Jade iz Australije osvojio je 9500 dolara. Petnaest dana nakon što je zatražila povlačenje, kockarnica je blokirala njen račun i oduzela joj zaradu.
Jade from Australia won $9500. Fifteen days after she requested a withdrawal, the casino blocked her account and confiscated her winnings.
Jade iz Australije osvojio je 9500 dolara. Petnaest dana nakon što je zatražila povlačenje, kockarnica je blokirala njen račun i oduzela joj zaradu.
Nakon što sam podnio zahtjev za povlačenje u iznosu od $ 9500 koji sam osvojio i čekao 15 dana na postupak odobrenja i taj postupak je odobren i čekao da se sredstva uplate, tek sam primio e-poruku u kojoj je rečeno da su povukli i zatvorili pristup mom računu.
9500 USD nije uplaćeno nakon potvrde i odobrenja isplate.
After lodging a withdrawal request for the $9500 i won and waiting 15 days for the approval process and that process being approved and waiting for the funds to be paid out I just received an email saying they have revoked and closed my account access.
$9500 not paid after confirmation and approval of payout.
Zdravo Jade.
Žao nam je što čujemo o vašim problemima. Zahvaljujemo na porukama e-pošte. Možete li nam reći koji bonus ste uzeli? Zamolit ću Nika iz kockarnice da mi objasni situaciju.
Hello Jade.
We are very sorry to hear about your troubles. Thank you for your emails. Could you please tell us which bonus you took? I will ask Nick from the casino to explain the situation.
Ne sjećam se bonus koda koji sam koristio, to je bila božićna promocija koju prije nisam koristio. I ne mogu se prijaviti da bih utvrdio da im je žao, jer su mi oduzeli pristup za prijavu.
Kada sam povukao povlačenje, sa savjetnikom sam potvrdio da sam igrao kroz sve potrebne zahtjeve i više.
Tako da sam znao koliko mogu povući tražio sam iznos isplate minus i igrao kroz zahtjeve, a zatim podnio zahtjev za povlačenje.
Rečeno mi je da su svi odobreni, da imam i dokaze o potrebi, a novac je prebačen nakon što sam uručio sve dokumente, potvrdu lične karte i bankovne podatke.
Nakon što su svi zahtjevi za povlačenje odobreni i uplata plaćena na moj račun, primio sam poruku e-pošte bez ikakvog razloga da je pristup mom računu opozvan i da se ne mogu prijaviti jer nisam dobio nijednu moju zaradu.
I can't remember the bonus code I used, it was a Christmas promotion one I hadn't used before. And I'm unable to log in to find out sorry, as they have taken my login access away from me.
I had confirmed with the consultant when I did the withdrawals, that I had played through all required palythrough requirements and more.
So I knew how much I could withdraw I asked for the payout figure minus and play through requirements and then lodged the withdrawal requests.
I Was told they were all approved, that I also have evidence of if you need, and the money was being transfered after I provided all documents, ID verification and bank details.
After all withdrawal requests being approved, and payment due to paid into my account, I received the email saying for no reason my account access had been revoked and haven't been able to log in since and haven't received any of my winnings.
Zdravo Jade.
Još jednom nam je žao zbog vašeg lošeg iskustva. Čekajmo Nika, a on će provjeriti vaš slučaj i vjerovatno će nam reći razlog zašto se to dogodilo.
Hello Jade.
One more time we are sorry for your bad experience. Let's wait for Nick, and he will check your case and probably tell us the reason why this happened.
Pozdrav Matej, Jade,
Kopajući duboko u ovom i izgledom stvari imamo slučaj slabe komunikacije. Naš sigurnosni tim vrlo ozbiljno shvaća prijetnje kockarnici, vrlo loše su uzeli neke stvari koje ste rekli u chatu i zatvorili vaš račun u našem sustavu. Pregledao sam komunikacije, razgovarao s našim sigurnosnim timom i malo sam zagladio perje. Vaš račun je ponovno aktiviran i trebali bismo moći riješiti odavde između vas, mene i vašeg VIP domaćina koji će biti sutra. Obavijestit ću ga o situaciji.
Otišao sam napred i poslao sam vam e-mail sa True Blue VIP računa. Odgovorite na to, vratit će mi se odmah i stvari ćemo te zamijeniti.
