Igraču iz Austrije poništeni su bonus dobici zbog optužbe za zloupotrebu bonusa. Iako je kasino namjeravao koristiti pravilo da ne isplati igrača, što smo smatrali nepravednim, oni su se predomislili i igrač je uspješno povukao dobitak.
The player from Austria had his bonus winnings voided due to an accusation of bonus abuse. Although, the casino intended to use it rule to not pay out the player, which we considered as unfair, they changed their mind and the player succesfully withdrew his winnings.
Igraču iz Austrije poništeni su bonus dobici zbog optužbe za zloupotrebu bonusa. Iako je kasino namjeravao koristiti pravilo da ne isplati igrača, što smo smatrali nepravednim, oni su se predomislili i igrač je uspješno povukao dobitak.
Ovaj je post Casino Guru učinio privatnim. Sadrži osetljive informacije koje treba da vide samo strane uključene u prigovor.
Draga paclmaya,
Hvala vam što ste podnijeli žalbu. Žao mi je zbog vašeg problema. Kontaktirat ćemo kasino i zatražiti njihovu suradnju u rješavanju ovog problema, ali, prije nego što to učinimo, možete li proslijediti svoje bonuse i historiju depozita, zajedno sa relevantnom komunikacijom, na petronela.k@casino.guru ?
Provjerio sam opće uslove i odredbe bonusa i evo što sam pronašao, https://www.betpat.com/en/static-texts/bonus-terms :
"Zabranjeno je zloupotrebljavati dostupne bonus ponude (omjer bonusa kupaca (depoziti: bonusi) preko 50%). Ako bilo koji takav slučaj izađe na vidjelo, kazino zadržava pravo da zaplijeni bilo koji dobitak ostvaren kao rezultat zloupotrebe bonus ponuda ili čitav novčani bilans i onemogućite mogućnost upotrebe bilo kakvih bonusa za taj račun u budućnosti "
Je li ovo tačno pravilo koje se koristi za poništavanje cijelog vašeg promotivnog dobitka?
Nadam se da ćemo vam moći pomoći da što prije riješite ovaj problem. Unaprijed se zahvaljujem na odgovoru.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear paclmaya,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint. I’m sorry to hear about your problem. We will contact the casino and ask for their cooperation in resolving this issue, but, before we do so, could you please forward your bonus and deposit histories, along with any relevant communication, to petronela.k@casino.guru?
I have checked the general bonus terms and conditions, and this is what I found, https://www.betpat.com/en/static-texts/bonus-terms:
"It is forbidden to abuse the bonus offers available (customer bonus ratio (deposits : bonuses) over 50%). If any such cases come to light, the casino reserves the right to seize any winnings gained as a result of abusing the bonus offers or the entire money balance and disable the option of using any bonuses for that account in future"
Is this the exact rule that has been used to void your entire promotional winnings?
I hope we will be able to help you to resolve this issue as soon as possible. Thank you in advance for your reply.
Best regards,
Izgleda da mi je tako rečeno. Nikad prije nisam čuo za ovo pravilo. Kao što rekoh, ni u drugim kazinima. Uvijek gledam koji je maksimalni minimalni ulog, koliko često se mora kladiti i u koje igre ne smijem igrati. Nisam tražio takvo pravilo.
Ali takođe ne pretpostavljam da će postojati takvo pravilo ako mi se svake nedelje ponude 2-3 nova bonusa. Čak ni u razgovoru zaposlenik nije spomenuo kako sam izvršio isplatu. Na početku, kada sam završio s implementacijom, na računu sam imao 3400 eura. Tako sam razgovarao s njom i nakon što je provjerila rekla mi je da mogu podići 1000 eura dnevno. Sedmica 5000 eura. A već tada je trebala vidjeti da neću dobiti novac.
I sada me žele uvjeriti da će ionako biti isplaćen samo 10 puta veći iznos od ovih bonusa. Što nije istina, jer u njoj nikada nije bilo ničega. Ne igram se s bilo kojim bonusom kada dobijete samo 10 puta veći depozit.
Ali činjenica je da kazino zadržava moj dobitak, ali ako izgubim novac s bonusom, u redu je i neću ga dobiti nazad. Fotografirat ću sve bonuse i poslati vam ih danas
Apparently, I was told so. I had never heard of this rule before. As I said, not in other casinos either. I always look what the maximum minimum bet is, how often does it have to be wagered, and which games I am not allowed to play. I wasn't looking for a rule like that.
But I also don't assume there will be such a rule if I am offered 2-3 new bonuses every week. Even in the chat, the employee didn't mention how I made the payout. At the beginning, when I was finished with the implementation, I had 3400 euros in my account. So I talked to her and after she checked she told me that I can withdraw 1000 euros per day. A week 5000 euros. And already then she should have seen that I won't get any money.
And now they want to persuade me that only 10 times the amount of these bonuses will be paid out anyway. Which is not true, because there was never anything in it. I don't play with any bonuses where you only get 10 times the deposit.
But the fact is that the casino keeps my winnings, but if I lose my money with the bonus, it's okay and I won't get it back. I'm going to take a photo of all the bonuses and send them to you today
Anscheinend, wurde mir so gesagt. Ich hatte noch nie von dieser Regel gehört. Wie gesagt auch in anderen casinos nicht. Ich guck immer, was ist der maximaler mindesteinsatz, wie oft muss es umgesetzt werden, und welche Spiele darf ich nicht spielen. Nach so einer Regel hab ich nicht gesucht.
