Igrač iz Njemačke je prije nekoliko sedmica zatražio povlačenje. Riješeno je nakon 2 mjeseca.
Ovaj je post Casino Guru učinio privatnim. Sadrži osetljive informacije koje treba da vide samo strane uključene u prigovor.
Dragi Swobo,
Hvala vam puno što ste podnijeli žalbu. Žao mi je što čujem za vaša odgođena povlačenja. Da li sam dobro shvatio da su vaša plaćanja još uvijek na čekanju na računu bez obrade? Da li je to problem internog kazino sistema ili se odnosi samo na vaš račun? Možete li nam reći da li ste ranije podizali dobitke iz ovog kazina i za koji način plaćanja ste se odlučili?
Sasvim je uobičajeno da isplatama treba nekoliko dana ili čak sedmica da se u potpunosti obrađuju. To znači da može proći neko vrijeme prije nego što se novac pojavi na vašem računu. Pod pretpostavkom da ste uspješno završili KYC verifikaciju i da su vaša povlačenja odobrena, zaista vjerujem da je samo pitanje vremena kada ćete ih primiti.
Jedva čekamo čuti od vas. Hvala unapred.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear Swobo,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint. I’m sorry to hear about your delayed withdrawals. Do I understand correctly that your payments are still pending inside the account without being processed? Is it an internal casino system issue, or it’s related to your account only? Could you please advise if you’ve withdrawn any winnings from this casino in the past and which payment method you have opted for?
It’s quite usual for withdrawals to take a couple of days or even weeks to get fully processed. This means that it may take some time before your money appears in your account. Assuming that you have completed KYC verification successfully and had your withdrawals approved, I truly believe it’s only a matter of time before you’ll receive them.
Looking forward to hearing from you. Thank you in advance.
Best regards,
Zdravo Petronela,
tačno, plaćanja su na čekanju bez obrade. KYC verifikacija je uspješno završena s mojim prvim depozitom. Pored toga, dostavio sam dokumente kao što su lična karta, bankovni transfer i telefonski račun.
Do sada tamo nisam povukao nijedan dobitak. Želim da se povlačenje izvrši putem bankovnog transfera (kao što je depozit).
Korisnički servis je vrlo čudan i nije vjerodostojan. S jedne strane uvijek ohrabrujuće (da, da, u toku je i dolazi uskoro), ali onda su se desile čudne stvari kao što su moje prve dvije isplate otkazane tokom razgovora s klijentima. Čini se kao da samo kupuju vrijeme radeći ovo... (tako da samo pomjeraju datum isplate i onda tvrde da je isplata izvršena vrlo nedavno...)
Bilo bi lijepo kada biste mogli to pratiti.
Hvala i sve najbolje
Hello Petronela,
exactly, the payments are pending without being processed. The KYC verification was successfully completed with my first deposit. In addition, I submitted documents such as ID, bank transfer and a phone bill.
So far I have not withdrawn any winnings there. I would like the withdrawal to be made via bank transfer (like the deposit).
Customer service is very weird and not credible. Always reassuring on the one hand (yes, yes, it's in progress and coming soon), but then strange things happened like my first two payouts were canceled during the customer chat. Seems like they're just buying time by doing this... (so they just keep moving the date of the payout made and then arguing that the payout was made very recently...)
It would be nice if you could follow up on that.
Thanks and best regards
Hallo Petronela,
genau, die Zahlungen stehen aus, ohne verarbeitet zu werden. Die KYC-Verifizierung wurde schon bei meiner ersten Einzahlung erfolgreich abgeschlossen. Zusätzlich habe ich Dokumente wie Ausweis, Banküberweisung und eine Telefonrechnung eingereicht.
Bisher habe ich keine Gewinne dort abgehoben. Ich möchte, dass die Auszahlung via Bank Transfer erfolgt (so wie die Einzahlung).
