Hvala vam što ste nam skrenuli pažnju na ovo pitanje, želimo da vas uverimo da ćemo dati sve od sebe da ovo rešimo u korist obe strane.
Nakon pažljivog pregleda naloga, možemo potvrditi sledeće:
- Igrač je prvobitno imao otkazan zahtev za povlačenje od 1500 evra zbog toga što račun nije verifikovan u to vreme.
- Kada je nalog uspešno verifikovan, poništeni iznos od 1500 € je automatski vraćen na stanje igrača.
- Nakon toga, igrač je nastavio sa uspešnim zahtevom za povlačenje od 1400, ostavljajući saldo od 100 €, što je bilo pošteno.
Da rezimiramo, otkazano povlačenje od 1500 € je vraćeno na stanje igrača nakon uspešne verifikacije, a igrač je mogao da podigne 1400 €. Možemo pružiti dokaze o ovim radnjama ako je potrebno.
Nadamo se da će ovo razjasniti svaku zabunu. Ako su vam potrebni dodatni detalji ili pomoć, slobodno se obratite.
Srdačan pozdrav,
BDM Bet kazino
Dear All,
Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention, we want to assure that we will do our best to solve this for the benefit of both parties.
After carefully reviewing the account, we can confirm the following:
- The player initially had a canceled withdrawal request of €1500 due to the account not being verified at that time.
- Once the account was successfully verified, the canceled amount of €1500 was automatically rolled back into the player's balance.
- Following this, the player proceeded to make a successful withdrawal request of 1400, leaving a balance of €100, which was fairly played.
To summarize, the €1500 canceled withdrawal was reverted back to the player's balance upon successful verification, and the player was able to withdraw €1400. We can provide evidence of these actions if needed.
We hope this clears up any confusion. Should you require any further details or assistance, please feel free to reach out.
Best Regards,
BDM Bet Casino
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