Igrač iz Njemačke ima poteškoća s povlačenjem svog dobitka zbog navodnog samoisključivanja u sestrinskom kasinu.
Upisao sam se u kazino i osvojio skoro 2500 €. Kad se isplata trebala obraditi, primio sam e -poruku da sam zbog zabrane kockanja zabranjen na web lokacijama partnera. Stoga će svi dobici biti poništeni. Nevjerojatno je da partnerske web stranice koje sam registrirao prije nekoliko dana i koje sam samo izgubio nisu dale nikakve informacije o tome. Odnosno, ti se gubici ne nadoknađuju? Ali profit nije moguć? Iako mi je zabranjeno desetak okretaja, burnbet i regalscasino? Molim vas pomozite mi da zaustavim te lopove i upozorite druge igrače. Snimke ekrana priložene.
Nikad prije nisam bio registriran na allreel -ima!
I signed up at the casino and won almost € 2500. When the payout was about to be processed, I received an email that I had been banned from partner sites due to gambling addiction. Therefore, all winnings will be canceled. It is unbelievable that the partner sites that I registered with days ago and only lost did not give any information about it. Ie these losses are not reimbursed? But profits are not possible? Even though I'm banned from dozenspins, burningbet and regalscasino? Please help me stop these crooks and warn other players. Screenshots attached.
I was never registered with allreels before!
Bei dem Casino habe ich mich angemeldet und fast 2500€ gewonnen. Als die Auszahlung durchgeführt werden sollte bekam ich eine Email, dass ich auf Partnerseiten wegen Spielsucht gesperrt sei. Daher werden alle Gewinne storniert. Unglaublich ist, dass die Partnerseiten, bei denen ich mich vor Tagen registriert habe und nur verlor, keine Info darüber gegeben haben. D.h. diese Verluste werden nicht erstattet? Gewinne sind aber nicht möglich? Obwohl ich bei dozenspins, burningbet und regalscasino gesperrt bin? Bitte helft mir diese Gauner zu stoppen und andere Spieler zu warnen. Screenshots anbei.
Bei allreels war ich vorher noch nie registriert!
Dragi Stefane,
Hvala vam puno što ste podnijeli svoju žalbu. Žao mi je što čujem o vašem problemu. Dozvolite mi da vam postavim nekoliko pitanja kako bih u potpunosti razumio cijelu situaciju. Jeste li ikada tražili zatvaranje vašeg računa ili predložili problem s kockanjem prilikom komunikacije s kockarnicom? Možete li molim vas savjetovati jeste li se sami isključili iz bilo kojeg drugog kazina u prošlosti?
Ako postoji relevantna komunikacija, proslijedite je na petronela.k@casino.guru .
Nadam se da ćemo vam pomoći da riješite ovaj problem što je prije moguće. Hvala vam unaprijed na odgovoru.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear Stefan,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint. I’m sorry to hear about your problem. Please allow me to ask you a few questions, so I can understand the whole situation completely. Have you ever requested your account to be closed or suggested a gambling problem when communicating with the casino? Could you please advise if you have self-excluded yourself from any other casino in the past?
If there’s any relevant communication, please forward it to petronela.k@casino.guru.
I hope we will be able to help you to resolve this issue as soon as possible. Thank you in advance for your reply.
Best regards,
Nikada se nisam blokirao od allreel -a! Račun je bio otvoren, deponovao sam i pošteno osvojio. Nisam ranije bila tamo registrovana. Provajder je sam zatvorio račun i otkazao sve dobitke. Kockarnica ne odgovara na bilo koju moju daljnju e -poštu. Poslao sam e-poštu kao snimak ekrana.
U Burbetbetu, partnerskom kockarnici, ja sam bio blokiran prije mnogo godina i prije nekoliko dana otvorio sam novi račun s potpuno istim podacima. Kasino je pozdravio gubitke od 1000 €. Nisam vratio novac.
Ne znam da ne smijem igrati u drugom kazinu gdje nisam ni znao da pripadaju zajedno. Da sam izgubio, sigurno bih volio nastaviti igrati.
