Dana 24. septembra 2023. deponovao sam 776,16 dolara u BC Casino, kazino je uporedio moj depozit sa 776,16 dolara. pogledajte prilog 1. (Podsećamo vas da je veb lokacija nedavno prošla kroz 8-časovnu nadogradnju/održavanje.)
Pročitao sam uslove i odredbe bonusa na depozit, 40Ks opklade koja iznosi 31040 dolara. Pogledajte prilog br. 2 i 3, odredbe i uslovi postavljeni za bonus na depozit i ja uključujem bonus bez depozita jer je tu zabuna.
Bonus je takođe imao određenu igru koju ste smeli da igrate, pogledajte prilog 4.
Posle sati i sati igranja, mnogo uspona i padova, uspeo sam da sakupim blizu 9k, opklada nije obavljena, na kraju je opklada zadovoljena i ostao sam sa 7k.
Pogledajte prilog 5 gde je prikazan iznos uloženog opklada plus bonus je sada otključan i dozvoljen za povlačenje.
Nastavio sam da igram, osvojio ruku oko $350, pogledao stanje, tada sam primetio da se moj balans u igri promenio, ukupan bilans je pokazao $368.45. vidi prilog 6 i 7
Otišao sam u svoju istoriju i primetio da se moj otključani bonus pretvorio na nulu i da su dodali 100 dolara na moj saldo. Pogledajte prilog 6 i 7. Celokupna sesija klađenja ima preko 50 stranica, pa sam uključio stranicu gde je relevantna.
Odmah sam otišao na podršku uživo i nakon što sam obično čekao preko 45 minuta, predstavnik broj 1 je rekao da je greška u sistemu i tehnički tim radi na tome. Pogledajte prilog 8.
Počeo sam da pregledam uslove korišćenja usluge i video sam da su dobici u bonusu bez depozita ograničeni na 100 dolara, shvatio sam da je tu greška. Nakon što sam čekao još 3 sata, došao sam do drugog predstavnika koji je rekao da je tim svestan i da radi na tome. pogledajte prilog 9. U ovom trenutku, nastavio sam sa preostalim stanjem od 360 dolara jer nije bilo ništa drugo osim čekanja.
Posle 6 sati, obratio sam se predstavniku br. 3, rekla je da nam date 24 sata (pogledajte prilog 10)
Iako je podrška uživo tvrdila da je odgovorila manje od 5 minuta, imam snimak ekrana proteklog vremena, najraniji odgovor je bio 45 minuta, a neki su prošli i tri sata bez ikakvog odgovora.
Predstavnik broj 4 mi je rekao da se radi o tome. Odlučio sam da dam više sati.
Neću vam trošiti vreme na to koliko puta su predstavnici upravo završili ćaskanje bez ikakvog odgovora, snimci ekrana svih dostupnih na zahtev, ali to nije relevantno za moj problem.
Konačno, danas, nakon 3 sata čekanja, nekoliko završnih ćaskanja i nekoliko pritužbi na javnom ćaskanju, predstavnik broj 5 je odgovorio rekavši: „Nagrada oduzeta 25.09.2023. 01:32:25 (UTC+0) je iznos koji ste stekli koristeći bonus novac u okviru bonusa na depozit. Maksimalni iznos koji možete dobiti kada ispunite uslove za klađenje je 100 USD." Prilog 11
Kada sam spomenuo da je to za „bonus bez depozita", trebalo im je još 60 minuta, ali ovog puta su smislili potpuno drugačiji novi izgovor.
„ Zdravo, sa žaljenjem vas moram obavestiti da je problem na koji ste naišli zato što je vaš početni kapital za klađenje iscrpljen. Zbog toga je sistem oduzeo vaše stanje. Kada se prijavite za bonus na depozit, vaša igra prvo oduzima od vašeg početnog kapitala pre nego što iskoristite bonus novac. Ako je vaš početni kapital iscrpljen, traženje ove nagrade će odbiti svaki iznos veći od 100 dolara od vašeg bonus novca." Prilog 12
Posle 4 dana i bezbroj sati borbe sa predstavnicima oko tehničke greške/uslova korišćenja bonusa na depozit/bonusa bez depozita, čini se da smo i kazino i ja došli do tačke u kojoj mi treba vaša pomoć.
