Želeo bih da uložim žalbu protiv 24slota.
Verifikovao sam svoj nalog tako što sam završio KIC proces. I moja adresa i dokaz identiteta su odobreni (oko 14.02.2025.).
Uplatio sam 500 dolara.
Nakon klađenja na sport i igranja ruleta, završio sam prevrtanje. Nikad nisam koristio nikakve bonuse.
Zatim sam zatražio svoje prvo povlačenje od 1.059,30 dolara.
Zatražio sam povlačenje 19.02.2025.
Dana 22.02.2025, primio sam e-poštu u kojoj se traži „dokaz adrese".
Tražili su sve više dokumenata.
Poslao sam nekoliko računa, uključujući:
-Račun za struju
-Račun za telefon
-Izvod iz banke
-Još jedan bankovni izvod
Svi su prvobitno odbijeni iz nerazumljivih razloga, uz tvrdnju da mogu biti lažni, da imaju pogrešan format ili jednostavno bez navođenja razloga.
Oni su takođe tražili, a ja sam ispravno podneo:
-Slika drži moj pasoš
Konačno, 04.03.2025, primio sam e-poštu u kojoj je izgledalo kao da prihvataju dokumente koje sam poslao, ali su tražili:
„Notarski overena kopija vašeg identifikacionog dokumenta."
Nisam voljan da to obezbedim, jer bi to za mene predstavljalo značajan trošak, a smatram da je preterano.
Nakon što su ih obavestili o tome — ovo je bio poslednji put da sam ih kontaktirao — ne dozvoljavaju mi da podignem svoj novac.
I would like to file a complaint against 24slots.
I verified my account by completing the KYC process. Both my address and proof of identity were approved (around 02/14/2025).
I made a deposit of $500.
After placing sports bets and playing roulette, I completed the rollover. I never used any bonuses.
Then, I requested my first withdrawal of $1,059.30.
I requested the withdrawal on 02/19/2025.
On 02/22/2025, I received an email requesting "proof of address."
They kept asking for more and more documents.
I have sent several bills, including:
-Electricity bill
-Phone bill
-Bank statement
-Another bank statement
All of them were initially rejected for incomprehensible reasons, claiming that they could be fake, had an incorrect format, or simply without providing any reason.
They also requested, and I correctly submitted:
-A photo holding my passport
Finally, on 03/04/2025, I received an email where it seemed like they were accepting the documents I had sent, but they requested:
"A notary verified copy of your identification document."
I am not willing to provide this, as it would be a significant cost for me, and I find it excessive.
After informing them of this—this was the last time I contacted them—they are not allowing me to withdraw my money.
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