I never blocked myself from allreels! The account was open, I deposited and won fairly. I wasn't registered there before. The provider closed the account himself and canceled all winnings. The casino does not respond to any of my further emails. I sent the e-mail as a screenshot.
At burningbet, a partner casino, I had myself blocked years ago and opened a new account with exactly the same data a few days ago. The casino welcomed the losses of € 1000. I didn't get the money back.
I don't know that I'm not allowed to play at another casino where I didn't even know that they belonged together. If I had lost, I would certainly have liked to keep playing.
Bei allreels habe ich mich nie gesperrt! Das Konto war offen, ich habe eingezahlt und fair gewonnen. Ich war dort vorher noch nicht registriert. Das Konto hat der Anbieter selbst geschlossen und alle Gewinne storniert. Auf keine meiner weiteren E-Mails reagiert das Casino. E-mail habe ich als Screenshot gesendet.
Bei burningbet, einem Partnercasino, habe ich mich vor Jahren sperren lassen und vor wenigen Tagen ein neues Konto mit exakt den gleichen Daten eröffnet. Die Verluste von 1000€ waren für das Casino völlig gerne gesehen. Das Geld habe ich nicht zurück erhalten.
Das ich nun bei einem anderen Casino, bei dem ich nicht einmal wusste das die zusammengehören, nicht spielen darf kann ich nicht wissen. Bei Verlusten hätte ich ganz sicher gerne weiter spielen können.
Samo još jedno pojašnjenje: upravo sam se registrirao kod partnera Regals Casino i Burningbet i samo sam izgubio. 1000 € svaki. Kasino se nije žalio i nije vratio ništa.
Sa allreel -ovima, gdje ranije nisam bio registriran, blokirate li račun neovisno nakon što sam osvojio i kada sam blokiran u partnerskom kockarnici? Odjednom nadoknađujete oklade? U druga dva kazina, naravno, uzimaju moje gubitke sa sobom i ništa mi ne nadoknađuju? Očigledno, morate hitno upozoriti protiv provajdera!
Just one more time to clarify: I have just registered with the partners Regals Casino and Burningbet and only lost. 1000 € each. The casino didn't complain and didn't refund anything.
With allreels, where I was not registered before, do you block the account independently after I have won and am blocked at a partner casino? Do you suddenly reimburse the bets? At the other two casinos, of course, they take my losses with them and don't reimburse anything? Obviously, you have to urgently warn against the provider!
Nur noch einmal zur Verdeutlichung: Bei den Partnern Regals Casino und burningbet habe ich mich neu angemeldet und nur verloren. Jeweils 1000€. Da hat sich das Casino nicht beschwert und auch nichts erstattet.
Bei allreels, wo ich vorher nicht registriert war, sperrt man selbstständig das Konto nachdem ich gewonnen habe und bei einem Partnercasino gesperrt bin? Da erstattet man plötzlich die Einsätze? Bei den anderen beiden Casinos nimmt man aber selbstverständlich meine Verluste mit und erstattet nichts? Vor dem Anbieter muss man offensichtlich dringend warnen!
Dragi Stefane,
Možete li proslijediti bilo koju relevantnu komunikaciju između vas i All Reels Casina na petronela.k@casino.guru ? Hvala vam puno unaprijed.
Dear Stefan,
Could you please forward any relevant communication between you and All Reels Casino to petronela.k@casino.guru? Thank you very much in advance.
Neke e -poruke su poslane i proslijeđene. Nažalost, allreels mi uopće ne odgovara.
Iz slabih razloga ne želite platiti profit. Nepouzdano!
Some emails sent and forwarded. Unfortunately, allreels doesn't answer me at all.
For flimsy reasons, you don't want to pay a profit. Untrustworthy!
Einige E-Mails gesendet und weitergeleitet. Leider antwortet mir allreels gar nicht.
Aus fadenscheinigen Gründen will man einen Gewinn nicht zahlen. Unseriös!