Aber ich gehe auch nicht davon aus, daß es so eine Regel gibt, wenn man mir jede Woche 2-3 neue Boni anbietet. Selbst im Chat hat die Mitarbeiterin nichts davon erwähnt, wie ich die Auszahlung getätigt habe. Ich hatte anfangs wie ich mit dem umsetzen fertig war 3400 Euro am Konto. Da hab ich mit ihr gesprochen und sie hat mir nachdem sie nachgeschaut hat gesagt, pro Tag darf ich 1000 Euro auszahlen lassen. In der Woche 5000 Euro. Und schon da hätte sie es sehen müssen, das ich kein Geld bekommen werde.
Und jetzt will man mir einreden das sowieso nur die 10fache Summe bei diesen Boni ausbezahlt wird. Was aber nicht stimmt, weil davon nie was drinnen stand. Ich spiele mit keinem Boni, wo man nur das 10fache der Einzahlung bekommt.
Aber Fakt ist dass das casino mein Gewinn behält, aber wenn ich mein Geld verliere mit dem Bonus, ist es okay und ich bekomm es nicht retour. Werde heute ein photo der ganzen Boni machen und ihnen senden
Puno vam hvala, paclmaya, na odgovoru i proslijeđenoj e-pošti. Da li dobro razumijem da je kasino odobrio isplatu 10x vašeg zadnjeg depozita?
Molimo pogledajte sljedeće pravilo https://www.betpat.com/en/static-texts/bonus-terms :
"Bilo koja vrsta bonusa za ponovno punjenje ili depozit koji vam je dodijeljen, pod uvjetom da ste ispunili sve uvjete klađenja, možda ćete biti ograničeni na maksimalnu vrijednost povlačenja koja je 10 puta veća od iznosa vašeg depozita. Bilo koji preostali saldo smatrat će se izgubljenim. Progresivni jackpot dobici su izuzeti iz ove klauzule. "
Thank you very much, paclmaya, for your reply and forwarded email. Do I understand correctly that the casino has approved a payout of 10x your last deposit?
Please see the following rule https://www.betpat.com/en/static-texts/bonus-terms:
"Any type of reload or deposit bonus that has been granted to you, subject to you having met all wagering conditions, you might be limited to a maximum withdrawal value of 10 times your deposit amount. Any remaining balance will be considered forfeited. Progressive jackpot wins are exempt from this clause."
Ovaj je post Casino Guru učinio privatnim. Sadrži osetljive informacije koje treba da vide samo strane uključene u prigovor.
Ali da mi mogu platiti 10, međutim, o tome ne znam ništa.
I kao što sam gore napisao - vrlo je čudno da kazino odlučuje kada će se isplatiti. Obično mora biti uključen u bonuse koje prihvatite i znam da je uključen u neke od vaših bonusa, ali u ovom slučaju sigurno nije.
But that they can pay me the 10, however, I don't know anything about that.
And as I wrote above - it's very strange that the casino decides when how much is paid out. Usually it has to be included in the bonuses that you accept, and I know it is included in some of your bonuses, but in this case it certainly isn't.
Aber dass sie mir das 10 auszahlen können ,wollen wie auch immer ,davon weiss ich nichts.
Und wie ich oben geschrieben habe-ist es schon sehr komisch dass das casino entscheidet wann wiviel ausbezahlt wird. Normalerweise muss das bei den Bonis die man annimmt auch dabei stehen.Und ich weiss bei einigen ihrer bonis steht das dabei.Aber in dem fall sicherlich nicht.
Potpuno razumijem vaše gledište, Paclmaya. Želio bih naglasiti da prema našem Kodeksu poštenog kockanja https://casino.guru/fair-gambling-codex-for-casinos#win-limits , nametnuto ograničenje dobitka smatramo nepravednim i predatorom, samo kada se primjenjuje u igru sa stvarnim novcem, međutim, prihvaćamo bonus Uvjete koji ograničavaju maksimalan iznos gotovine iz bonus igre.
Međutim, čvrsto vjerujemo da igrač ne bi trebao biti kažnjen za uzimanje depozitnih bonusa ako su mu dostupni ili mu se nude. Ako kazino vjeruje da igrač zloupotrebljava svoju privilegiju bonusa, to bi u idealnom slučaju moglo biti opozvano i ne koristiti se za oduzimanje dobitka.
Sada ću vašu žalbu prenijeti na kolegu Martina koji će vam biti na pomoći. Želim vam puno sreće i nadam se da ćete u bliskoj budućnosti vidjeti kako se vaš problem rješava na vaše zadovoljstvo.
I fully understand your point of view, paclmaya. I would like to emphasize, that according to our Fair Gambling Codex https://casino.guru/fair-gambling-codex-for-casinos#win-limits, we consider imposed win limit to be unfair and predator, only when it’s applied to a real money game, however, we accept bonus T&Cs that restrict the maximum cash out from a bonus play.
However, we strongly believe that a player shouldn’t be punished for taking Deposit Bonuses if they’re available or offered to them. If a casino believes that a player is abusing their bonus privilege, ideally, this could be revoked and not used to confiscate the winnings.
I will now transfer your complaint to my colleague Martin who will be at your assistance. I wish you best of luck and hope to see your problem being resolved to your satisfaction in the near future.
Ovaj je post Casino Guru učinio privatnim, na zahtev igrača.
Pozdrav paclmaya!
Od sada ću se brinuti o vašoj žalbi. Zamolio bih predstavnike BetPat Casina da se pridruže ovoj raspravi kako bi nam pomogli u rješavanju problema.
Hello paclmaya!
I will be taking care of your complaint from now on. I would like to ask representatives of BetPat Casino to join this discussion in order to help us resolving the issue.
Kao odgovor na slučaj re: king.pacco76@gmx.at Patrick Rysavi
Primjenjuju se ograničenja bonusa, a ne depozitni bonus.
