Poštovana gospođo/gospodine,
Prijateljski želim da vas zamolim za pomoć zbog mog problema:
Otvorio sam nalog u bambetu 22. aprila 2022. (Old_Account_Opening.pdf) i verifikovao sam ga 27. aprila 2022. (Verification_Account1_original/translated.pdf)
15. maja 2022. trajno sam zatvorio nalog zbog mojih problema sa kockanjem (Closing_Account1.pdf).
Još uvek imam teške probleme sa kockanjem, pa sam otvorio novi nalog (Nev_Account.pdf) 25. januara 2024.
Nisam dobio informaciju o dvostrukom nalogu.
Zatim sam započeo verifikaciju i ona je prihvaćena.(Nev_Account_Verification.pdf).
Koristio sam potpuno istu ličnu kartu kao i prvu verifikaciju. (priložena poleđina moje lične karte)
Nisam se preselio na drugu adresu, i dalje živim na istoj adresi od 2018.
Tako mi je žao, ali nisam znao koja je ovo vrsta zaštite igrača. :-(
Možete li mi, molim vas, pomoći da vratim izgubljeni novac i da zauvek zatvore moj nalog/ličnu kartu?
Ako to urade sa svakom osobom koja ima problem sa kockanjem, to je veoma tužno.
Priložene sve transakcije:
Depoziti: 2.490€
isplate: 1327,40€
Razlika: 1.162,60€
Hvala vam puno na pomoći.
Srdačan pozdrav
Dear Madam/Sir,
I friendly want to ask you for help cause of my problem:
I opened a account at bambet on the 22th April 2022.(Old_Account_Opening.pdf) and verificated it at the 27th April 2022(Verification_Account1_original/translated.pdf)
On the 15th May 2022 I closed the account permanently cause of my gambling issues(Closing_Account1.pdf).
I've got still hard gambling issues, so I have opened a new account(New_Account.pdf) at the 25th Jan 2024.
I didn't get the information about a double account.
Then I started the verification and it was accepted.(New_Account_Verification.pdf).
I've used exactly the same ID-Card as the first verification.(attached the backside of my ID-Card)
I didn't moved to another adress, still living at the same adress since 2018.
I'm so sorry, but I didn't know what type of player protection this is. :-(
Can you please help me to get my lost money back and that they close my account/my ID forever?
If they do this with every person which has gambling issus, this is very sad.
Attached all transactions:
Deposits: 2.490€
withdrawals: 1327,40€
Difference: 1.162,60€
Thank you very much for helping.
Best regards
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