Nalog igrača je zatvoren zbog dodatnih provera verifikacije.
The player's account got closed due additional verification checks. It seems to be a common practice of Casino to ignore us completely in our attempts to mediate any kind of issue therefore the complain remains unresolved.
Nalog igrača je zatvoren zbog dodatnih provera verifikacije.
Koristim usluge bet365 oko 20 godina. Za to vreme, imao sam 3 naloga kod njih zbog zakonskih i licencnih promena koje su dovele do njihovog otvaranja, zatvaranja i ponovnog otvaranja poslovanja u Bugarskoj. Stari računi nisu prebačeni, a prema njihovim uputstvima korisnici su morali da otvaraju nove.
Godine 2020. imao sam neprijatan incident – moj tekući račun je blokiran, a njihova podrška je prilično grubo reagovala, rekavši mi da podignem stanje i odem. Zbog pomenutih starih računa neko je izrazio sumnju u multiračunovodstvo. U kasnijoj prepisci smo razjasnili problem i moj nalog je vraćen.
Pre otprilike 2 meseca uveli su, citiram, „dodatni sloj zaštite". Da bi se kladili, korisnici moraju:
Instalirajte aplikaciju bet365 authenticator na njihov mobilni telefon, dostupnu na
Dozvolite aplikaciji da odredi njihovu tačnu lokaciju.
Dozvolite pregledaču na njihovom računaru da pristupi njihovoj lokaciji.
Prijavite se na njihove naloge i skenirajte KR kod koji se pojavljuje kada pokušavate da se kladite koristeći njihov telefon.
Preuzeo sam aplikaciju, ali se ispostavilo da je u suprotnosti sa sigurnosnim sistemom mog telefona i njena instalacija je bila nemoguća bez dodatne intervencije. Odlučio sam da ne rizikujem i uzdržao sam se od korišćenja ove aplikacije. Jednostavno sam čekao mesec ili dva da vidim da li će se ovaj pristupni sistem promeniti. Prijavio sam se na svoj nalog samo da proverim, bez klađenja ili povlačenja svog stanja.
Pre nekoliko dana, posle konsultacija sa specijalistom, onemogućio sam bezbednost na svom telefonu i instalirao aplikaciju. Uspeo sam da verifikujem svoju lokaciju. Međutim, u međuvremenu su mi tražili lični broj, ličnu kartu i selfi sa ličnom kartom uzastopno. Sve sam to obezbedio.
Dobio sam 2 pisma suprotstavljenog sadržaja – prvo da je moj nalog u potpunosti verifikovan, a zatim još jedno da se fotografije pregledaju i da očekujem potvrdu.
U subotu sam otkrio da ne mogu da pristupim svom nalogu. Razgovarao sam sa četovanjem uživo, gde su mi rekli da je moj nalog zatvoren zbog „negativnih provera verifikacije". Ja sam pravi vlasnik ovog naloga, dostavio sam stvarne dokumente i mogu da ispunim sve druge zahteve za verifikaciju - video snimak, telefonski razgovor ili bilo koju komunikaciju putem mesindžera, itd. Razmenio sam još jedan e-mail sa njihovom podrškom, iznoseći svoje argumente. Njihov odgovor je bio da će moj račun ostati zatvoren i da treba da ih kontaktiram da zatražim povlačenje svog stanja.
Pošto sam iscrpio dijalog sa kladioničarom, obraćam se Casino Guru timu, tražeći pomoć u prevazilaženju problema sa verifikacijom mog naloga.
I have been using the services of bet365 for about 20 years. During that time, I have had 3 accounts with them because of legislative and licensing changes that led to them opening, closing, and reopening their operations in Bulgaria. The old accounts were not transferred, and according to their instructions, users had to open new ones.
In 2020, I had an unpleasant incident - my current account was blocked, and their support responded quite rudely, telling me to withdraw my balance and leave. Due to the mentioned old accounts, someone expressed doubts about multi-accounting. In the subsequent correspondence, we clarified the issue, and my account was restored.