Der Kundenservice agiert sehr komisch und ist unglaubwürdig. Zum einen immer beschwichtigend (ja,ja, ist in Bearbeitung und kommt schon bald), dann sind aber so merkwürdige Sachen passiert, wie dass während des Kundenchats meine ersten beiden Auszahlungen storniert wurden. Hat den Anschein, als wollten sie dadurch nur Zeit schinden... (so verschieben sie einfach immer wieder das Datum der getätigten Auszahlung und argumentieren dann, dass die Auszahlung ja erst vor kurzem getätigt wurde...)
Wäre schön, wenn Sie da mal nachhaken könnten.
Danke und viele Grüße
Dodatno: Moje iskustvo iz drugih kazina je da često samo pritisak pomaže (npr. preko MGA ili, kao u ovom slučaju, preko vas). Zato bih vam bio zahvalan ako biste se aktivno uključili!
In addition: My experience from other casinos is that often only pressure helps (e.g. via the MGA or, as in this case, via you). So I would be grateful if you would actively get involved!
Noch ergänzend: Meine Erfahrung aus anderen Casinos ist, dass hier oft nur Druck (z.B. über die MGA oder wie in diesem Fall über Euch hilft). Deshalb wäre ich dankbar, wenn ihr Euch aktiv einschaltet!
Hvala vam puno, Swobo, na pružanju svih potrebnih informacija. Sada ću prenijeti vašu žalbu svom kolegi Vilijamu ( viliam.v@casino.guru ) koji će vam biti na pomoći. Želim vam puno sreće i nadam se da će vaš problem biti riješen na vaše zadovoljstvo u bliskoj budućnosti.
Thank you very much, Swobo, for providing all the necessary information. I will now transfer your complaint to my colleague Viliam (viliam.v@casino.guru) who will be at your assistance. I wish you best of luck and hope to see your problem being resolved to your satisfaction in the near future.
zdravo Swobo,
Pogledao sam Vašu žalbu i dat ću sve od sebe da Vam pomognem. Želio bih da pozovem Beem Casino u ovaj razgovor. Kazino, možete li molim vas da navedete u čemu je problem sa povlačenjem igrača?
Hello Swobo,
I looked at your complaint and will do my best to help you. I would like to invite Beem Casino into this conversation. Casino, can you please specify what is the problem with the player’s withdrawal?
Dragi svi,
jako nam je žao zbog kašnjenja, ali zbog trenutne situacije mnoga plaćanja kockanja se dublje provjeravaju iz sigurnosnih razloga što dovodi do takvih problema. Dajemo sve od sebe da unovčimo što je prije moguće.
Srdačni pozdravi,
BeemCasino tim
Dear all,
we're very sorry about delay, but due to current situation many gambling payments are checked more deeply for safety reasons which leeds to such issues. We're doing our best to make cash out as soon as possible.
Kind regards,
BeemCasino Team
Do sada nisam ništa dobio.
Transfer (150 €) je dostupan od 18. marta. status 'Uspješno', ali još ništa nije stiglo na moj račun.
Druga dva transfera (350+120€) su još uvijek na 'Na čekanju'.
So far I haven't received anything.
A transfer (150 €) has been available since March 18th. the status 'Successful', but nothing has arrived on my account yet.
The other two transfers (350+120€) are still on 'Pending'.
Bisher habe ich gar nichts bekommen.
Eine Überweisung (150 €) hat seit dem 18.3. den Status 'Erfolgreich', auf meinem Konto ist aber bisher nichts angekommen.
Die anderen beiden Überweisungen (350+120€) stehen immer noch auf 'Pending'.
bok William,
Sada se osjećam prilično prevarenim od strane Beema:
Transfer od 150 € izvršen je 18. marta. postavljeno na status 'uspješno', ali novac još nije stigao na moj račun.
Onda je jučer stigao mejl od Beema da su druga dva transfera (350+120€) otkazana jer je moja banka navodno odbila transfer. I to 4 sedmice nakon podnošenja prijave.
