Igrač iz Velike Britanije imao je ravnotežu i besplatni spinovi su nestali zbog tehničke greške. Kako je igrač zatvorio svoj račun, nismo uspjeli nastaviti s daljnjom istragom niti predložiti moguća rješenja. Odbili smo ovaj slučaj.
The player from United Kingdom had his balance and free spins disappeared due to a technical glitch. As the player has closed his account, we were not able to proceed with a further investigation or suggest possible solutions. We rejected this case.
Igrač iz Velike Britanije imao je ravnotežu i besplatni spinovi su nestali zbog tehničke greške. Kako je igrač zatvorio svoj račun, nismo uspjeli nastaviti s daljnjom istragom niti predložiti moguća rješenja. Odbili smo ovaj slučaj.
Molimo pročitajte transkript razgovora ispod
Chat Transcript
Igrao sam igru Hidden Valley prije otprilike dvije sedmice i igra se zamrznula dijelom putem besplatnih okretaja ... Kontaktirao sam sobu za chat i vaše osoblje prijavilo se s mojim detaljima i nisam ga mogao nanovo učitati. rečeno mi je da je problem proslijeđen davatelju igara i morao sam čekati odgovor. Nakon par dana mogao sam pristupiti igri, ali besplatni krugovi vrtnje su prošli - kao i moja akumulirana dobit do pada. Osjećam da sam sada čekao dovoljno vremena i želio bih znati šta će se učiniti.
Dobili smo povratne informacije od našeg tehničkog odjela i oni nisu uspjeli riješiti problem. Jedino što u ovom trenutku možemo učiniti je da vam ponudimo besplatni bonus kao naknadu.
Alistair John Kenworthy
ne - ne želim bonus sa klađenjem requirmeneta - volio bih povrat dobitka akumuliranog do rušenja igre - i dodatnog za 5 preostalih okreta
Ako želite ponovo poslati žalbu, predlažemo vam da to učinite slanjem e-maila na suppot@4crownscasino.com
14:13:29 PM
Alistair John Kenworthy
ne - ne želim se ni žaliti - zahtijevam povrat sredstava. Sada - izbora je vrlo malo - ili se moja sredstva vraćaju, ili bih volio da ovaj račun bude zatvoren, a ja ću provesti sljedećih nekoliko dana objavljujući na svim web lokacijama kasina odgovor koji ste dali sami
Da biste zatvorili svoj račun, morate poslati svoj zahtjev na vip@4crownscasino.com jer ne mogu zatvoriti vaš račun jer ste VIP igrač.
Kao što rekoh, jedino što možemo učiniti je da vam ponudimo besplatni bonus, pošto to ne želite prihvatiti, ne preostaje mi ništa drugo nego da vas uputim u VIP.
14:17:33 PM
Alistair John Kenworthy
Ono što želim je moj novac koji se duguje
Ako želite povrat novca, morate poslati zahtjev na support@4crownscasino.com
Izvinjavamo se što smo uživo razgovarali i ne možemo ovdje riješiti financijske probleme. To može učiniti samo naš financijski odjel.
Naš stručnjak će vas kontaktirati u najkraćem mogućem roku. Dobićete povratne informacije putem e-maila
Halo, u čemu izgleda problem?
14:28:28 PM
Alistair John Kenworthy
molim vas pročitajte odozgo
Možete li mi reći tačan datum i vrijeme kada se to dogodilo i jeste li poslali e-poštu da podržite ovaj problem?
14:35:12 PM
Alistair John Kenworthy
razgovarao sam s chatom [ljudi danima - i dan kasnije - i nakon toga - molim vas provjerite svoje zapisnike o chatu
14:35:34 PM
kao što rekoh - vaše osoblje pokušalo je da igru napuni koristeći moje detalje nakon što se igra srušila - nisu mogli ni da ga učitaju
14:36:14 PM
pa su ew-ovi rekli dobavljačima da će biti kontaktirani
sada se igra učitava - ali besplatni krugovi su prošli - kao i moja dobitka
14:36:47 PM
Da bih to mogao pratiti potrebni su mi datum i vreme
Alistair John Kenworthy
Igrao sam ulog od 1,20 i bio sam na besplatnom spin 5 od 10
a zatim se vratite i provjerite svoje zapisnike
Pa, hoćete li mi reći kad molim?
14:38:09 PM
Alistair John Kenworthy
u stvari - vjerujem da sam i ja razgovarao
14:38:20 PM
morate imati evidenciju zapisnika chata
14:38:52 PM
Kao što vidim u nedavnim razgovorima, nisam imao nijednog razgovora u vezi s vašim slučajem
14:39:21 PM
Alistair John Kenworthy
pa možete vidjeti nedavne? goodo
14:39:38 PM
Zato mi ljubazno pružite detalje u vezi sa problemima ove igre
14:39:47 PM
Alistair John Kenworthy
molim vas pročitajte odozgo - svi detalji tamo
Gospodine, da bih mogao pratiti problem potreban mi je datum i vrijeme kada se greška dogodila, bilo da mi dostavite detalje ili vam ne mogu pomoći.