Hvala, Stefane, na prosleđenom e -mailu. Možete li savjetovati da li ste se ikad isključili iz bilo kojeg od sljedećih kockarnica: https://validator.antillephone.com/
Thank you, Stefan, for the forwarded email. Could you please advise if you have ever self-excluded yourself from any of the following casinos https://validator.antillephone.com/validate?domain=allreels.com&seal_id=abed2a2ffaf5a546923a58344c012405b56b80c90daa90eae7fd4bcc140cbf63319d1070b64921e5167243626b004510&stamp=a7fdf7fdfd5ef2dc2b2a2589868acdf1:
Sagorevanjem i stelariom isključio sam se. Mislim da i predavač vrti. Naravno, ne mogu znati da ova kockarnice pripadaju zajedno. Ludo je to što mi kradu profit zbog toga. Prošlog vikenda sam se registrovao na burnbet, izgubio 1000 €, a zatim zatvorio račun. Novac mi nije nadoknađen, iako su mi računi kod partnera kao što je stelario već bili zatvoreni zbog ovisnosti o kockanju. Očigledno, kazino reagira samo ako korisnici pobijede. Mogu izgubiti ... nevjerovatno. Upravo sam poslao stelario snimak ekrana svog računa koji je zatvoren zbog ovisnosti o kockanju. Ako je zarada već ukradena, morali bi barem nadoknaditi gubitke od spaljivanja uloga i plaćanja allreels -a. Umjesto toga, pružatelj usluga krade profit i ne nadoknađuje ništa. Pažljivo razmislite ne biste li ovdje bolje podržali. U suprotnom se više neću registrirati koristeći veze na vašoj web stranici kako bih bio ukraden od takvih sumnjivih pružatelja usluga. Neplaćanje zbog tako slabih izgovora zaista je vrhunac onoga što sam do sada iskusio.
With burningbet and stelario I excluded myself. I think lecturer spins too. Of course, I cannot know that these casinos belong together. That they steal my profits because of that is crazy. I registered with burningbet last weekend, lost 1000 € and then closed the account. I was not reimbursed for the money, although my accounts with the partner like stelario had already been closed due to gambling addiction. Obviously, the casino only reacts if users win. They can lose ... unbelievable. I have just sent a stelario screenshot of my account, which was closed due to gambling addiction. If the profits are already stolen, they would at least have to reimburse the losses from burningbet and the payment of allreels. Instead, the provider steals the profits and does not reimburse anything. Please consider carefully whether you would not support better here. Otherwise I will no longer register using the links on your site in order to be stolen from such dubious providers. Not paying out because of such flimsy excuses is really the peak of what I have experienced so far.
Bei burningbet und stelario habe ich mich ausgeschlossen. Dozenspins glaube ich auch. Selbstverständlich kann ich nicht wissen, dass diese Casinos zusammengehören. Das man mir deswegen die Gewinne klaut ist ja irre. Bei burningbet habe ich mich am letzten Wochenende registriert, 1000€ verloren und dann das Konto geschlossen. Das Geld hat man mir nicht erstattet, obwohl meine Konten bei dem Partnern wie stelario bereits vorher wegen Spielsucht geschlossen waren. Offensichtlich ist es also so, dass das Casino nur reagiert, falls Nutzer gewinnen. Verlieren dürfen sie... unglaublich. Ein stelario Screenshot meines wegen Spielsucht geschlossenem Kontos habe ich gerade gesendet. Die müssten, wenn die Gewinne schon geklaut werden, doch zumindest die Verluste von burningbet erstatten und die Einzahlung von allreels. Stattdessen klaut der Anbieter die Gewinne und erstattet gar nichts. Überlegt euch bitte gut, ob ihr hier nicht besser unterstützt. Ansonsten werde ich mich nicht mehr weiter über die Links auf eurer Seite registrieren um mich von so unseriösen Anbietern beklauen zu lassen. Wegen so fadenscheiniger ausreden nicht auszuzahlen ist echt der Gipfel von dem was ich bislang so erlebt habe.
Ovaj je post Casino Guru učinio privatnim. Sadrži osetljive informacije koje treba da vide samo strane uključene u prigovor.