Čudno, zašto je onda navodno prošao prvi transfer (od kojeg još ništa nije stiglo...)? A čemu problemi sa ostalim transferima, da li novac dolazi sa ruskog računa? Korisnička služba mi je u jučerašnjem mejlu rekla da trebam izvršiti transfer putem Skrilla ili kriptovaluta. Nemam kriptovalute i uopće ne nude Skrill kao opciju povlačenja.
Sada sam poslao svoje Skrill i Neteller podatke e-poštom na Beem sa zahtjevom da prenesem sve (€620) direktno tamo. Nisam dobio odgovor.
Na osnovu dosadašnjih iskustava, malo se nadam da će stvari zaista napredovati.
Sta da radim? Da li treba da angažujem advokata?
Hi William,
I now feel pretty fooled by Beem:
A transfer of €150 was made on March 18th. set to status 'successful', but no money has arrived in my account yet.
Then yesterday an email came from Beem that the other two transfers (350+120€) were canceled because my bank allegedly rejected the transfer. And that 4 weeks after submitting the application.
Strange, why then supposedly did the first transfer go through (of which nothing has arrived yet...)? And why the problems with the other transfers, does the money come from a Russian account? Customer service told me in yesterday's email that I should transfer via Skrill or crypto. I don't have crypto and they don't offer Skrill as a withdrawal option at all.
I have now emailed my Skrill and Neteller data to Beem with the request to transfer everything (€620) directly there. I have not received an answer.
Based on my experiences so far, I have little hope that things will really progress.
What should I do? Should I hire a lawyer?
Hi Villiam,
ich fühle mich mittlerweile ziemlich verarscht von Beem:
Eine Überweisung von 150€ wurde am 18.3. auf den Status 'erfolgreich' gesetzt, bis jetzt ist aber kein Geld auf meinem Konto angekommen.
Dann kam gestern eine Mail von Beem, dass die anderen beiden Überweisungen (350+120€) storniert wurden, da meine Bank angeblich den Transfer ablehnt. Und das 4 Wochen nach Antragstellung.
Komisch, warum ging dann angeblich die erste Überweisung durch (von der noch nichts angekommen ist...)? Und warum die Probleme mit den anderen Überweisungen, kommt das Geld von einem russischen Konto? Der Kundenservice teilte mir in der Mail von gestern mit, dass ich doch über Skrill oder Krypto überweisen soll. Krypto habe ich nicht und Skrill wird mir als Auszahlungsoption überhaupt nicht angeboten.
Ich habe Beem nun per Mail meine Skrill- als auch meine Neteller-Daten zukommen lassen, mit der Bitte alles (620 €) direkt dorthin zu überweisen. Eine Antwort habe ich nicht erhalten.
Ich habe nach den bisherigen Erfahrungen wenig Hoffnung, dass das nun wirklich vorangeht.
Was soll ich machen? Soll ich einen Anwalt einschalten?
Ovaj je post Casino Guru učinio privatnim. Sadrži osetljive informacije koje treba da vide samo strane uključene u prigovor.
Dragi Swobo,
kontaktirajte svog dobavljača plaćanja i zamolite ih da prate ovo plaćanje, dajte im ID transakcije.
Poštovani kazino,
šta je sa ostatkom igračevog dobitka?
Dear Swobo,
contact your payment provider and ask them to track this payment, give them a transaction ID.
Dear Casino,
what about the rest of the player's winnings?
Zdravo Beem Casino,
dva transfera od 120€ i 350€ konačno su stigla.
Međutim, još uvijek nedostaje 150 eura, za koje se kaže da su dospjeli 18. marta. (tj. prije dva gore navedena transfera) su prebačeni. Vaša potvrda o uplati iznad nije mi zaista značajna jer se broj mog računa ne vidi.
Možete li, molim vas, ponovo istražiti zašto ovaj prijenos nije stigao?
Hello Beem Casino,
the two transfers of 120€ and 350€ finally arrived.
However, the €150 are still missing, which are said to have been due on March 18th. (i.e. before the two transfers above) have been transferred. Your payment receipt above is not really meaningful for me because my account number is not visible.
Can you please investigate again why this transfer did not arrive?