Nadam se da će detaljne informacije čuti da će pokazati da radimo u skladu sa svojim uslovima i odredbama navedenim na BetPat.com
Jasno je da je kupac bez sumnje znao naše uvjete i pokušao iskoristiti naše uvjete, a to su da su naši bonusi za rekreativce, a ne za zloupotrebe bonusa uzimajući 13 bonusa od ukupno 15 depozita, a primjenjuju se sljedeći uvjeti kako je izloženo na BetPat.com u omjeru od 86%, kao što sam siguran da ste već vidjeli i da se slažete.
ZAKLJUČAK: Navika zlostavljača bonusa, a ne korisnika rekreacije.
Korisnik je e-poštom poslan u petak, 21. maja 12:07
Dragi Patrick
Vaše stanje je smanjeno tako da odražava iznos bonusa uzetih od BetPat-a, što predstavlja kršenje naših uslova.
Uzeli ste 13 bonusa od ukupno 15 depozita.
Što je navika nasilnika, a ne korisnika rekreacije.
• Zabranjeno je zloupotrebljavati dostupne bonus ponude (omjer bonusa kupaca (depoziti: bonusi) preko 50%). Ako bilo koji takav slučaj izađe na vidjelo, kazino zadržava pravo da iskoristi bilo koji dobitak stečen kao rezultat zloupotrebe bonus ponuda ili cijelog novčanog stanja i onemogući opciju upotrebe bilo kakvih bonusa za taj račun u budućnosti, pogledajte. https://www.betpat.com/en/static-texts/bonus-terms
Naši uvjeti i odredbe.
* Betpat zadržava pravo suspendovanja bilo kojih računa igrača za koje se pokazalo da su uključeni u lažne i / ili nasilne aktivnosti. Potencijalni dobitak i / ili bonus novac mogu se ukloniti s takvih računa.
* Uprava kasina zadržava pravo da isključi buduće bonuse i kampanje pojedine igrače. Svako takvo izuzeće može se ukinuti po diskreciji uprave Casina u Betpatu.
* Da biste ispunjavali uslove za bilo koji bonus koji nudi Betpat, svi dostavljeni lični podaci moraju biti ažurni i tačni. Betpat zadržava pravo uklanjanja svih Bonusa i dobitaka za račun koji sadrži netačne ili lažne lične podatke.
* Ponuđeni bonusi namijenjeni su samo istinskim rekreativcima. Bonusi nisu namijenjeni igračima koji se mogu klasificirati kao "lovci na bonuse" ili "zloupotrebitelji bonusa".
* Uprava Betpat kasina zadržava pravo zadržavanja ili oduzimanja bilo kakvih bonusa ili dobitaka stečenih kao rezultat lažnih ili na drugi način nepoštenih praksi.
Predlažemo vam da se ponovo upoznate sa punim bonus uvjetima i odredbama na BetPat-u.
Vratili smo vam depozit na vaš račun.
A u budućnosti vam je zabranjeno uzimanje bilo kakvih bonusa.
Tim za usklađenost
Edinburg +44 (0) 131 378 8530
London +44 (0) 203 0110 731
Montreal +5 514 819 0742
Curacao +5 999 788 9920
Korisniku je takođe zabranjeno uzimanje bilo kakvih bonusa u petak, 21. maja 12:07, kada mu je poslana e-pošta i o tome je obaviješten u e-mailu iznad.
Sve informacije izložene su na našoj web stranici kako bi ih korisnici mogli vidjeti, a kupci su bili ograničeni od bonusa prema e-pošti.
Pored toga, kao što možda znate, ograničeni smo na bijelu etiketu sa SG International, i pod ograničenim uvjetima automatskog ograničavanja bonusa ljudima koji prelaze ovaj prag od 50%, međutim kupac treba biti upoznat s uvjetima i odredbama prilikom uzimanja bonusa , Siguran sam da je uobičajeni zlostavljač bonusa dobro upoznat, zato su postavljeni uvjeti.
Citiranje vaše predstavnice Kristine Stark 15. marta 2021.
Nažalost, u ovom trenutku ne mogu mnogo učiniti da podržim vaš slučaj, posebno kada kazino dijeli sve relevantne informacije na web stranici.
uvijek biste trebali provjeriti i bonus i opće uvjete jer se važne informacije često spominju samo tamo. Čak i ako ste lažno obaviješteni o maksimalnom izlazu, nazvao bih to iskrenom greškom, a ne pokušajem da vas lažem. Čak i ako je agent za chat uživo pružio netačne informacije, bonus uvjeti i uvjeti uvijek prevladavaju.
Zahvaljujemo vam na prilici da odgovorite.
In response to case re: king.pacco76@gmx.at Patrick Rysavi
Bonus restriction applies, not Deposit Bonus.
I hope the detailed information hear, will show that we are operating within our own terms and conditions as laid out at BetPat.com
It is clear that the customer knew without doubt our conditions and has tried to exploit our terms, which are that our bonuses are for recreational users and not bonus abusers by taking 13 Bonuses from a total of 15 deposits, and the following terms and conditions apply as laid out at BetPat.com at a ratio of 86% as I’m sure you will have seen before and agree.
CONCLUSION: Habit of a bonus abuser and not a recreational user.
Customer was emailed Friday 21 May 12:07 PM
Dear Patrick
Your balance has been cut to reflect the amount of bonuses taken from BetPat, which is a breach of our conditions.
You have taken 13 Bonuses from a total of 15 deposits.
Which is the habit of a bonus abuser and not a recreational user.
• It is forbidden to abuse the bonus offers available (customer bonus ratio (deposits : bonuses) over 50%). If any such cases come to light, the casino reserves the right to seize any winnings gained as a result of abusing the bonus offers or the entire money balance and disable the option of using any bonuses for that account in future please see. https://www.betpat.com/en/static-texts/bonus-terms
Our terms and conditions.