About 2 months ago, they introduced, I quote, "an additional layer of protection." In order to place bets, users are required to:
Install the bet365 authenticator app on their mobile phone, available at
Allow the app to determine their exact location.
Allow the browser on their computer access to their location.
Log into their accounts and scan the QR code that appears when attempting to place a bet using their phone.
I downloaded the app, but it turned out to be in conflict with the security system of my phone, and its installation was impossible without additional intervention. I decided not to take any risks and refrained from using this app. I simply waited for a month or two to see if this access system would change. I logged into my account just to check, without placing any bets or withdrawing my balance.
A few days ago, after consulting with a specialist, I disabled the security on my phone and installed the app. I managed to verify my location. However, in the meantime, I was asked for my personal number, ID card, and a selfie with the ID card in succession. I provided all of that.
I received 2 letters with conflicting content - the first stating that my account was fully verified, and then another one stating that the photos are being reviewed and to expect confirmation.
On Saturday, I found that I couldn't access my account. I spoke to the live chat, where they told me that my account had been closed due to "negative verification checks." I am the real owner of this account, I have provided real documents, and I can meet any other verification requirements - a video clip, phone conversation, or any messenger communication, etc. I exchanged another email with their support, expressing my arguments. Their response was that my account will remain closed, and I should contact them to request the withdrawal of my balance.
Since I have exhausted the dialogue with the bookmaker, I am turning to the Casino Guru team, requesting assistance in overcoming the verification issue with my account.
Zdravo Bestbets,
Hvala vam puno što ste podneli žalbu i zaista mi je žao što čujem za vaš problem sa Bet365 kazinom. Dozvolite mi da vam postavim još nekoliko pitanja pre nego što krenemo dalje.
Možete li da nam kažete kada ste poslednji put u potpunosti verifikovali svoj kazino nalog? Od kada je tačno vaš nalog blokiran? Da li vam je tamo ostalo još stvarnog novca? Kada ste poslednji put razgovarali sa kazinom i o čemu se radilo?
Radujem se Vašem odgovoru.
Hello Bestbets,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint and I'm really sorry to hear about your issue with Bet365 Casino. Please allow me to ask you a few more question before we would move forward.
Could you please advise when was the last time you fully verified your casino account? Since when exactly is your account blocked? Did you also have any real money balance left there? When was the last time you spoke to the casino and what was it about?
Looking forward to your answer.
Zdravo Nik!
Hvala na brzom rešavanju moje žalbe. Nakon vaših pitanja, pojašnjavam:
Poslednji put potpuna verifikacija mog naloga je bila 15.06.2020.
Moj nalog je blokiran 17.06.2023 sa razlogom „negativne provere verifikacije".
Da, tamo imam preostali iznos u iznosu od 422,99 BGN (približno 216,27 €).
Imao sam nekoliko dijaloga sa kazinom (u ćaskanju uživo i putem pisama), poslednji je bio 18.06.2023. Pokušavao sam da im objasnim da sam ja prava osoba koja je dala prave dokumente i da su pogrešili u odluci da zatvore moj nalog zbog „negativne provere verifikacije". Rekli su da razumeju moje nezadovoljstvo, ali stvari će tako ostati. Mogu vam poslati kompletnu prepisku o slučaju na e-mail koji ste naveli.
Kada sam pomislio da je moj dijalog sa kazinom iscrpljen, juče popodne sam popunio ovu žalbu. Ali moram napomenuti i novu okolnost koja je nastala nakon što sam već poslao žalbu. Dobio sam novo pismo od bet365 u kojem se kaže da prema zahtevu regulatora, račun mora biti u potpunosti verifikovan da bi se isplatio preostali iznos. Tražili su da im pošaljem dodatni dokument – međunarodni pasoš ili vozačku dozvolu. Da, poslao sam fotografiju svog pasoša, poslao sam čak 2 da se uverim da je čitljiv. Od ponedeljka popodne još uvek nema potvrde ili bilo kakvog drugog ažuriranja slučaja.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Hello Nick!