Proces provjere igrača može biti težak, ali neophodan je, moramo znati sigurno tko ste zbog vaše vlastite zaštite. Možemo li živjeti bez njega? Nažalost nema. Može li biti više jasnoće i komunikacije? Svakako, i radimo na tome. U međuvremenu, samo se nosite s nama, a u ovom slučaju posebno sa mnom. Držat ću vas za ruku i nadam se da ćemo uspjeti srediti situaciju.
Dakle, odgovorite na e-mail koji sam vam poslao na vaš hotmail račun i dovedimo ovu emisiju na put!
Sve najbolje,
Nick i True Blue
Greetings Matej, Jade,
Digging in deep on this one and from the looks of things we have a case of poor communication. Our security team takes threats to the casino very seriously, they took some of the things you said in chat very poorly and closed your account in our system full stop. I reviewed the communications, spoke to our security team, and I've smoothed the feathers a bit. Your account is reactivated and we should be able to sort it out from here between you, myself, and your VIP host who will be in tomorrow. I'll make him aware of the situation.
I've gone ahead and sent you an email from the True Blue VIP email account. Hit reply on that, it'll come right back to me and we can get things rolling for you.
The player verification process can be difficult but it is necessary, we need to know for certain who you are for your own protection. Can we live without it? Unfortunately no. Could there be more clarity and communication? Certainly, and we're working on it. In the meantime just bear with us and in this case me in particular. I'll hold your hand and hopefully we can get the situation sorted.
So, reply to the email I've sent to your hotmail account and let's get this show on the road!
Best wishes,
Nick and True Blue
Zdravo Nick,
Iskreno sam šokiran što mi šaljete ovu poruku i voljni ste da mi pomognete nakon onoga što sam doživio sa istinskom plavom bojom i ne primam nijednu svoju dobit i zatvorite se s računa. Međutim, vrlo sam impresioniran što preuzimate odgovornost za postupanje vašeg tima prema meni i izuzetno ste voljni da mi pomognete, ovo zvuči obećavajuće da ste identificirali da bih trebao s pravom da mi isplati dobit. Tako da hvala Nick, tvoja pomoć i radna etika su izuzetno cijenjeni. Odmah ću provjeriti svoju e-poštu i izvršit ću kako tražite, nije problem. I hvala vam, vratili ste malo nade u moje osoblje i namjere kockarnice da učinim ispravno i uplatite mi svoj dobitak. Međutim nakon onoga što sam morao doživjeti i koliko me je ta situacija koštala, financijski i emotivno, nadam se ali nisam uvjeren da ću dobiti svoju dobit dok zapravo ne isplatim svoj dobitak.
Hi Nick,
I'm honestly shocked you are sending me this message and willing to help me after what I have experienced with true blue and not receiving any of my winnings and being shut out of my account. However, I'm very impressed that you are taking responsibility for your team's treatment towards me and greatful your going to help me, this sounds promising that you have identified i should have rightfully been paid my winnings. So thank you Nick, your help and work ethic is greatly appreciated. I will check my email immediently and do as you request, not a problem. And thank you, you have restored some hope in me towards the staff and intentions of the casino to deliver on doing the right thing and paying me my winnings finally. However after what I've had to experience and what this situation has cost me, financially and emotionally, I'm hopefull but not convinced I'll get paid my winnings until I'm actually paid my winnings.
Vidio sam i odgovorio na vašu e-poštu sa onim što ste tražili.
Radujem se istinskom plavom ispravljanju greške i poštenom ponašanju da mi osigura odobrene dobitke.
Ako vam treba još nešto, javite mi.
Nadamo se da u ovom procesu postoje dobre namjere i ugledni dogovori.
I have seen and replied to your email with what you have requested.
I look forward to true blue rectifying the mistake and conducting honestly to ensure my approved winnings are paid to me.
If you need anything else, please let me know.
Hopefully there is good intentions and reputable dealings in this process.
Hej Jade!
Dobio sam tvoj odgovor e-pošte, sada smo na putu dušo. Čini se da je vašu identifikaciju takođe istekao, ali ja ću vas kontaktirati lično i za sada možemo pustiti ove fine casino.guru da se uključe u njihov dan.