Hallo Beem Casino,
die beiden Überweisungen über 120€ und 350 € sind endlich angekommen.
Es fehlen aber noch die 150€, die angeblich am 18.3. (also vor den beiden Überweisungen oben) überwiesen wurden. Euer Zahlungsbeleg oben ist für mich nicht wirklich aussagekräftig, da meine Kontonummer nicht zu sehen ist.
Könnt ihr bitte noch einmal nachforschen, warum diese Überweisung nicht angekommen ist?
Dragi svi,
uplata od 150 EUR je uspješno obrađena kao što vidite iz dokaza o uplati iznad, ali smo od naše banke zatražili dublju istragu. Čim dobijemo rezultate, obavijestit ćemo vas. Hvala na razumijevanju.
Srdačni pozdravi,
BeemCasino tim
Dear all,
the payment of 150EUR was processed successfully as you'd see from the proof of payment above, but we've asked our bank for a deeper investigation. As soon as we get results, we'll inform you. Thank you for understanding.
Kind regards,
BeemCasino Team
Zdravo opet,
Danas sam razgovarao sa svojom bankom. Banka nema informacije o transferu i ne može ništa učiniti sa ID-om transfera ili dokazom o uplati. Molimo ponovo zatražite brzo pojašnjenje i prijenos iznosa. Cekam jako dugo i stvarno mi ide na zivce sto moram stalno da pisem. Ni ne razumijem problem. Sa ostalim transferima (koji su naknadno obavljeni) je na kraju i uspjelo. U drugim kockarnicama koje koriste istog provajdera platnih usluga kao i vi, novac je obično na mom računu nakon 48 sati...
Hello again,
I spoke to my bank today. The bank has no information about the transfer and cannot do anything with the transfer ID or proof of payment. Please ask again for a quick clarification and transfer of the sum. I've been waiting for a really long time now and it's really getting on my nerves that I have to write all the time. Don't really understand the problem either. With the other transfers (which were carried out later) it also worked in the end. At other casinos that use the same payment service provider as you, the money is usually in my account after 48 hours...
Hallo nochmal,
ich habe heute mit meiner Bank gesprochen. Die Bank hat keine Informationen zu der Überweisung und kann mit der Transfer-ID bzw. dem Zahlungsnachweis nichts anfangen. Bitte noch einmal um eine schnelle Aufklärung und Überweisung der Summe. Ich warte jetzt schon wirklich sehr lange und es nervt mittlerweile schon ziemlich, dass ich dauernd schreiben muss. Verstehe auch das Problem nicht so richtig. Mit den anderen Überweisungen (die ja später ausgeführt wurden) hat es ja letztendlich auch funktioniert. Bei anderen Casinos, welche denselben Zahlungsdienstleister wie ihr nutzen, ist das Geld in der Regel nach 48 h auf meinem Konto...
Posljednja rata je sada (nakon 2 mjeseca insistiranja) stigla. Tema Beem Casino je gotova za mene.
The last installment has now (after 2 months insist) arrived. The topic Beem Casino is done for me.
Die letzte Rate ist mittlerweile (nach 2 Monaten insistieren) angekommen. Das Thema Beem Casino ist damit für mich erledigt.
Dragi Swobo,
Hvala vam što koristite centar za rješavanje žalbi Casino Gurua. Drago nam je čuti da je vaš problem riješen. Sada ćemo to označiti kao 'riješeno' u našem sistemu. Molimo, ne ustručavajte se kontaktirati nas u budućnosti, ako naiđete na bilo kakve probleme sa ovim ili bilo kojim drugim kazinom. Tu smo da pomognemo, ali se nadam da se više nećete susresti sa ovakvim problemom.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Viliam Casino.Guru
Dear Swobo,
Thank you for using the Casino Guru complaint resolution center. We are glad to hear that your issue got resolved. We will now mark it as 'resolved' in our system. Please, do not hesitate to contact us in the future, if you run into any issues with this or any other casino. We are here to help, but I hope you won’t come across a problem like this again.
Best regards,
Viliam Casino.Guru
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