Thanks for the quick handling of my complaint. Following your questions, I clarify:
The last time there was a full verification of my account was on 06/15/2020.
My account was blocked on 06/17/2023 with the reason "negative verification checks."
Yes, I have a remaining balance there in the amount of BGN 422.99 (approximately €216.27).
I had several dialogues with the casino (in live chat and through letters), the last one was on 18.06.2023. I was trying to explain to them that I am a real person who provided real documents and that they are wrong in their decision to close my account due to "negative verification checks.". They said they understood my displeasure, but things would stay this way. I can send you the complete correspondence on the case to the e-mail you specified.
When I thought that my dialogue with the casino was exhausted, yesterday afternoon I filled out the present complaint. But I must also note a new circumstance that arose after I had already sent the complaint. I received a new letter from bet365 saying that as per the regulator's requirement the account needs to be fully verified in order to be paid the remaining balance. They asked me to send them an additional document - an international passport or driver's license. Yes, I sent a photo of my passport, I even sent 2 to make sure it was readable. As of Monday afternoon, there is still no confirmation or any other update on the case.
Kind Regards,
Zdravo Bestbets,
Ako je kazino od vas zatražio nova dokumenta, mogu samo da preporučim da sačekate jer verifikacija može potrajati do 14 dana. Ako ste im sve prosledili, trebalo bi da bude samo pitanje vremena kada će se problem rešiti.
U međuvremenu, prosledite komunikaciju između vas i kazina u vezi sa ovim slučajem .
Hello Bestbets,
If the casino requested new documents from you, I can only recommend to wait as the verification may take up to 14 days. If you did forward them everything, it should be only a matter of time before the issue would be resolved.
In meanwhile, please forward the communication between you and the casino regarding this case to
Dear Bestbets,
We are extending the timer by 7 days. Please, be aware that in case you fail to respond in the given time frame or don’t require any further assistance, we will reject the complaint.
Dragi Nik,
Prema vašoj prvoj preporuci, odlučio sam da sačekam 14 dana koliko je ponekad potrebno za proces verifikacije. Čekao sam još duže - danas je već 16 dana od kada sam poslao poslednji traženi dokument i nisam dobio odgovor od bet365.
Pre nekoliko dana poslao sam Vam svu prepisku o slučaju na naznačeni mejl. Verujem da ste primili i pregledali ove datoteke.
Ako je potrebno, mogu da dostavim bilo koje druge dokumente, napravim video klip ili lično posetim kancelariju bet365 u Sofiji.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear Nick,
As per your first recommendation, I decided to wait the 14 days it sometimes takes for the verification process. I have waited even longer - today is already 16 days since I sent the last requested document and I have had no response from bet365.
A few days ago, I sent you all the correspondence on the case to the indicated e-mail. I believe you have received and reviewed these files.
If necessary, I can provide any other documents, make a video clip or visit the bet365 office in Sofia in person.
Kind Regards,
Hvala Bestbets za sve do sada pružene informacije. Pošto verifikacija traje duže nego što bi trebalo, bez ikakvog odgovora iz kazina, vaš slučaj će sada biti prosleđen mom kolegi Peteru ( _KSKSKSKSKS_0@email.kkkkk ) koji će vam od sada pomagati.
Želim vam puno sreće u rešavanju.
Thank you Bestbets for all the information provided so far. As the verification takes longer than it should, without any response from the casino, your case will be now forwarded to my colleague Peter ( who will be assisting you from now on.
Wish you best luck resolving it.
Hvala vam Bestbets što ste nam pružili sve informacije. Nadam se da ćemo zajedno uspeti da rešimo ovaj problem.