14:40:47 PM
Alistair John Kenworthy
razgovarao sam s vašim osobljem - i prenio sam ga nekome i dao sam mu svoje podatke za prijavu i oni su se prijavili kao ja i nisam mogao dobiti ni igru da se učita (nakon što se razbije)
14:40:49 PM
oko 23. marta
morate imati zapisnike svih kontakata koje sam stvorio s vašim predstavništvom - molim vas pogledajte uopšte
kaže Joan upravo sada - nadležna služba je rekla da ne mogu riješiti problem - kako ona onda to zna ??
ili je to uopšte napravljeno?
Poslaću ovo ponovo kako bi tehnički odjel mogao da ga pregleda. Pošaljite nam e-poštu na support@4crownscasino.com kako bismo pratili slučaj i ako vas možemo kontaktirati u vezi s tim problemom.
Alistair John Kenworthy
uradio sam to
Dobro, nakon što se ponovo provjeri, kontaktirat ćemo vas u vezi s tim.
14:43:58 PM
Alistair John Kenworthy
i kao što rekoh - čekao sam skoro dvije sedmice i ne želim više čekati - zato zatvorite ovaj račun da bih mogao trošiti vrijeme ostavljajući recenzije o tome na svim web lokacijama kasina koje mogu pronaći
14:44:21 PM
Je li to vaša konačna odluka gospodine?
14:45:19 PM
Alistair John Kenworthy
hoćete li vratiti moju izgubljenu dobit?
Kao što sam rekao nakon što je provjeren, kontaktirat ćemo vas, ali ako želite zatvoriti račun, to je vaše pravo.
Alistair John Kenworthy
imali ste skoro dvije sedmice da to provjerite - a prema vašem savjetniku, rekli su da ne mogu riješiti problem - da li je to bila laž?
Please read chat transcript below
Chat Transcript
I was playing the game Hidden Valley about two weeks ago and the game froze part way through a free spins round...i contacted the chat room and your staff logged in with my details and could not get it to reload. i was told the problem was being forwarded to the game provider and I had to wait for a response. After a couple of days I could access the game but the free spins round had gone - as had my accumulted winnings up to the game crashing. I feel I have now waited lkong enough and would like to know what will be done tody.
We got feedback from our technical department and they didn't manage to fix the issue. The only thing that we can do at the moment is to offer you a free bonus as compensation.
Alistair John Kenworthy
no - i do not want a bonus with wagering requirmenets - i would like a return of the winings accumulated up to the game crashing - and extra for the 5 remaining spins
If you want to send a complain again, we suggest you to do that by sending an e-mail to suppot@4crownscasino.com
2:13:29 PM
Alistair John Kenworthy
nope - i do not wish to complain either - i require a return of my funds. Now - the choices are very few - either my funds are returned or I would like this account closed and I will then spend the next few days posting on all casino sites the ansswer given by yourselves
2:14:52 PM
In order to close your account, you have to send your request to vip@4crownscasino.com because I cannot close your account since you are VIP player.
As I told you, the only thing we can do is offer you a free bonus, since you do not want to accept it there is nothing left for me to do than to refer you to the VIP.
2:17:33 PM
Alistair John Kenworthy
what I want is my money that is owed
If you want your money back you have to send a request to support@4crownscasino.com
Apologies we are live chat and cannot solve financial issues here. Only our financial department can do it.
Our specialist will contact you as soon as possible. You will receive a feedback via email
Hello, what seems to be the issue?
2:28:28 PM
Alistair John Kenworthy
please read from top
2:30:22 PM
Could you please tell me the exact date and time when did it happen and did you send an email to support regarding this issue?
2:35:12 PM
Alistair John Kenworthy
i spoke to the chat [people on the day - and the day after - and after that - please check your chat logs
2:35:34 PM
as i said - your staff tried to get the game to load using my details after the game crashed - they could not get it to load either
2:36:14 PM
so ewas told the providers would be contacted
2:36:22 PM
now the game loads - but free spins round has gone - as have my winnings
2:36:47 PM
In order to track this I need the date and time
2:37:20 PM
Alistair John Kenworthy
i was playing a 1.20 stake and was on free spin 5 of 10
2:37:30 PM
then go back and check your logs
2:37:40 PM
Well would you mind to tell me when please?
2:38:09 PM
Alistair John Kenworthy
in fact - ibelieve it was yourself i chatted with
2:38:20 PM
you must have a record of the chat logs
2:38:52 PM
As I can see in recent chats, I did not have any chats regarding your case
2:39:21 PM
Alistair John Kenworthy
so you can see the recent ones then? goodo
2:39:38 PM
So kindly provide me with details regarding this game issues
2:39:47 PM
Alistair John Kenworthy
please read from above - all details in there
2:40:00 PM
Sir, in order to track the issue I need date and time when the error happened, either provide me the details or I cannot help you.
