Dragi De_sasterous,
Hvala vam što ste nam skrenuli pažnju na ovu stvar. Duboko žalimo zbog neprijatnosti izazvane uklanjanjem ograničenja depozita, a koje je rezultat greške jednog od naših agenata za podršku. Ova greška nije bila namerna, a agent je od tada dobio instrukcije o odgovarajućim procedurama za sprečavanje takvih problema u budućnosti.
Nakon pregleda vašeg slučaja, relevantno odeljenje je izračunalo da iznos refundiranja, s obzirom na vaše dobitke pošto je ograničenje trebalo da postoji, iznosi 2.751 AUD. Ovaj iznos su vam već saopštili naši stručnjaci.
Što se tiče vaše zabrinutosti u vezi sa komunikacijom, takođe smo pregledali vaše interakcije sa vašim VIP menadžerom i otkrili da je vaš nalog zatvoren na vaš zahtev. Pored toga, vaš VIP menadžer je odgovorio na vaše upite, uključujući pružanje detalja o procesu refundiranja.
Cenimo vaše povratne informacije i takve stvari shvatamo veoma ozbiljno. Molimo Vas da primite naše iskreno izvinjenje zbog ove situacije. Aktivno radimo na proceduri refundiranja za navedeni iznos, a naš tim će vas obaveštavati tokom celog procesa.
Ako imate dodatnih pitanja, rado ćemo vam pomoći.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Asino Casino
Dear De_sasterous,
Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention. We deeply regret the inconvenience caused by the removal of your deposit limit, which resulted from an error made by one of our support agents. This mistake was not intentional, and the agent has since been instructed on the proper procedures to prevent such issues in the future.
After reviewing your case, the relevant department calculated that the refund amount, considering your winnings since the limit should have been in place, totals 2,751 AUD. This amount has already been communicated to you by our specialists.
Regarding your concern about communication, we have also reviewed your interactions with your VIP Manager and found that your account was closed upon your request. Additionally, your VIP Manager responded to your inquiries, including providing details about the refund process.
We value your feedback and take such matters very seriously. Please accept our sincere apologies for this situation. We are actively working on the refund procedure for the specified amount, and our team will keep you updated throughout the process.
If you have any further questions, we will be happy to assist you.
Best regards,
Asino Casino
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