Dragi 77Spins Casino timu,
Hvala na dodatnom objašnjenju.
Nažalost, dali ste nam samo opšte informacije bez ikakvih detalja. Jasno je da postoji sistem koji je u stanju da otkrije da li nešto nije u redu. Međutim, nije jasno šta tačno nije u redu u ovom konkretnom slučaju i sa dostavljenim dokumentima i kako sistem može prepoznati bilo šta pogrešno na fotografijama.
Možete li potvrditi da je igrač podelio samo fotografije svojih dokumenata sa kazinom? Da li kazino koristi neku aplikaciju ili softver da otkrije takve stvari?
Koji je tačno dokument problematičan i zašto? Koji zahtevi nisu ispunjeni? Šta treba da se uradi na strani igrača da bi prošao KIC, molim?
Preporučili ste igraču da pošalje svoje dokumente putem ćaskanja uživo timu za podršku kazina, koji je trebalo da ga vodi kroz proces i pruži sva potrebna uputstva. Kao što vidimo, izgleda da je to urađeno, dokumenti su obezbeđeni, ali igraču nisu data nikakva dalja uputstva ili detalji.
Kao što je već pomenuto, slobodno koristite moju e-poštu da podelite potrebne informacije sa nama ( branislav.b@casino.guru ).
Poštovani Rudra2310,
Hvala vam na vašim imejlovima i dostavljenim fotografijama/dokumentima.
Da li sam dobro razumeo da ste korisničkoj podršci kazina poslali iste dokumente kao i ranije?
Ako jeste, da li ste, molim vas, svesni da nema smisla davati kazinu iste dokumente pošto su već ranije odbijeni? Da li imate mogućnost da kazinu date nova dokumenta (osim fotografija vaše lične karte)?
Informaciju da je moguće generisati račun za električnu energiju našao sam na internetu prema IVRS broju. Zašto niste poslali originalni .pdf dokument u kazino umesto da ga odštampate i fotografišete? Isto pitanje je prikladno i za vaš bankovni izvod - zašto ste poslali njegovu fotografiju umesto da pošaljete originalni generisani i preuzeti dokument? (Moglo bi izazvati sumnju da je uređeno)
Što se tiče neslaganja, vidim da adresa nije potpuno ista na svim dokumentima. Možete li to objasniti?
Da budem iskren, ne mogu da vidim kompletnu adresu prebivališta na snimku ekrana vaših ličnih podataka (u profilu kazino naloga) jer je tamo nepotpuna. Zbog toga ga nije moguće uporediti sa adresom na vašim dokumentima. Kazino bi to trebalo da vidi, ali meni nije moguće sa snimka ekrana.
Pored toga, industrijski standard je da dokumenti moraju biti potpuno vidljivi na fotografijama, sa svim svojim uglovima i ivicama. Primetio sam da jedan od vaših dokumenata (račun za energiju) ne ispunjava ovaj uslov.
Međutim, pošto nemamo opciju da proverimo autentičnost dokumenata i kazino nam nije dostavio nikakve dodatne detalje, pod uslovom da insistirate da su vaši dokumenti zaista originalni i tačni, da li možete da podnesete žalbu ADR-u kazina ili direktno MGA, koji imaju bolje opcije da istraže stvar?
Više možete pronaći u Uslovima i odredbama kazina - OVDE , odeljak 26.
Dear 77Spins Casino team,
Thank you for the additional explanation.
Unfortunately, you provided us only with general information without any details. It is clear that there is a system that is able to detect if something is wrong. However, it is not clear what exactly was wrong in this particular case and with the provided documents, and how the system can recognize anything wrong from photos.
Can you please confirm that the player shared only photos of his documents with the casino? Does the casino use any application or software to detect such things?
What exact document is problematic and why? What requirements were not met? What should be done on the player's side to pass the KYC, please?
You recommended the player send his documents via live chat to the casino's support team, which should have guided him through the process and provided any necessary instructions. As we can see, it looks like it was done, documents were provided, but the player was not given any further instructions or details.
As was mentioned before, feel free to use my email to share the necessary information with us (branislav.b@casino.guru).
Dear Rudra2310,
Thank you for your emails and the provided photos/documents.
Do I understand correctly that you sent to the casino customer support the same documents as before?
If yes, are you please aware that it does not make sense to provide the casino with the same documents since they were already rejected before? Do you have an option to provide the casino with new documents (apart from the photos of your national ID)?
I found the information that it is possible to generate an energy bill on the Internet according to the IVRS number. Why didn't you send the original .pdf document to the casino instead of printing it and taking a photo of it? The same question is appropriate also for your bank statement - why did you send a photo of it instead of sending the original generated and downloaded document? (It could raise a suspicion that it was edited)
As for the discrepancies, I can see the address is not completely the same on all of the documents. Can you please explain it?
To be honest, I cannot see the complete address of residence in the screenshot of your personal information (in the casino account profile) because it is incomplete there. Therefore, it is not possible to compare it with the address on your documents. The casino should see it, but it is not possible for me from the screenshot.
In addition, it is industry standard that documents have to be completely visible in the photos, with all their corners and edges. I noticed that one of your documents (energy bill) does not meet this requirement.
However, since we have no option to verify the authenticity of the documents and the casino has not provided us with any additional details, provided that you insist your documents are really genuine and accurate, are you please able to submit a complaint to the casino's ADR or directly to MGA, which have better options to investigate the matter?
It is possible to find more in the casino's Terms and Conditions - HERE, section 26.
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