Nick i True Blue
Hey Jade!
Got your reply email, we're on the road now baby. Looks like your ID is expired as well but I'll follow up with you personally and we can let these fine casino.guru get on with their day(s) for now.
Nick and True Blue
Od mene su traženi da pošaljem drugu ličnu kartu, pa sam poslao putovnicu jer mi je licenca sada istekla i oni su zatražili drugi bankovni račun da se uplate jer očigledno imaju problema s prijenosom na račune opće države.
Obavještavat ću vas. Hvala Matej
I've been asked to send another ID so I've sent my passport as my licence has now expired and they have requested another bank account to wire to because apparently they are having issues with transferring to commonwealth accounts.
I'll keep you updated. Thanks Matej
Hej Jade,
Ne pronalazeći novu ličnu kartu, samo prethodni pasoš koji ste poslali s velikom plavom stvari blokirajući neke detalje pri dnu. Ako mi molim da mi to vratite osobno tako što ćete pogoditi odgovor na moj e-mail, cijenio bih ga. Ako to ide bilo gdje drugo, moram ga potražiti, još bolje moj inbox gdje ću ga moći uputiti u odgovarajući odjel za vas.
Nick i True Blue
Hey Jade,
Not finding the new ID, just the previous passport you sent with the big blue thing blocking some of the details at the bottom. If you could please get that back to me personally by hitting reply to my email I'd appreciate it. If it goes anywhere else I have to search for it, much better my inbox where I can escalate it to the proper department for you.
Nick and True Blue
Poslao sam ažurirani ID i drugi bankovni račun jer nisu mogli prenijeti sredstva na bankovni račun opće države.
Možete li potvrditi da sada imate ono što vam je potrebno za novčana sredstva? Hvala ti
I've sent the updated ID and a different bank account because they couldn't wire funds to a commonwealth bank account.
Can you confirm you now have what you require to wire funds please? Thank you
Hej Jade!
Upravo sam vas poslao e-poštom, uspio da primite ne jednu, već dvije uplate zajedno i poslate našoj trećoj strani za vas ... Još jednom hvala na strpljenju, u savršenom svijetu se takve situacije neće pojaviti na prvom mjestu. U stvarnom svijetu gdje se ponekad to čini drago mi je što sam mogao biti tu da pomognem.
Nick i True Blue
Hey Jade!
Just emailed you, managed to get not one but two payments combined and sent out to our 3rd party for you... Thanks again for your patience, in a perfect world such situations wouldn't occur in the first place. In the real world where sometimes it does I'm glad I could be there to help.
Nick and True Blue
Ok hvala Nick, cijenjena je tvoja pomoć za popravljanje ovoga. I ostali zahtjevi za prijenos još uvijek prolaze kroz isti postupak?
Ažuriram kad primim uplate i obavestit ću vas o casinu gurua.
Ok thanks Nick, your help in getting this rectified for me is appreciated. And the other transfer requests are they still going through the same process?
I will update when I have received the payments and keep you updated casino guru.
Poslao sam vam e-mail Nick kao što sam napisao prije 4 dana i još uvijek nemam odgovor. Još čekam novac da mi se isplati?
Možete li odgovoriti i pripremiti ovo sortirano molim vas nakon svega što vam ne izgleda dobro i momci.
I have emailed you Nick as I emailed 4 days ago and still haven't got a reply. I'm still waiting on money to be paid to me?
Can you reply and get this sorted please after everything this doesn't look good for you guys and is dissapointing.
Hej Jade!
Sve je to isplaćeno, ja sam to vidio. Zadnji zalogaj izašao je 25. januara, nadam se da ga već trošite. :)
Javite nam!
Nick i True Blue
Hey Jade!
It's all been paid out, I saw to that. That last bit went out on the 25th of January, hopefully you're already spending it by now. :)
Let us know!
Nick and True Blue
Da, dobio sam hvala Nick! Stvarno cijenim vašu pomoć.
Hvala vam casino guru koji vam je pomogao u ovom procesu i riješio problem. Cijenim vašu pomoć osim riječi.
Yes I got it thanks Nick! Really appreciate your help.
Thank you casino guru for helping with this process and resolving the issue I appreciate your help beyond words.
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