Usput, nisu mi čak ni nadoknadili današnji ulog. Svaki email ostaje bez odgovora. Pogotovo jer se još uvijek pitam kako bih mogao saznati da goruća opklada i allreels pripadaju zajedno. Uz burnbet izgubio sam mnogo iznosa, a ni oni mi to ne nadoknađuju. I sada, s malim profitom, još ga pakujete? Očekujem vašu pomoć, u protivnom se više ne mogu registrirati kod takvih provajdera koristeći ovdje navedene veze.
Incidentally, they didn't even reimburse me for my stakes today. Every email remains unanswered. Especially since I am still wondering how I should find out that burningbet and allreels belong together. With burningbet I lost a lot of sums and they don't reimburse that either. And now, with a small profit, do you still bag it? I expect your help, otherwise I can no longer register with such providers using the links here.
Man hat mir übrigens von s heute nicht einmal die Einsätze erstattet. Jede Email bleibt unbeantwortet. Zumal ich mich immer noch Frage, wie ich mitkriegen soll, dass burningbet und allreels zusammengehören. Bei burningbet habe ich Höhe Summen verloren und das erstattet man doch auch nicht. Und nun, bei einem kleinen Gewinn, sackt man diesen auch noch ein? Da erwarte ich ihre Hilfe, ansonsten kann ich mich über die Links hier nicht weiter bei solchen Anbietern anmelden.
Pogotovo što je provajder već znao moju ovisnost iz stelario, Regals Casina i Burningbetta. Tada je mogao zatvoriti račun, ali nije jer sam samo izgubio. To se moglo dogoditi sa allreel -ovima - pa bi, naravno, bilo bolje ostaviti ga otvorenim. Zaista je vrijeme za blokiranje tako loših i lažnih pružatelja usluga! Sada ne bih trebao primati poštene dobitke ... nevjerovatno
Especially since the provider already knew my addiction from stelario, Regals Casino and burningbet. Then he could have closed the account, but he didn't because I only lost there. That could have happened with allreels - so of course it would be better to leave it open. It really is time to block such bad and fraudulent providers! I am now not supposed to receive fair winnings ... unbelievable
Zumal der Anbieter meine Sucht bereits von stelario, Regals Casino und burningbet kannte. Dann hätte er das Konto schließen können, hat er aber nicht, da ich dort ausschließlich verloren habe. Das hatte bei allreels ja auch noch passieren können - daher bleibt das natürlich lieber offen. Es wird wirklich Zeit so dermaßen schlechte und betrügerische Anbieter zu sperren! Ich soll nun fair erspielte Gewinne nicht erhalten... unglaublich
Zdravo Stefane.
Apsolutno cijenim što ste svoja iskustva podijelili s Casino Guru timom. Sada ćemo pokušati stupiti u kontakt sa kasinom.
Hello Stefan.
I absolutely appreciate that you shared your experiences with the Casino Guru team. We will now try to get in touch with the casino.
Zdravo Jozef,
U nastavku ćemo detaljno opisati sve točke o igraču nakon detaljne provjere s našim partnerima.
Prvi račun igrača SPORTWETTE2 registriran je 26.03.2021 godine i zatvoren je zbog ovisnosti o igrama na zahtjev igrača na projektu burningbet.
Nakon 11.09.2021 igrač kreira na projektu allreels prijavu SPORTWETTE2, s ostalim ličnim podacima, kao i telefonskim brojem, e-poštom, adresom itd.
Takođe 12.09.2021 igrač stvara prijavu SPORTWETTER2 na projektu burnbet, opet sa odličnim podacima o registraciji.
Dana 12.09.2021. Godine igrač SPORTWETTER2 na projektu burningbet zatražio je da zatvori svoj račun jer je ovisan o igrama. Račun je zatvoren u roku od 24 sata prema pravilima.
Ovi podaci su dostavljeni partnerima da provjere da li su zatvorili njegov račun jer ima problema sa zavisnošću od igara.
Budući da je igrač prilikom registracije svuda unosio različite podatke, pokušavajući sve zavesti, dodijeljeno je vrijeme za pronalaženje Odjela za rizike igrača.
2021-09-13 u 08:18 Odjel za rizike pronašao je igrača sa sličnim podacima i ukinut je prema pravilima projekta zbog "ovisnosti o igrama".
