Imam nalog kod 1-kbet
broj računa
moj prijatelj je koristio moj telefon bez mog premesta i pozvao ih u aplikaciji rekao da sam izgubio sva svoja sredstva i da ću se ubiti, to uopšte nije bilo tačno. Imao sam oko 5000 cadova čekajući od njih da prebacim tako da sam bio dobro raspoložen, u stvari Nisam otkrio dok me neko nije nazvao telefonom nisam ga dobro čuo vozio sam nisam se čak ni setio ko je iz 1kbet tema, bio je reud i nije mi dao priliku da mu objasnim situaciju, otkrio sam da mi je račun blokiran, Poslao sam im e-poštu blok tima pre 5 dana i do sada mi nisu reproducirali.
Čekao sam da reproduciraju, ali bez odgovora. Napravio sam novi nalog dok ne reproduciraju, a zatim ga zatvorili i do sada ne odgovaraju zašto su blokirali moj glavni nalog.
Molim vas gospodine pomozite mi da deblokiram moj glavni nalog ako možete..
I have account with 1-xbet
account number
my friend used my phone without my premession and caaled them on the app said I lost all my funds an i will kill myself, that wasnot true at all I was having arounf 5000 Cad wating from them to transfer so I was in good mood,Actually I didnt discover till somone call me on the phone I didnt hear him well i was driving i didnt even relizze who from 1xbet tem ,He was reud and didnt give me chance to explain the situation for him, the i found my account was blocked , I srnt to them on the block team email 5 days ago and they didnt replay to me till now .
I waited for them to replay but no answer. I created a new account till they replay ,then closed it for and till now they don't respond for why they blocked my main account.
Please sir help me to unblock my main account if you can..
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