* Betpat reserves the right to suspend any player accounts that have proven to be involved in fraudulent and/or abusive activities. Potential winnings and/or Bonus money may be removed from such accounts.
* The Casino management reserves the right to exclude individual players from future Bonuses and campaigns. Any such exclusion may be lifted at the discretion of the Casino management of Betpat.
* To be eligible for any bonus offered by Betpat all personal information submitted must be up to date and accurate. Betpat reserves the right to remove any Bonuses and winnings for an account containing inaccurate or false personal details.
* Bonuses offered are intended for genuine recreational players only. The bonuses are not intended to be given to players that could be classified as "bonus hunters" or "bonus abusers".
* The management of Betpat casino reserves the right to withhold or seize any bonuses or winnings gained as a result of fraudulent or otherwise unfair practices.
We would suggest you make yourself familiar again with the full bonus terms and conditions on BetPat.
We have refunded your deposit to your account.
And you are restricted from taking any bonuses in the future.
Compliance Team
Edinburgh +44 (0) 131 378 8530
London +44 (0) 203 0110 731
Montreal +5 514 819 0742
Curacao +5 999 788 9920
Customer was also restricted from taking any bonuses Friday 21 May 12:07 PM when he was emailed, and notified of this in email above.
All information is laid out on our website for our users to view, and customer was restricted from bonuses as per email.
Additionally, as you may know we are limited with being on a white label with SG International, and under limited conditions of automatically limiting bonuses to people who are over this 50% threshold, however customer should be aware of the terms and conditions when taking bonuses, I'm sure a habitual bonus abuser is well aware, this is why terms and conditions are in place.
Quoting your representative Kristina Stark 15 March 2021.
Sadly, there is not much I can do to support your case at this time, especially when the casino shares all the relevant information on the website.
you should always check the Bonus T&Cs and General T&Cs as well, because important information is often mentioned only there. Even if you’ve been informed falsely regarding the maximum cash out, I would call it an honest mistake and not an attempt to lie to you. Even if a live chat agent has provided incorrect information, the bonus terms and conditions always prevail.
We thank you for the opportunity to respond.
Pa opet, mislim da je to smiješno. Ko dolazi na ideju da obrati pažnju na takve uslove? Kao što sam rekao, nisam imao takve uslove ni u jednom drugom kazinu. U principu, ako postoji bonus i vi ga koristite, pridržavajte se primjene ovih uvjeta, postoji ograničenje itd. Ali nema bonusa koji ste mi poslali e-poštom da bih mogao i pogledati vašu stranicu. Budući da obično provjeravam e-poštu i ako postoji nešto zanimljivo, pogledam stranicu kasina. I pročitajte mi uobičajene uslove.
Nisam ja ovdje zlostavljao, već Betpat. Ako igraču nije dostupan bonus, on ga neće moći koristiti.
Poslali su mi e-mail - provjerio sam - bonus je bio tamo - iskoristio sam ga.
I to je sjajno, ni zaposlenici ne bi trebali biti upoznati sa njihovim pravilima. Budući da vaši zaposlenici razgovaraju sa mnom - žele podatke za upoređivanje, pogledajte moj račun i niko ništa o tome nije rekao.
Kažu mi koliko često mogu isplatiti u sedmici, u mjesecu, koliko mogu isplatiti - i još uvijek se ne spominje činjenica da sam napravio "zloupotrebu bonusa". Čak sam pitao koje igre možete igrati, a koje ne! Ludilo zbog zlostavljanja mene! Zaista pokušavam sve da prevarim bonus. Smešno
Samo za vas na temu bonusa:
Bonus nije tu da bi zadovoljio igrača, već da bi igraču otežao isplatu.
Glupo mi je uzimati bonus, ali bonuse uvijek uzimam samo kad malo položim da bih mogao duže igrati.
Vi ili korisnik bonusa sebi otežavate život, sve morate primijeniti. Zatim pripazite koje se oklade čine - koja se igra nalazi na listi za pucanje, pa nije dozvoljeno igrati.
I onda još jedno pitanje? Zašto naređujem podizanje novca, zašto je novac i dalje na računu? Niste li dužni odmah ukloniti dogovoreni novac sa računa igrača kupca, jer on želi isplatiti taj iznos? I tek onda učiniti ga ponovo dostupnim ako otkaže isplatu?
Na temu zloupotrebe bonusa.
Zlostavljanje se vrši samo ako sam to učinio svjesno. Radim neku vrstu akcije u igri kao u igri da bih ušao u besplatnu igru, ali besplatnu igru nastavljam tek nakon što bonus završi. Svjesno sam iskoristio bonus. Inače ne bih uplatio. I ne, da ne zloupotrebljavam ništa, već samo da igram - kao i u bilo kojem drugom OZBILJNOM kazinu - Ovdje imate bonus, zabavite se s njim.
A to sigurno nisam uradio sa besplatnim okretajima.
Šta su poduzeli po tom pitanju?
Šaljete mi bonus e-poštom
Idem na vašu web stranicu
Pitajte šta je dozvoljeno - koje igre
Tada koristim bonus
Do tada - nijedan zaposlenik ne spominje ništa od neobičnog stanja - čak ni o činjenici da ćete kao kazino možda moći odlučiti o isplati - da se možda mora isplatiti 10 puta više.
Trebalo bi stvarno biti uključeno u bonus. Ali ne sa tobom.
Kao operater kasina, naravno, znate svoje idiotsko pravilo, koje zapravo nema smisla, samo šteti igraču. Rijetko viđeno pravilo je besmisleno poput vašeg.
Pošaljete mi e-poštu o novim bonusima - iako znate da ako koristim bonus, definitivno sam već izgubio.