U međuvremenu je igrač uplatio depozit 2021-09-13 u 06:30 u iznosu od 100eur.
U skladu s tim, igrač je blokiran zbog ovisnosti o kockanju, a svi njegovi dobici poništeni su prema propisima projekta.
U ovoj situaciji, Odjel za rizike proveo je potpunu provjeru, igrač je bio zatvoren na svim partnerskim projektima.
No, budući da je igrač svugdje naznačio različite osobne podatke u najkraćem vremenu, zatvoriti ih na svim projektima nije bilo moguće. No, na temelju ove situacije, igrač je na taj način pokušao obmanuti sve projekte, čime je sebi pribavio korist kršeći pravila projekta za koja jamči da će prilikom registracije navesti samo valjane podatke.
Ipak, igrač na svim projektima je zatvoren u roku od 24 sata prema našim projektnim pravilima.
Štaviše, igrač je zanemario pravila projekta, naime:
Takođe, prema pravilima projekta, igrač je dužan da ne otvara novi račun. Casino nije odgovoran za otvaranje novog računa i sve gubitke koje možete imati nakon otvaranja novog računa. Zadržavamo pravo u bilo kojem trenutku zatvoriti bilo koji račun koji je kreiran kršenjem ovih pravila.
Igrač je prevarant koji pokušava zavarati svaki projekt, a i vas, nažalost.
Ako je potrebno, dat ćemo sve podatke igračima, kao i lične podatke na zahtjev tijela za izdavanje dozvola u potvrdu da je igrač svugdje ukazivao na lažne podatke u pokušaju da zaobiđe naš sistem blokiranja igrača sa zavisnošću od kockanja.
Hello Jozef,
Below we will describe in detail all the points about the player after a detailed check with our partners.
The first account of SPORTWETTE2 player was registered on 26.03.2021 and was closed because of gaming addiction at the request of the player on the project burningbet.
After 11.09.2021 player creates on the project allreels login SPORTWETTE2, with other personal data as well as phone number, e-mail, address, etc.
Also on 12.09.2021 the player creates a login SPORTWETTER2 on the project burningbet, again with excellent registration data.
On 12.09.2021 the player SPORTWETTER2 on the project burningbet asked to close his account since he is gaming addiction. The account is closed within 24 hours according to the rules.
This data was provided to the partners to check on their part end close his account since he is gaming addiction problems.
Since the player entered different data everywhere when registering, trying to mislead everyone, time was allocated to find the player Risk Department.
2021-09-13 at 08:18 a.m. The Risk Department found a player with similar data and was shut down according to project regulations due to "game addiction".
Meanwhile, the player made a deposit 2021-09-13 at 06:30 in the amount of 100eur.
Accordingly, the player was blocked due to gambling addiction, and all his winnings were canceled according to the regulations of the project.
In this situation, the Risk Department conducted a full check, the player was closed on all partner projects.
But since the player indicated everywhere different personal data in the shortest time to close it on all projects was not possible. But based on this situation, the player thus tried to mislead all projects, thereby obtaining benefits for himself by violating the rules of the project that he guarantees to indicate only valid data at registration.
Nevertheless, the player on all projects was closed within 24 hours according to our project rules.
Moreover, the player disregarded the rules of the project, namely:
Also according to the rules of the project, the player is obliged not to open a new account. The Casino is not responsible for you opening a new account and any losses you may incur after opening a new account. We reserve the right to close any account that has been created in violation of these rules at any time.
The player is a scammer who tries to mislead every project and you also, unfortunately.
If necessary, we will provide all data to players, as well as personal data at the request of the licensing authority in confirmation that the player everywhere indicated false data in an attempt to circumvent our system of blocking players with a gambling addiction.
Navedena je samo druga adresa e -pošte, svi ostali podaci bili bi potpuno isti. Bio sam dugo zabranjen na stelario zbog ovisnosti o kockanju, ali mogao sam otvoriti novi račun sa burnbet -om. Činjenica da bih već trebao imati račun na allreelima za mene je potpuno nova. Voljeli ste svuda nositi moje gubitke, ali očito profit nije dobrodošao! Nije uzalud očito da vam je potreban samo novi e-mail da biste se ponovo mogli igrati s potpuno istim podacima. Isplatite dobitak, sve gubitke ste ponijeli sa sobom. Gubici su bili daleko veći. Nisi čak ni nadoknadio ulog - to sve govori.