Do sada sam položio i izgubio preko 20 hiljada na ovom sajtu i nikada nisam podneo žalbu. Moj zahtev je jednostavan. Uslovi usluge objavljeni na sajtu su poštovani, zahtevi za minimalno klađenje su ispunjeni i dugujem 7.111,39 dolara. Postoje samo dva razloga za ovu zbrku: onaj kome se ja naginjem je da je ovo greška za koju nisu bili svesni nakon nadogradnje ili druge opcije, oni samo jednostavno prevare. Sačekaću njihov odgovor i mogu da pružim više dokumentacije kako budemo napredovali.
On Sep 24, 2023 I deposited $776.16 at the BC Casino, the casino matched my deposit with $776.16. please see attachment 1. (Remind you the website had recently gone through an 8-hour upgrade/maintenance.)
I read the Terms and conditions of the deposit bonus, 40X wager which makes it $31040. See attachment # 2 and 3, terms and conditions posted for deposit bonus and I’m including no deposit bonus because that’s where the confusion is.
The bonus also had specific game you were allowed to play, see attachment 4.
After hours and hours of playing, lots of ups and down, I managed to accumulate close to 9k, the wager was not done, eventually the wager was satisfied and I was left with 7k.
See attachment 5 where it shows the amount of wager done plus the bonus is now unlocked and allowed to be withdrawn.
I continued to play, won a hand around $350, looked at the balance, that’s when I noticed my balance on the game has changed, the total balance showed $368.45. see attachment 6 and 7
I went to my history and noticed my unlocked bonus has turned to zero and they have added $100 to my balance. See Attachment 6 and 7. The entire betting session is over 50 pages, so I included the page where its relevant.
I immediately went to live support and after waiting over 45 min per usual, the rep # 1 said it’s a bug in the system and technical team is working on it. See attachment 8.
I started browsing the term of service and I saw the No Deposit bonus winnings get capped at $100, figured that’s where the glitch is. After waiting for another 3 hours, I reached out to the second rep which said the team is aware and is working on it. see attachment 9. At this point, I continued with the remaining balance of $360 since there was nothing to do but wait.
After 6 hours, I reached out to rep # 3, she said give us 24 hours (see attachment 10)
While the live support claimed to respond under 5 min, I have the screenshot of time lapsed, the soonest response has been 45 min and some have gone to three hours without any response.
Rep # 4, told me it’s being handled. I decided to give it more hours.
I’m not going to waste your time on the number of times the reps just ended the chat without any response, screenshots of all available upon request but it is not relevant to my issue.
Finally, today, after 3 hours wait, a few ending chats and a few complaints on the public chat, the rep # 5 responded by saying "The reward deducted on 2023-09-25 01:32:25 (UTC+0) is the amount you acquired using the bonus money within the deposit bonus. The maximum amount you can obtain when you complete the wagering requirements is $100 USD." Attachment 11
When I mentioned that’s for "no deposit bonus", they took another 60 min but this time they came up with a completely different new excuse.
" Hi, I regret to inform you that the issue you encountered is because your initial capital for betting has been exhausted. Therefore, the system deducted your balance. When you apply for a deposit bonus, your gameplay deducts from your initial capital first before using the bonus money. If your initial capital is depleted, claiming this reward will deduct any amount exceeding $100 from your bonus money." Attachment 12
After 4 days and countless hours of fighting with the reps about a technical bug/ term of service of deposit bonus/ no deposit bonus, both casino and I seem to have reached a point where I need your assistance.
I have deposited and lost over 20k on this site so far and never had filed a complaint. My request is simple. The terms of service posted on the site were followed, min wagering requirements were satisfied and I’m owed $ 7,111.39. There are simply two reasons for this mess: The one I’m leaning towards is this is a glitch of which they were not aware after the upgrade or second option, they are just simply scamming. I will wait for their response and I can provide more documentation as we move forward.
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