Uzmete moj dobitak od 1000 eura, odbijete 975 eura, a ja mogu dobiti 25 eura koje sam vratio. Jer sam prekršio zlostavljanje s njihove tačke gledišta.
Čudno, prije toga, kada sam davao depozite, iako sam zloupotrebljavao bonuse prema njihovim izjavama, s vaše strane nema prigovora ako bih sve izgubio. Zašto mi se novac nije vratio?
Ako zlostavljam, šta to radiš?
Već sam vam ga ponudio kad se nađemo na pola-500 eura spremni
So again, I think it's ridiculous. Who comes up with the idea to pay attention to such conditions? As I said, I haven't had such conditions in any of the other casinos. In principle, if there is a bonus and you use it, then observe these conditions implementation, there is a limit, and so on. But there is no bonus that you emailed me so that I could even look at your site. Because I usually check the emails and if there is something interesting, I look at the casino page. And read me the usual conditions.
It was not I who made an abuse here, but Betpat. If there is no bonus available for a player, he will not be able to use it.
They sent me the email - I checked - bonus was there - I used it.
And that's awesome, the employees shouldn't be familiar with their rules either. Because your employees talk to me-want data to compare, look at my account and nobody has said anything about it.
They tell me how often I can pay out in the week, in the month, how much I can pay out - and still no mention of the fact that I have made "bonus abuse". I even asked which games you can play and which you can't! Madness the abuse of me! I really try everything to cheat a bonus. Ridiculous
Just for you on the subject of bonuses:
The bonus is not there to please the player, but to make it harder for the player to get a payout.
It's stupid of me to take a bonus, but I always only take bonuses when I deposit a little so that I can play longer.
You or the user of the bonus makes life difficult for yourself, you have to implement everything. Then watch out which bets are made - which game is on the shooting list, so it is not allowed to play.
And then another question? When I order a withdrawal, why is the money still in the account? Are you not obliged to immediately remove the arranged money from the customer's player account, because he wants to pay out this amount? And only then make it available again if he cancels the payout?
On the subject of abuse of a bonus.
Abuse only takes place if I have done it consciously. I do some kind of action in the game like in a game to get into a free game, but only continue the free game after the bonus has ended. I consciously used the bonus. Otherwise I would not have paid in. And no, not to abuse anything but just to play - as in any other SERIOUS casino too - Here you have a bonus, have fun with it.
And I certainly didn't do that with the free spins.
What did they do about it?
You send me a bonus by email
I go to your website
Ask what is allowed - which games
Then I use the bonus
Until then - no employee mentions anything of the strange condition - not even about the fact that you as a casino may be able to decide on a payout - that perhaps 10 times as much must be paid out.
Should actually be included in the bonus. But not with you.
As a casino operator, of course, you know your idiotic rule, which actually doesn't make sense, only harms the player. Rarely seen a rule as pointless as yours.
You send me an email about new bonuses - although you know that if I use the bonus, I have definitely already lost.
You take my winnings of 1000 euros, deduct 975 euros and I can have the 25 euros that I paid back. Because I violated the abuse from their point of view.
Strangely, before that, when I made deposits, even though I was abusing bonuses according to their statements, no complaint on your part if I lost everything. Why didn't my money get back?
If I am abusing, what are you doing?
I've already offered it to you once we'll meet in the middle-500 euro-off ready
Also nochmals ,ich finde es lächerlich. Wer kommt auf die Idee,auf solche Bedingungen zu achten. Wie gesagt ich habe in keinem der anderen Casinos solche Bedingungen gehabt. Im Prinzip galt wenn ein Bonus da ist und du ihn nutzt ,dann beachte diese Bedingungen-Umsetzuing,gibt es ein limit,und so weiter. Aber nicht da ist ein Bonus,den sie mir ja per email zugesendet haben,damit ich überhaupt auf ihre seite schaue. Weil ich meistens nach den emails schaue und wenn was interessantes dabei ist,schau ich auf die casino seite. Und lese mir die üblichen bedingungen durch.
Nicht ich habe hier einen Missbrauch gemacht ,sondern Betpat. Wenn für einen Spieler keinen bonus zur verfügung steht, kann er ihn auch nicht nutzen.
Sie haben mir die email gesendet-ich habe nachgeschaut-bonus war da-ich habe ihn genutzt.
Und das geile ist ja,die Mitarbeiter dürften sich da auch nicht auskennen ,mit ihren Regeln. Weil ihre Mitarbeiter unterhalten sich mit mir-wollen Daten zum abgleich , schauen auf mein Konto und keiner hat was davon gesagt.
Man sagt mir wie oft ich auszahlen darf in der woche,im Monat,wieviel ich auszahlen darf-und noch immer davon keine Rede das ich "Bonusmissbrauch" gemacht habe. Ich habe sogar gefragt welche Spiele man da spielen darf und welche nicht!!! Wahnsinn der Missbrauch von mir! Ich versuche echt alles um einen Bonus zu erschwindeln. Lächerlich
Nur mal für sie zum thema Bonus:
Der Bonus ist nicht da um Spieler Freude zu bereiten,sondern dafür um es den Spieler schwerer zu machen ,damit er eine Auszahlung erreicht.
Es ist ja schon dumm von mir einen Bonus zu nehmen.Ich nehme aber immer nur bonus wenn ich wenig einzahle, damit ich länger spielen kann.
Sie oder der Nutzer des bonus macht sich das leben selber schwer,muss mal alles umsetzen.dann aufpassen welche Einsätze getätigt werden-Welches Spiel steht auf abschussliste,also darf nicht gespielt werden.
