but as these were winnings from a game, the standard procedure is to credit the winnigs to your casino balance as real money. Once the funds are in your balance it is up to you what you want to do with them. You could have simply submitted a withdrawal and they would have been paid to you.
Since you decided to use them for playing and sadly fairly lost them, there is nothing that can be done here anymore.
When it comes to the misinformation from the live chat agents. It has come to my attention that you have contacted the casino live chat numerous times each day, over an extended duration. This frequency may have led to some confusion among the agents regarding your questions. While I cannot ascertain whether this was intentional, it appears that some agents may have provided inaccurate responses due to this situation, and to the likely scenario that they did not have the most current information regarding your account or funds at that time.
Nevertheless, although the whole situation is a bit unfortunate, you have received all the winnings you should have received, and I have not identified any valid grounds why or what the casino team should be refunding you for.
I understand this may not be the answer you were hoping for, but I’m afraid there is not much else to address.
I hope the situation has been sufficiently clarified. Please let me know if you need assistance with anything else or if I may proceed to close this case as addressed/resolved.
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