Vidim dvije mogućnosti za pravično rješavanje slučaja.
1) isplaćujete moje dobitke
2) nadoknađujete moje opklade od burnbet -a i allreel -a
Alternativno, vi ste prevarant jer je namjerno dopuštena nova registracija s drugom adresom e -pošte. Svi ostali lični podaci bili su isti. Ili si to lažirao.
Ako ne krenete u to, Casinoguru će, nadamo se, drastično smanjiti vaš rejting kako bi upozorio druge!
Only a different email address was given, all other data would be exactly the same. I was banned from stelario for a long time because of gambling addiction, but I could open a new account with burningbet. The fact that I should already have an account with allreels is completely new to me. You have liked to bag my losses everywhere, but profits are apparently not welcomed! It is not for nothing that you obviously only need a new e-mail to be able to play with the exact same data again. Pay out the winnings, you have taken all losses with you. The losses were far higher. You didn't even reimburse the stake - that says it all.
I see two options to resolve the case fairly.
1) you pay out my winnings
2) you reimburse my bets from burningbet and allreels
Alternatively, you are the fraudster, because a new registration with a different email is deliberately allowed. All other personal information was the same. Or you faked that.
If you don't go into that, Casinoguru will hopefully lower your rating drastically to warn others!
Es wurde nur eine andere Email Adresse angegeben, alle anderen Daten wären exakt gleich. Bei stelario war ich längst wegen Spielsucht gesperrt, könnte aber bei burningbet ein neues Konto eröffnen. Das ich bei allreels bereits ein Konto haben soll ist völlig neu für mich. Ihr habt überall meine Verluste gerne eingesackt, Gewinne sind aber scheinbar nicht gerne gesehen! Nicht umsonst benötigt man offensichtlich nur eine neue E-Mail um bei euch mit den exakt gleichen Daten wieder spielen zu können. Zahlt die Gewinne aus, alle Verluste habt ihr auch mitgenommen. Die Verluste waren weit höher. Ihr habt nicht einmal den Einsatz erstattet - das sagt doch alles.
Ich sehe zwei Möglichkeiten den Fall fair zu lösen.
1) ihr zahlt meine Gewinne aus
2) ihr erstattet meine Einsätze von burningbet und allreels
Alternativ seid ihr die Betrüger, denn eine Neuregistrierung mit anderer Email wird bewusst erlaubt. Alle anderen persönlichen Daten waren gleich. Oder ihr habt das gefakt.
Solltet ihr darauf nicht eingehen wird Casinoguru eure Bewertung hoffentlich drastisch senken, um andere zu warnen!
Koliko je ovaj provajder upitan pokazuje činjenica da čak ni ulozi nisu nadoknađeni, iako je to objavljeno putem e -pošte. Varalica je allreels casino. Nisam čak ni igrao bonus ni u jednom trenutku. Upozorite druge na ovaj očigledno pohlepni casino muljaža i drastično smanjite rejting!
Kao što pokazuje moja žalba na Regals Casino, koji pripada istom pružatelju usluga, davatelj namjerno nije odgovorio na moj zahtjev za samoodbacivanjem, tako da gubim više. Kasino ne odgovara na ovu otvorenu žalbu u Casinoguruu, jer je svjestan da ste postupili pogrešno. Čini se da jednostavno ne želite vratiti novac jer ste izuzetno pohlepni i moguće je više registracija čim unesete novu adresu e -pošte.
How questionable this provider is is shown by the fact that even the stakes were not reimbursed, although this was announced by email. The cheater is allreels casino. I haven't even played a bonus at any time. Please warn others about this obviously greedy scam casino and drastically lower the rating!
As my complaint about Regals Casino, which belongs to the same provider, shows, the provider deliberately did not answer my request for self-rejection so that I lose more. The casino does not respond to this open complaint at Casinoguru, as it is aware that you have acted wrongly. You just don't seem to want to reimburse any money because you are extremely greedy and multiple registrations are possible as soon as you enter a new email address.
