Dragi Casino Guru timu i Dirpledirtibirdi,
Hvala vam što ste nam dali povratne informacije. Pre svega želimo da se izvinimo zbog nesporazuma sa imenom „Jason" i potvrdimo da je u pitanju bila samo greška.
Važno je napomenuti da 7Bit Casino nema nameru da sakrije bilo kakvu informaciju od naših kupaca. Pre otvaranja naloga na našem sajtu svaki igrač izjavljuje da je saglasan sa našim uslovima i odredbama. Štaviše, odluka o konfiskaciji dobitaka nije doneta samo na IP meču. Igrač i njegov dupli račun su takođe dobili i igrali isti bonus u okviru iste igre.
Prema našim pravilima: „Sve ponude za kupce su ograničene na jednu po osobi, porodici, adresi domaćinstva, imejl adresi, broju telefona, istom broju računa za plaćanje (npr. debitna ili kreditna kartica, NETeller, itd.), IP-u i zajedničkom računaru, npr. javna biblioteka ili radno mesto". Sa naše strane, oduzimanje se odvija u strogom skladu sa našim smernicama, kojima se može pristupiti korišćenjem datog linka: https://7bitcasino.com/bonus-terms, ili na snimku ekrana: https://prnt.sc/7rkb6ffB8LmI .
Štaviše, hvala vam na vašim preporukama o KIC proceduri. Uzeli smo to u obzir i razmotrićemo ovu opciju u slučaju da bude neophodno.
Nadamo se vašem razumevanju i saradnji. Ako imate dodatnih pitanja, slobodno nam se obratite.
Srdačan pozdrav,
7Bit Casino tim
Dear Casino Guru Team and Dirpledirtybirdy,
Thank you for providing us with your feedback. First of all, we would like to apologize for the misunderstanding with the name "Jason" and confirm that it was just a mistake.
It is important to note that 7Bit Casino does not have any intent to hide any kind of information from our customers. Before creating an account on our site each player state that they agree to our Terms & Conditions. Moreover, the decision to confiscate winnings was not made solely on an IP match. The player and his duplicate account also received and played the same bonus within the same game.
According to our rules: "All customer offers are limited to one per person, family, household address, email address, telephone number, same payment account number (e.g. debit or credit card, NETeller, etc), IP, and shared computer, e.g. public library or workplace." From our side, the subtraction took place in strict accordance with our policies, which can be accessed by using the provided link: https://7bitcasino.com/bonus-terms, or on screenshot: https://prnt.sc/7rqb6ffB8LmY.
Furthermore, thank you for your recommendations on the KYC procedure. We have taken it into account and will consider this option in case it becomes necessary.
We hope for your understanding and cooperation. If you have any further questions, please feel free to reach out.
Best regards,
7Bit Casino team
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