Sada bih zamolio Bet365 kazino za njihovu pomoć u rešavanju ove žalbe. Želeli bismo da znamo zašto je nalog igrača blokiran i da li možemo bilo šta da učinimo da im pomognemo da povratimo nalog.
Hvala vam!
Hello there,
Thank you Bestbets for providing us with all the information. I hope we'll be able to resolve this issue together.
I would now like to ask Bet365 Casino for their help in resolving this complaint. We would like to know why was the player's account blocked and if we can do anything to help restore their account.
Thank you!
We would like to ask the casino to reply to this complaint. We are extending the timer by 7 days. If the casino fails to respond in the set time frame, we will close the complaint as ‘unresolved’ which may negatively affect its rating.
Više puta sam pokušavao da kontaktiram kazino, ali nisam imao uspeha. Bojim se da se ne može mnogo postići bez saradnje sa njegove strane. Označiću žalbu kao „nerešenu" u našem sistemu. Razumem da ovo nije zadovoljavajuće rešenje za vaš problem. Međutim, smanjenje rejtinga uzrokovano nerešenim žalbama može pomoći da se promeni pristup kazina. Ako kazino odluči da reaguje, ponovo ćemo otvoriti žalbu i bićete obavešteni putem e-pošte. U međuvremenu, preporučujem vam da kontaktirate bugarsku upravu za igre na sreću ( ) i da im podnesete žalbu. Uprava za igre na sreću ima više opcija i alata za pomoć igračima. Obavestite me ako vam treba pomoć oko podnošenja žalbe ili kako su oni odgovorili ako to možete sami da uradite ( _KSKSKSKSKS_0@email.kkkkk ). Žao mi je što ovom prilikom nisam mogao biti od veće pomoći.
Srdačan pozdrav,
I have tried to contact the casino repeatedly but had no success. I’m afraid there is not much that can be achieved without cooperation from its side. I will mark the complaint as "unresolved" in our system. I understand this isn't a satisfactory solution to your issue. However, the decrease in the rating caused by unresolved complaints might help to change the casino's approach. If the casino decides to react, we will reopen the complaint, and you will be notified by email. In the meantime, I recommend you contact the Bulgarian Gaming Authority ( and submit a complaint to them. The Gaming Authority has more options and tools to help players. Please let me know if you need help with submitting the complaint or how they responded if you can do it on your own ( I am sorry I could not be of more help on this occasion.
Best regards,
Besplatni profesionalni edukativni kursevi za zaposlene u online kazinima usmereni na najbolje prakse u industriji, poboljšanje iskustva igrača i pošten pristup kockanju.
Inicijativu koju smo pokrenuli s ciljem stvaranja globalnog sistema samoisključenja, koji će omogućiti ranjivim igračima da blokiraju pristup svim mogućnostima online kockanja. je nezavistan izvor informacija o online kazinima i online kazino igrama, i nije kontrolisan od strane bilo kojeg operatora igara ili bilo koje druge institucije. Sve naše recenzije i vodiči su kreirani iskreno, u skladu sa najboljim znanjem i rasuđivanjem naših članova iz ekspertskog tima; ipak ovaj sadržaj je napravljen u informativne svrhe i ne bi smeo i trebao da se tumači kao pravni savet. Bitno je da uvek ispunite sve regulatorne zahteve pre nego počnete igrati u određenom kazinu.
Proverite svoj inboks i kliknite na link koji smo Vam poslali:
Link će isteći za 72 časa.
Proverite svoj "Spam" ili "Promotions" folder ili kliknite na dugme ispod.
Konformacioni e-mail je poslat ponovo.
Proverite svoj inboks i kliknite na link koji smo Vam poslali:
Link će isteći za 72 časa.
Proverite svoj "Spam" ili "Promotions" folder ili kliknite na dugme ispod.
Konformacioni e-mail je poslat ponovo.