2:40:47 PM
Alistair John Kenworthy
i chatted with your staff - and was put though to someone and i gave them my login details and they logged in as me and could not get the game to load either (after it had crsahed)
2:40:49 PM
around march 23rd
2:41:24 PM
you must have logs of all contact i have made with your deprtment - please look it uop
2:41:49 PM
according to Joan just now - the relevant department said they could not sort the issue - how does she know this then??
2:42:40 PM
or was this just made uop?
2:43:08 PM
I will send this again so that tech department can inspect it. Please send us an email to support@4crownscasino.com so that we can track the case and tha we can contact you regarding this issue.
2:43:25 PM
Alistair John Kenworthy
i have done so
2:43:34 PM
Good, once it is checked again, we will contact you regarding this.
2:43:58 PM
Alistair John Kenworthy
and as i said - i have waited almost two weeks and do not wish to wait any longer - so please close this account so i can spend time leaving reviews about this on all the casino sites i can find
2:44:21 PM
Is that your final decision sir?
2:45:19 PM
Alistair John Kenworthy
are you going to refund my lost winings?
Like I said once it is checked, we will contact you, But if you want to close the account, that is your right.
Alistair John Kenworthy
you have had almost two weeks to check this - and according to your advisor, they have seaid they cannot fix the issue - was this a lie?
Dragi Alistair,
Hvala vam puno na podnošenju žalbe. Žao mi je što čujem o vašem problemu. Kontaktirat ćemo kazino i zatražiti pomoć, ali prije nego što to učinimo, molim vas da li biste mogli savjetovati je li vaš račun i dalje otvoren ili je zatvoren? Jeste li primili bilo kakvo ažuriranje od kazina? Ako postoji neka dodatna relevantna komunikacija između vas i kockarnice, proslijedite je na petronela.k@casino.guru . Nadam se da ćemo vam moći pomoći da rešite ovo pitanje što je pre moguće. Unaprijed hvala na odgovoru.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear Alistair,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint. I’m sorry to hear about your problem. We will contact the casino and ask for their assistance, but, before we do that, please could you advise if your account is still opened or it has been closed? Have you received any update from the casino? If there is any additional relevant communication between you and the casino, please forward it to petronela.k@casino.guru. I hope we will be able to help you to resolve this issue as soon as possible. Thank you in advance for your reply.
Best regards,
Dragi Alistair,
Još jednom, žao mi je što čujem za vaše negativno iskustvo. Bojim se da ste zatvorili račun, a ne možemo mnogo učiniti za vas. Ako postoje dodatne informacije koje bi podržale ovaj slučaj, molimo ne ustručavajte se kontaktirati nas, u protivnom ću biti primoran odbiti vašu žalbu. Hvala vam na razumijevanju.
Dear Alistair,
Once again, I’m sorry to hear about your negative experience. Since you have closed your account, I’m afraid, there is not much we could do for you. If there is any additional information that would support this case, please do not hesitate to contact us, otherwise I will be forced to reject your complaint. Thank you for your understanding.
Dragi Alistair,
Produžujemo tajmer za 7 dana. Molimo, ne ustručavajte se kontaktirati nas ako vam treba pomoć, u suprotnom ćemo odbiti vašu žalbu.
Dear Alistair,
We are extending the timer by 7 days. Please, do not hesitate to contact us if you need any help, otherwise, we will reject your complaint.
Nažalost, kako je igrač već zatvorio svoj račun, nismo u mogućnosti da nastavimo s daljom istragom niti predložimo moguća rješenja. Ovaj slučaj odbacujemo. Žao nam je što vam nismo mogli pomoći s ovim, ali molim vas, ne ustručavajte se kontaktirati nas u budućnosti ako naiđete na bilo koji problem sa ovom ili bilo kojom drugom kasinom. Tu smo da pomognemo.
Unfortunately, as the player has closed his account already, we’re not able to proceed with a further investigation or suggest possible solutions. We’re rejecting this case. Sorry we were not able to help you with this one, but please, do not hesitate to contact us in the future, if you run into any issues with this or any other casino. We are here to help.
Besplatni profesionalni edukativni kursevi za zaposlene u online kazinima usmereni na najbolje prakse u industriji, poboljšanje iskustva igrača i pošten pristup kockanju.
Inicijativu koju smo pokrenuli s ciljem stvaranja globalnog sistema samoisključenja, koji će omogućiti ranjivim igračima da blokiraju pristup svim mogućnostima online kockanja.
Casino.guru je nezavistan izvor informacija o online kazinima i online kazino igrama, i nije kontrolisan od strane bilo kojeg operatora igara ili bilo koje druge institucije. Sve naše recenzije i vodiči su kreirani iskreno, u skladu sa najboljim znanjem i rasuđivanjem naših članova iz ekspertskog tima; ipak ovaj sadržaj je napravljen u informativne svrhe i ne bi smeo i trebao da se tumači kao pravni savet. Bitno je da uvek ispunite sve regulatorne zahteve pre nego počnete igrati u određenom kazinu.
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