Wie fragwürdig dieser Anbieter ist zeigt sich schon alleine dadurch, dass selbst die Einsätze nicht erstattet wurden, obwohl dies per Email angekündigt wurde. Der Betrüger ist allreels Casino. Ich habe noch nicht einmal zu irgendeiner Zeit einen Bonus gespielt. Bitte warnt andere vor diesem offensichtlich gierigen Scam Casino und senkt die Bewertung drastisch!
Wie meine Beschwerde über Regals Casino, dass dem gleichen Anbieter gehört zeigt, hat der Anbieter hier bewusst meine Anfrage nach Selbstausschuss nicht beantwortet, damit ich mehr verliere. Auf diese bei Casinoguru offene Beschwerde antwortet das Casino nicht, da es sich bewusst ist, dass sie hier unrecht gehandelt haben. Man will nur scheinbar kein Geld erstatten, da man überaus gierig ist und Mehrfachanmeldungen möglich sind, sobald man eine neue E-Mail Adresse angibt.
Dragi AllReels Casino tim.
Hvala vam na saradnji u ovom slučaju. Molim vas, možete li sve navedene podatke proslijediti na moju adresu e -pošte (jozef.k@casino.guru)?
Dear AllReels Casino team.
Thank you for your cooperation in this case. Please, could you forward all the mentioned data to my email address (jozef.k@casino.guru)?
A onda rado pošaljite podatke svih sestrinskih kockarnica u Casinoguru. Uvijek sam se registrirao s istim podacima i promijenio najviše e -adresu.
Kao što sam rekao, kasino nije vratio ni uloge, uprkos najavi da im je novac vraćen za nekoliko dana. Prošle su sedmice. Očigledno tačno?
Zabilježen sam sa oba e -maila na svim crnim listama. Argumenti su jednostavno podebljani.
And then gladly send the data of all sister casinos to Casinoguru. I always registered with the same data and changed the email address at most.
As I said, the casino didn't even refund the stakes, despite the announcement that they were refunded in a few days. It's been weeks. Obviously right?
I am noted with both emails in all blacklists. The arguments are just plain bold.
Und dann gerne die Daten aller Schwester-Casinos auch an Casinoguru senden. Ich habe mich immer mit den gleichen Daten angemeldet und maximal die Email Adresse geändert.
Wie gesagt, das Casino hat nicht einmal die Einsätze erstattet, trotz Ankündigung diese wurden in ein paar Tagen erstattet. Ist Wochen her. Offensichtlich, oder?
In allen Sperrlisten bin ich mit beiden E-Mails vermerkt. Die Argumente sind einfach nur dreist.
Zdravo Jozef,
Sve potrebne informacije poslane su vam e -poštom na adresu jozef.k@casino.guru.
Neki podaci su povjerljivi iz sigurnosnih razloga. Ali bit će vam dovoljno da se uvjerite da smo u pravu i da smo sve radili prema propisima.
Hello Jozef,
All necessary information has been emailed to you at jozef.k@casino.guru.
Some information is classified for security reasons. But it will be enough for you to be convinced that we are right and that everything was done by us according to the regulations.
Uvijek je legalno brisati dobitak od igrača jer su oni registrirani kao ovisnici u sestrinskom kasinu. I potpuno je u redu čak ni nadoknaditi uloge uprkos najavi. Srećom, svaki mogući novi kupac čita ovo ovdje!
It is always legal to delete winnings from players because they are registered as addicts at a sister casino. And it is completely ok not even to reimburse the stakes despite the announcement. Fortunately, every possible new customer reads this here!
Es ist immer vorschriftsmässig Gewinne von Spielern zu löschen, weil sie bei einem Schwestercasinos Spielsüchtig gemeldet sind. Und es ist auch völlig ok, trotz Ankündigung nicht einmal die Einsätze zu erstatten. Das liest hier zum Glück jeder mögliche Neukunde mit!