Und dann mal eine andere Frage? Wenn ich eine Auszahlung anordne-warum ist das Geld noch immer am Konto oben. Sind sie nicht verpflichtet das das angeordnete Geld sofort vom Spielerkonto des Kunden wegzunehmen.weil er diesen betrag ja auszahlen will. Und erst dann wieder zur Verfügung stellen wenn er die Auszahlung abbrich?
Zum Theman Missbrauch eines Bonusses.
Missbrauch findet nur dann statt,wenn ich es bewusst gemacht habe. Ich im Spiel irgendwelche aktionen mache wie bei einem Spiel in ein Freispiel zu kommen,aber das Freispiel erst nach dem ende des Bonus weiterführe. Habe ich bewusst den Bonus genutzt. Ja sonst hätte ich ja nicht eingezahlt. Und nein nicht um irgendwas zu missbrauchen sondenr einfach nur zum Spielen-wie in jedem anderen SERIÖSEN casino auch-Hier haben sie einen Bonus viel spass damit.
Und das mit den Freispielen habe ich sicherlich nicht gemacht.
Was dagegen haben sie gemacht.
Sie senden mir per email einen Bonus
Ich gehe auf ihre webseite
Frage nach was alles erlaubt ist-welche Spiele
Dann nutze ich den Bonus
Bis dahin -kein Mitarbeiter erwähnt was von der seltsamen Bedingung-auch nicht davon dass sie als Casino eventuell entscheiden können bei einer auszahlung-dass vielleich nzr das 10fache ausbezahlt werden muss.
Sollte eigentlich beim Bonus dabei stehen. Nicht aber bei Ihnen.
Als Casinobetreiber kennen sie natürlich ihre schwachsinnige Regel,die egentlich keinen SInn ergibt,nur den Spieler schaden. Selten so eine Regel gesehen die so sinnlos ist wie ihre .
Sie senden mir eine email wegen neue Bonis-obwohl sie wissen das wenn ich den Bonus nutze ,ich auf jedenfall schon verloren habe.
Sie nehmen meinen gewinn von 1000 euro ziehen 975 euro ab und die 25 euro die ich einbezahlt habe,darf ich retour haben. Weil ich ja gegen den Missbrauch aus ihrer Sicht verstossen habe.
Komischerweise kam es davor als ich Einzahlungen gemacht habe, obwohl ich ja laut ihren angaben Bonusmissbrauch betrieben habe, keine Beschwerde ihrerseits, wenn ich alles verloren habe. Waum kam da nicht mein Geld retour?
Wenn ich Missbrauch betreibe, was betreiben dann Sie ?
Ich habe es Ihnen schon einmal angeboten treffen wir uns in der Mitte-500 euro-aus fertig
Dragi predstavnici BetPat Casina,
Želio bih vam postaviti nekoliko pitanja.
Je li istina da ste, iako je igrač u prošlosti dobivao bonuse, neprestano prodavali nove bonus ponude?
Budući da u svojim OU imate takvo pravilo, pokušavate li spriječiti igrače da dobivaju daljnje bonuse kako bi spriječili bilo kakvu situaciju poput ove?
Ovdje bih želio jasno da se obratim, da se takva pravila - kad se ne primjenjuju softverom ili bilo kojim drugim ograničenjem - u našem pogledu smatraju nepravednim i predatorskim.
Dear representatives of BetPat Casino,
I would like to ask you a few questions.
Is it true, that although the player received bonuses in the past, you did continuously market him with new bonus offers?
Since you have such rule in you T&Cs, do you try to prevent players from receiving further bonuses to prevent any situations like this?
I would like to clearly address here, that rules like these - when not enforced by a software or any other limitation - are considered unfair and predatory in our point of view.
Zdravo Martine
Igrač će biti uklonjen iz marketinga kada se utvrdi da je on koji zlostavlja bonus.
Da. Kad smo svjesni da kupci zlostavljaju bonuse, u našem sustavu je zabranjeno davati bilo kakve ponude koje vide na našoj web stranici.
Nemamo nikakav softver koji bi nam omogućio da to automatski smjestimo u naš sistem, ali prema vašoj web lokaciji, prilikom savjetovanja o lovu na bonite https://casino.guru/bonus-hunting savjetujete ljudima da ih ovo pokupi upravnik, što je i bio slučaj.
„S jedne strane, dobar menadžer kazina može primijetiti iz vašeg stila klađenja da ste lovac na bonuse. Vaš stil s većim odstupanjem malo će se razlikovati od stila povremenih igrača koji samo ubijaju vrijeme u casinu. Ali većina kazina će platiti uprkos tome što misle da ste lovac na bonuse. Ne žele riskirati svoju reputaciju za nekoliko hiljada dolara. "
Hi Martin
Player would be removed from marketing when they are found to be a bonus abuser.
Yes. When we are aware that customers are bonus abusers, they are restricted on our system from taking any offers they see on our site.
We don’t have any software to allow us to automatically place this in our system, but according to your site, when advising on bonus hunting https://casino.guru/bonus-hunting you advise people that this is picked up by a manager, which was the case.
"On the one hand a good casino manager may notice from your betting style that you are a bonus hunter. Your style with higher variance will differ a little from the style of casual players who are just killing their time in the casino. But most of the casinos will pay despite they think that you are a bonus hunter. They don’t want to risk their reputation for few thousand dollars."
Ovo je pokriveno kodeksom poštenog kockanja Casino Guru.
Prema preporukama casino gurua za borbu protiv zlostavljača bonusa
primjenom pravila omjera na naše uvjete i odredbe.
Kao što je navedeno u 9. Lov na bonuse (zloupotreba bonusa)
Naše preporuke za kazina
Za borbu protiv zlostavljača bonusa, preporučujemo primjenu dodatnih pravila u Bonus Uvjetima kako biste ograničili mogućnost zloupotrebe casino bonusa. To bonuse čini neiskorištivima, što znači da kazino ne mora brinuti o zlostavljačima bonusa.
