Vidite, jedino što ova kuća daje su problemi. Registrovao sam se i deponovao želeći da se bavim sportom i nisam mogao jer nisam prepoznao sesiju. Zbog toga sam odlučio, nakon nekog vremena da se oni o tome ne brinu, da igram u kazinu. I uspeo sam da zadržim svojih 100 dolara i takođe zaradim 12. Kada ih podignem, traže od mene dokumente putem mejla da mogu da vidim šta traže u okviru platforme na kartici za verifikaciju i da otpremim ono što je potrebno. Ali ispostavilo se da kada pokušam da se pojavi legenda „Nije potrebna verifikacija".

Ali da bih završio svoje povlačenje, moram da proverim da li mi platforma kaže ili ne u ćaskanju. A to nije moguće jer mi nikada ne menjaju karticu. Rekli su mi da izbrišem kolačiće, keš itd. Rekli su mi da moram da sačekam da to promene kada su me već pitali mejlom. Smatram da je ono što mi Adoniobet radi jasan simptom psihičke iscrpljenosti. Traže vam dokumente, ali njihova platforma je pogrešna. Zar ne bi bilo lepo da prihvate moja dokumenta putem mejla? pošto je njihova platforma loša. Sportska sekcija nije radila, kartica za verifikaciju nije radila ali mi nisu odobrili uplatu bez tih dokumenata. Pa kako da to uradim? Njihov sajt ne radi i ne rukuju e-poštom.
Treba napomenuti da mnogo puta kada pokušam da razgovaram sa njima putem ćaskanja, oni zatvore sesiju, što me onemogućava da nastavim razgovor duže od 5 minuta. I moram ponovo da pokrenem tvrdnju sa drugim agentom, jer moram sve ponovo da objašnjavam. To je ogroman mentalni odliv i sve to za 112 dolara. Šteta, da li su oni prevaranti? Jer pošto sam se registrovao pre više od 20 dana jedino što imam su problemi
Look, the only thing this house gives is problems. I registered and deposited wanting to play sports and I couldn't because I didn't recognize the session. Because of that, I decided, after a while of them not taking care of it, to play in the casino. And I managed to keep my 100 dollars and also earn 12. When I withdraw them, they ask me for documents by email so I can see what they ask for within the platform in my verification tab and upload what is necessary. But it turns out that when I try it this is the legend that comes up "No verification necessary."

But to complete my withdrawal I have to verify whether or not the platform tells me in the chat. And this is not possible because they never change my tab. They have told me to delete cookies, cache, etc. They told me that I have to wait for them to change it when they already asked me by email. I consider that what Adoniobet is doing to me is a clear symptom of psychological exhaustion. They ask you for documents but their platform is wrong. Wouldn't it be nice if they accepted my documents by email? since their platform is bad. The sports section didn't work, the verification tab didn't work but they didn't approve my payment without those documents. So how can I do it? Their site doesn't work and they don't handle email.
It should be noted that many times when I try to talk to them via chat, they close the session, making it impossible for me to continue the conversation for more than 5 minutes. And I must start the claim again with a different agent, having to explain everything again. It is a huge mental drain and all for 112 dollars. A shame, are they scammers? Because since I registered more than 20 days ago the only thing I have are problems
Miren, esta casa lo unico que da es problemas. Me registre y deposite queriendo jugar en deportes y no pude porque no reconocia la sesion. Debido a eso decidi despues de un tiempo de que no se hagan cargo, jugar en el casino. Y logre mantener mis 100 dolares y ademas ganar 12. Al retirarlos, me piden documentos por correo electronico que podre ver lo que me piden dentro de la plataforma en mi pestaña de verificacion y subir lo que haga falta. Pero resulta que cuando lo intento esta es la leyenda que sale "No hace falta verificacion".

Pero para completar mi retiro me tengo que verificar si o si por la plataforma me dicen en el chat. Y esto no es posible porque jamas cambian mi pestaña. Me han mandado a que borre cookies, cache, etc. Me han dicho que tengo que esperar a que lo cambien cuando por correo ya me lo pidieron. COnsidero que lo que me esta haciendo Adoniobet es un claro sintoma de desgaste psicologico. Ellos te piden documentos pero su plataforma anda mal. No estaria bien que me aceptaran los documentos por correo electronico? ya que su plataforma anda mal. No me anduvo la seccion deportes, no me anda la pestaña verificacion pero ellos no aprueban mi pago sin esos documentos. Entonces como hago? no anda su sitio y no se manejan por correo.
Cabe aclarar que muchsiimas veces cuando intento hablar con ellos por chat, me cierran la session imposibilitandome de seguir mas de 5 minutos la charla. Y debo volver a iniciar el reclamo con otro agente distinto teniendole que volver a expicar todo. Es un desgaste mental enorme y todo por 112 dolares. Una pena, son estafadores? Porque desde que me registre hace mas de 20 dias lo unico que tengo son problemas
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