Čak i nakon mnogo više dana, kazino nije vratio novac čak ni unatoč najavi. Navodno bi ih trebalo nadoknaditi prije više od sedmicu dana. Casinoguru je takođe primio e -poštu
Even after many more days, the casino has not even refunded the stakes, despite the announcement. These should allegedly be reimbursed well over a week ago. Casinoguru has also received the email
Auch nach vielen weiteren Tagen hat das Casino, trotz Ankündigung, noch nicht einmal die Einsätze erstattet. Diese sollten angeblich schon vor weit über einer Woche erstattet werden. Die E-Mail liegt Casinoguru ebenfalls vor
Uprkos najavi putem e -pošte, čak mi nisu ni nadoknađeni ulozi. To jasno pokazuje kako se ovaj provajder ponaša. Pohlepa bez kraja. Nikada nisam tražio nikakve bonuse i ni na koji način nisam varao. Pazite da ovom korisniku ne padnu novi korisnici.
Despite the announcement by email, I was not even reimbursed for the stakes. That clearly shows how this provider acts. Greed without end. I have never claimed any bonuses and in no way have I cheated. Please make sure that no new users fall for this provider.
Trotz Ankündigung per Email wurden mir nicht einmal die Einsätze erstattet. Das zeigt doch eindeutig, wie dieser Anbieter agiert. Gier ohne Ende. Ich habe nie Boni beansprucht und habe keinesfalls betrogen. Bitte sorgt dafür, dass keine neuen Nutzer auf diesen Anbieter hereinfallen.
Ovaj je post Casino Guru učinio privatnim. Sadrži osetljive informacije koje treba da vide samo strane uključene u prigovor.
Dragi Stefane.
Žao mi je zbog situacije, ali primoran sam odbiti vaš slučaj. Na osnovu dokaza koje je dostavio tim kasina, jasno je da ste pokušali zaobići zaštitu i registrirati se (drugačija e -pošta, broj telefona, dodano prezime u ime, broj adrese koja nedostaje, promjena velikih slova). Stoga vjerujemo da niste dužni primiti povrat novca.
Budući da imate više pritužbi na sličnu temu (plus ima i onih gdje je tema sasvim drugačija), preporučujem vam da pogledate naš članak o odgovornom kockanju i toplo vam preporučujem da se suzdržite od igranja u bilo kojem online kockarnici.
Ako se ne slažete s našom odlukom, možete pokušati kontaktirati tijelo za licenciranje kazina. Mogu vam pomoći u tome, iako sam uvjeren da bi i njihovo mišljenje bilo isto.
Srdačan pozdrav, Jozef
Dear Stefan.
I am very sorry about the situation, but I am forced to reject your case. On the evidence provided by the casino team, it is clear that you were trying to bypass the protection and register (different email, phone number, added surname into the first name, missing address number, change in capitals). Therefore, we believe you are not obliged to receive the refund.
Since you have multiple complaints about similar topic (plus there are ones where the topic is quite different), I recommend you to check our article about responsible gambling and I highly recommend you refrain from playing in any online casino.
If you do not agree with our decision, you can try to contact the licensing authority of the casino. I can help you with it, although I am convinced that their opinion would be the same.
Best regards, Jozef
Besplatni profesionalni edukativni kursevi za zaposlene u online kazinima usmereni na najbolje prakse u industriji, poboljšanje iskustva igrača i pošten pristup kockanju.
Inicijativu koju smo pokrenuli s ciljem stvaranja globalnog sistema samoisključenja, koji će omogućiti ranjivim igračima da blokiraju pristup svim mogućnostima online kockanja.
Casino.guru je nezavistan izvor informacija o online kazinima i online kazino igrama, i nije kontrolisan od strane bilo kojeg operatora igara ili bilo koje druge institucije. Sve naše recenzije i vodiči su kreirani iskreno, u skladu sa najboljim znanjem i rasuđivanjem naših članova iz ekspertskog tima; ipak ovaj sadržaj je napravljen u informativne svrhe i ne bi smeo i trebao da se tumači kao pravni savet. Bitno je da uvek ispunite sve regulatorne zahteve pre nego počnete igrati u određenom kazinu.
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