Dobio sam ovaj odgovor od BETFREE:
Hvala vam na e-poruci i izvinjavam se zbog zakašnjelog odgovora.
Nakon detaljne istrage, mogu da potvrdim da su sve preduzete radnje bile ispravne i u skladu sa pravilima našeg sajta. Naš tim za podršku vam je pružio detaljne informacije u vezi sa vašim bonusom i njegovim zahtevima za klađenje.
Dozvolite mi da ponovim ključne tačke:
Bonus koji ste spomenuli je još uvek bio aktivan kada ste napravili poslednja dva depozita. Prema pravilima bonusa:
3.2 Neki Live Casino i Slots bonusi mogu automatski isteći ako je bilans korisnika nula 2 minuta. U takvim slučajevima, svi dobici pripisani nakon ovog perioda biće oduzeti od salda korisnika. Ako se depozit izvrši u roku od 2 minuta, a bonus je i dalje aktivan, novi dobici će automatski biti pripisani na bonus račun. Molimo proverite posebna pravila bonusa da biste razumeli trajanje bonusa.
Da biste izbegli gubitak bonusa, sačekajte nekoliko trenutaka nakon što vaš balans dostigne nulu pre nego što napravite novi depozit. Uvek možete proveriti status svog bonusa u odeljku „Bonusi" ili nas kontaktirati putem ćaskanja za pomoć.
Što se tiče iznosa bonusa, od bonusa ste dobili maksimalan mogući iznos. U skladu sa našom politikom, postoji maksimalni iznos bonusa koji se može preneti na vaš stvarni saldo nakon ispunjavanja uslova za klađenje. Ovaj maksimalni iznos se izračunava na osnovu zbira svih opklada na pravi novac tokom perioda klađenja, plus iznos bonusa pomnožen odgovarajućim množiocem:
[Zbroj opklada za pravi novac] + ([Iznos bonusa] k [Množitelj])
Na primer, ako dobijete bonus od 150 evra sa množiocem od 10 i položite opklade u ukupnom iznosu od 400,06 evra iz vašeg stanja stvarnog novca, maksimalni prenosivi iznos bi bio:
(150 € k 10) + 400,06 € = 1.900,06 €
Svaki saldo koji premašuje izračunati maksimalni iznos bonusa biće izgubljen. I još jednom da napomenem, sve preduzete radnje su u potpunosti u skladu sa pravilima našeg sajta, sa kojima se slažete kada učestvujete u našim ponudama.
Ako imate dodatnih pitanja, slobodno nam se obratite.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Betfree tim za žalbe
Ovo je bio moj odgovor:
Kao što možete videti u prvom prilogu, depozit (3. depozit) koji je doveo do dobitka od oko 5000 evra se dogodio u 15:48. Velika pobeda dogodila se u 15:57 kao što možete videti u trećem .prilogu. 15:48 nije 2 minuta nakon što je moj račun bio nula, već 10 minuta. To je bio treći depozit u 15:48, moram ponovo da kažem, iako je očigledno na snimcima ekrana, da je to dovelo do dobitka od skoro 5000 evra.
Pravilo bonusa 3.2 koje ste mi poslali opisuje vremenski okvir od 2 minuta. U ovom vremenskom periodu nije bilo pobede.
Zahtevam da mi vratite 3000 evra koje ste uzeli sa mog računa. Pravilo koje ste mi upravo poslali učinilo je stvari jasnijim. Niste imali pravo da uzmete ovaj novac jer je moj treći depozit bio dosta vremena nakon bonus vremenskog prozora, 10 minuta nakon, Molimo pogledajte snimke ekrana!
Čekam vaš odgovor što je pre moguće jer istražujem svoje mogućnosti.
Hvala unapred .
I received this responce from BETFREE:
Thank you for your email, and I apologize for the delayed response.
After a thorough investigation, I can confirm that all actions taken were correct and consistent with our site’s rules. Our Support Team has provided you with detailed information regarding your bonus and its wagering requirements.
Allow me to reiterate the key points:
The bonus you mentioned was still active when you made your last two deposits. According to the bonus rules:
3.2 Some Live Casino and Slots bonuses can automatically expire if the user’s balance is zero for 2 minutes. In such cases, all winnings credited after this period will be deducted from the user’s balance. If a deposit is made within the 2-minute window and the bonus is still active, new winnings will be automatically credited to the bonus account. Please check the specific bonus rules to understand the duration of the bonus.
To avoid losing your bonus, please wait a few moments after your balance reaches zero before making a new deposit. You can always verify the status of your bonus in the "Bonuses" section or contact us via chat for assistance.
Regarding the bonus amount, you have received the maximum possible amount from the bonus. As per our policy, there is a maximum bonus amount that can be transferred to your real balance after fulfilling the wagering requirements. This maximum amount is calculated based on the sum of all real money bets during the wagering period, plus the bonus amount multiplied by the applicable multiplier:
[Sum of Real Money Bets] + ([Bonus Amount] x [Multiplier])
For example, if you receive a €150 bonus with a multiplier of 10 and place bets totaling €400.06 from your real money balance, the maximum transferable amount would be:
(€150 x 10) + €400.06 = €1,900.06
Any balance exceeding the calculated maximum bonus amount will be forfeited. And once again to mention, all actions taken have been in full accordance with our site rules, which you agree to when participating in our offers.
If you have any further questions, please feel free to reach out.
Best regards,
Betfree Complaints Team
This was my answer:
As you can see at the first attachment, the deposit (the 3rd deposit) that led to the winning of about 5000 euro took place at 15:48. The big win took place at 15:57 as you can see at the third .attachment. 15:48 is not 2 minutes after my account was zero, it is 10 minutes. It was the 3rd deposit at 15:48, i have to say again even though it is obvious from the sscreenshots, that led to the win of almost 5000 euro.
The bonus rule 3.2 you have sent to me describes a 2 minute time window. There was no win at this time window.
I require to credit me back the 3000 euro you took away from my account. The rule you have just send me made the things more clear, You had no right to take these money because my 3rd deposit was a long time after the bonus time window, 10 minutes after, Please check the screenshots!
I am waiting for your response as soon as possible beacuse i am exploring my options.
Thank you in advance .
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