9. Lov na bonuse (zloupotreba bonusa)
Naš položaj
Ako igrač koristi vlastite lične podatke za stvaranje kazino računa, nema duplirane račune i slijedi sva pravila Uvjeta i pravila, trebao bi biti u mogućnosti koristiti kazino bonus koji mu je dat na bilo koji način .
Njihov igrač nije ispoštovao sva pravila u općim uvjetima
12. Sprovođenje pravila
Naš položaj i preporuke za kazina
Ako kasino odluči kazniti igrača zbog činjenja nečega pogrešnog, najmanje što može učiniti je obavijestiti igrača kako konkretno predstavljaju pravila i koja su pravila prekršena. Kazino bi trebao uključiti barem ove informacije u poruku koja obavještava igrača o problemu:
Koja su pravila konkretno prekršili (nemojte citirati samo cjelokupne uvjete i odredbe)
Kada i kako je igrač prekršio pravila
Kako će igrač biti kažnjen i može li nešto učiniti
Ovo je izvedeno u potpuno otvorenoj komunikaciji s kupcem, što znači da smo bili pošteni i transparentni u vezi s tim zahtjevom, u skladu s vlastitim politikama i Casino Guruom.
This is is covered with Casino Guru fair gambling codex.
According to casino guru recommendations to battle bonus abusers
by implementing the ratio rule on our terms and conditions.
As stated in 9. Bonus hunting (bonus abusing)
Our recommendations for casinos
To battle bonus abusers, we recommend implementing additional rules in Bonus T&Cs to limit the ability to abuse casino bonuses. This makes bonuses unexploitable, meaning that the casino doesn't have to worry about bonus abusers.
9. Bonus hunting (bonus abusing)
Our position
If a player uses their own personal information to create a casino account, doesn't have duplicate accounts and follows all of the rules in the T&Cs, they should be able to use a casino bonus that has been given to them in any way they want.
They player has not followed all the rules in the T&C's
12. Enforcing rules
Our position and recommendations for casinos
If the casino decides to punish a player for doing something wrong, the least it can do is to let the player know how they specifically broker the rules and which rules were broken. The casino should at least include this information in the message informing the player about the issue:
Which rules they specifically broke (don't just quote the entire T&Cs)
When and how the player has broken the rules
How the player will be penalized, and whether there is something they can do
This has been carried out in full open communication with the customer, which means we have been fair and transparent over this claim, in accordance with our own policies and Casino Guru.
Dragi predstavnici BetPat Casina,
Jako mi je drago što ste odvojili vrijeme i prošli naš Kodeks poštenog kockanja i pokušali postupiti u skladu s tim, međutim bojim se da su neke od ovih točaka koje ste spomenuli pomalo pogrešno protumačene.
"S jedne strane, dobar menadžer kazina iz vašeg stila klađenja može primijetiti da ste lovac na bonuse. Vaš stil s većim odstupanjem malo će se razlikovati od stila povremenih igrača koji samo ubijaju svoje vrijeme u kazinu. Ali većina kazina će platiti uprkos tome što misle da ste lovac na bonuse. Ne žele riskirati svoju reputaciju za nekoliko hiljada dolara. "
Imajte na umu da je naglasak ove točke usmjeren na stil klađenja, a ne na iznos bonusa koje je igrač primio, što je poanta spora u ovoj žalbi.
"Za borbu protiv zloupotrebitelja bonusa, preporučujemo primjenu dodatnih pravila u Bonus T&C-ima kako bi se ograničila mogućnost zloupotrebe casino bonusa. To bonuse čini neiskorišćenima, što znači da casino ne mora brinuti o zlostavljačima bonusa."
Poanta je ovdje postaviti pojedinačne uslove i odredbe posebne ponude na način koji potencijalni zloupotrebitelji bonusa ne bi mogli zloupotrijebiti ponudu. Uvjeti poput zahtjeva za klađenjem, na primjer maksimalne oklade.
"Ako igrač koristi vlastite lične podatke za stvaranje računa u kasinu, nema duplicirane račune i slijedi sva pravila Uvjeta i pravila, trebao bi biti u mogućnosti koristiti kazino bonus koji mu je dat na bilo koji način željeti."
Pretpostavljam da je ovo vrlo samorazumljivo, kad igrač dobije bonus i ostane u granicama svojih uvjeta i pravila, to nikako ne može smatrati zloupotrebom bonusa.
"Ako kasino odluči kazniti igrača zbog činjenja nečega pogrešnog, najmanje što može učiniti je obavijestiti igrača kako konkretno predstavljaju pravila i koja su pravila prekršena. Kazino bi barem trebao uključiti ove podatke u poruku kojom obavještava player o problemu:
Koja su pravila konkretno prekršili (nemojte citirati samo cjelokupne uvjete i odredbe)
Kada i kako je igrač prekršio pravila
Kako će igrač biti kažnjen i može li nešto učiniti "
Vjerujem da ste to učinili vi i da ste jasno naveli poantu problema ovdje u niti prigovora.
Međutim, dozvolite mi da ponovim još jednom: "Pored toga, kao što možda znate, ograničeni smo time što smo sa SG International-om na bijeloj etiketi i pod ograničenim uvjetima automatskog ograničavanja bonusa ljudima koji prelaze ovaj prag od 50%, međutim kupac bi trebao biti svjestan odredbi i uslova prilikom uzimanja bonusa, siguran sam da je uobičajeni zloupotrebitelj bonusa dobro upoznat, zato postoje uvjeti. "
Čvrsto vjerujemo da je ovo posebno pravilo, ako softver nije nametnut ili spriječen na bilo koji drugi način, strogo nepravedno. Jednostavnije rečeno, ako ne želite da igrači dobiju određeni omjer bonusa i njihovih depozita, jednostavno im ne biste smjeli dopustiti da ih potražuju. Dopustiti igraču da zatraži i uloži bonus, a zatim ga nakon toga smatrati zlostavljačem bonusa, čak nema nikakvog smisla.
