Zdravo Veronika,
Drago mi je da vas čujem.
Već dugo igram na mreži i video sam različite KIC procedure iz različitih onlajn kazina. Dakle, da, moju ličnu kartu su prihvatila uglavnom sva onlajn kazina.
Obično igram Bakaru, međutim, kao i Blek Džek i Rulet i ređe Slotove.
Prvo sam kontaktirao podršku, tražili su od mene da ispunim naprednu verifikaciju, pa sam i uradio. Takođe su spomenuli da će blok biti ukinut čim završim naprednu verifikaciju. Ali, naprotiv, čim sam završio otpremanje lične karte, dokaza o prebivalištu i prepoznavanja lica, stranica za verifikaciju se odmah blokirala i pokazala je veliku oznaku Ks u kojoj se navodi da verifikacija nije uspela.
Dakle, ponovo sam kontaktirao podršku, tražili su dodatne dokumente kao što su, TKSID depozita, IP adrese, korisničko ime itd. I poslao sam im e-poštu, a kopiju sam poslao i korisničkoj podršci.
Zatim se tim za podršku vratio i rekao da će biti potrebno dodatnih 7 dana za rešenje.
Dakle, nisam siguran zašto je potrebno rešenje u ovom slučaju, ovo je samo proces verifikacije i moje dokumente obično odobravaju mnoga onlajn kazina.
Imao sam bonus pre podizanja u BNB u iznosu od 5$ ali sam ih izgubio igrajući. Moji dobici su od mog depozita od otprilike 110 dolara i povećao sam bankovni ulog na 992 dolara i trenutno na oko 1,075 dolara, tako da su svi dobici od mog depozita, a ne od bonusa. Igrao sam i izgubio na bonusima jer su bili zanemarljivi, ispod 5 dolara
Većina mojih pobeda je došla od igranja Bakare, a posebno na tabelama množitelja kao što su bogatstvo i lakša bakara.
Napravio sam česta povlačenja, kao i česte depozite. Često povlačim kriptovalute iz bezbednosnih razloga jer se bojim da će moj nalog biti neočekivano hakovan.
Kako razumem da kazina treba da rade KIC procedure i to je neophodno, međutim, moje KIC procedure su bile nagle i neuspešne i obustavljanje mojih povlačenja izazvalo je malo zabune i sumnje. Cenim vaše povratne informacije i pomoćnika u vezi sa ovim pitanjem. Bez sumnje uživam u igranju na BC.Game i čim se ovaj KIC proces završi, nadamo se da ćemo uživati u odličnoj vezi.
Srdačan pozdrav...
Hi Veronica,
Glad to hear from you.
I have been playing online for a long time and have seen different KYC procedures from different online Casinos. So, yes my ID was accepted by mostly all the online casinos.
I usually play Baccarat, however, as well as Black Jack and Roulette and less frequently Slots.
I contacted the support first , they asked me to fulfill the advanced verification, so I did. They also mentioned that as soon as I complete advanced verification the block will be lifted. But, on the contrary, as soon as I completed the upload of ID, Proof of Residence, and Facial recognition, immediately the verification page got blocked and showed a large X mark stating that Verification Failed.
So, I contacted the support again, they asked for additional documents such as, Deposit TXID, IP addresses, user name , etc. And I sent them email also sent a copy to the customer support.
Then the support team came back saying that it will take additional 7 days for a resolution.
So, I am not sure why a resolution is needed in this case , this is just verification process and my documents usually are approved by many online casinos.
I had a bonus prior to withdrawal in BNB in the amount of $5 but I lost them playing. My wins are from my deposit of approximately $110 and I grew the bank roll to $992 and currently at around $1,075 so, the wins are all from my deposit and not from bonuses. I played and lost on the bonuses as they were negligible such under $5
Most of my wins came from playing Baccarat, and specially on the Multiplier tables such as wealth and lightening baccarat.
I made frequent withdrawals as well as frequent deposits. I do frequent withdrawals in crypto for security reasons as I am afraid my account getting hacked unexpectedly.
As, I do understand that Casinos need to do KYC procedures and it's a must , however, my KYC procedures getting abrupted and failing and suspending my withdrawals caused a bit of confusion and suspicion. I appreciate your feedback and assistant towards this matter. As, I do enjoy playing on BC.Game no doubt and as soon as this KYC process is over , hopefully we enjoy a great relationship.
Best regards...
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