Dear BetPat Casino's representatives,
I am very glad that you took your time and went through our Fair Gambling Codex and try to act accordingly, however I am afraid that some of these points that you mentioned are being a bit misinterpreted.
"On the one hand a good casino manager may notice from your betting style that you are a bonus hunter. Your style with higher variance will differ a little from the style of casual players who are just killing their time in the casino. But most of the casinos will pay despite they think that you are a bonus hunter. They don’t want to risk their reputation for few thousand dollars."
Please note, the emphasis of this point is being focused on the style of bets, not the amount of bonuses received by the player, which is the point of dispute in this complaint.
"To battle bonus abusers, we recommend implementing additional rules in Bonus T&Cs to limit the ability to abuse casino bonuses. This makes bonuses unexploitable, meaning that the casino doesn't have to worry about bonus abusers."
The point here is to set the specific's bonus offer individual terms and conditions in a way, which the potential bonus abusers could not abuse the offer. Conditions like wagering requirements, maximum bets for example.
"If a player uses their own personal information to create a casino account, doesn't have duplicate accounts and follows all of the rules in the T&Cs, they should be able to use a casino bonus that has been given to them in any way they want."
I presume this point is very self-explanatory, once the player receives the bonus and stays within the boundaries of it's terms and conditions, there is no way this can be considered as a bonus abuse.
"If the casino decides to punish a player for doing something wrong, the least it can do is to let the player know how they specifically broker the rules and which rules were broken. The casino should at least include this information in the message informing the player about the issue:
Which rules they specifically broke (don't just quote the entire T&Cs)
When and how the player has broken the rules
How the player will be penalized, and whether there is something they can do"
I do believe this was done by your side and you clearly stated the point of the issue here in the complaint's thread.
However, let me repeat once again: "Additionally, as you may know we are limited with being on a white label with SG International, and under limited conditions of automatically limiting bonuses to people who are over this 50% threshold, however customer should be aware of the terms and conditions when taking bonuses, I'm sure a habitual bonus abuser is well aware, this is why terms and conditions are in place."
We strongly believe, that this specific rule, when not software enforced or prevented in any other way, is strictly unfair. To put it more simply, if you do not desire for the players to receive a specific ratio of bonuses to their deposits, you should simply not allow them to claim them in the first place. Letting the player to claim and wager the bonus and then afterwards considering him as a bonus abuser does not even make any sense.
Mislim da pokušavate prebaciti ciljeve sa svojih smjernica kako bi odgovarale ovom slučaju.
"Za borbu protiv zloupotrebitelja bonusa, preporučujemo primjenu dodatnih pravila u Bonus T&C-ima kako bi se ograničila mogućnost zloupotrebe casino bonusa. To bonuse čini neiskorišćenima, što znači da casino ne mora brinuti o zlostavljačima bonusa."
Kupac je zloupotrebitelj bonusa, ovo je vaš vlastiti savjet koji smo slijedili, vrlo jasan.
I think you'r trying to move the goalposts from your own guidelines to suit this case.
"To battle bonus abusers, we recommend implementing additional rules in Bonus T&Cs to limit the ability to abuse casino bonuses. This makes bonuses unexploitable, meaning that the casino doesn't have to worry about bonus abusers."
The customer is a bonus abuser, this is your own advice we have followed, very clear.
Mislim da je Casinoguru tim mislio nešto drugo.
Ali svaku izjavu definirate onako kako vam se najviše sviđa.
Vjerovatno ste rekli da ako ne smijem igrati s bonusom, sistem treba biti dizajniran tako da mi ne dozvoljava da uzmem bonus. Kao u bilo kojem drugom kasinu.
Kao što sam rekao, ne znam ovo pravilo, nijedno od najboljih kazina nema ovo pravilo.
Jedina pravila koja se moraju poštivati su uobičajena.
Kladite se koliko često se moraju kladiti, koje igre su izuzete iz bonusa.
Šta nije dozvoljeno.
Šta možete očekivati od bonusa.
To znači da je sa bonusom već vidljivo šta je dozvoljeno.
Čak i kod vas piše šta se mora primijeniti, koliki je ulog - ali ne kaže, na primjer, koliko se isplati.
Oni ubacuju klauzulu u terminima za koje nijedan igrač ne zna. već kroz njih.
Može li kazino odlučiti koliko često podizati depozit za bonuse? Čak i ako ranije nije bio uključen u specijalni bonus?
To mora biti prethodno uključeno, čak i ako nije uključeno.
Kao kazino, ne biste li trebali biti zabrinutiji za reputaciju svog kasina ako primijenite takve uvjete?
I think that the Casinoguru team meant something else.
But you define each statement as you like it best.
You probably said that if I am not allowed to play with a bonus, the system should be designed in such a way that it doesn't allow me to take the bonus. As in any other casino.
As I said, I don't know this rule, none of the top casinos have this rule.
The only rules that have to be followed are the usual ones.
Bet, how often must be wagered, which games are excluded from the bonus.
What is not allowed.
What can you expect from the bonus.
That means it is already visible with the bonus what is allowed.
And even with you it says what has to be implemented, how high the stake is - but it doesn't say, for example, how much is paid out.
They throw in a clause in the terms that no player knows about. already through them.
Can a casino decide how often to withdraw a deposit for bonuses? Even if it wasn't included in the special bonus before?
That has to be included beforehand, even if it is not included.
As a casino, shouldn't you be more concerned about your casino's reputation if you apply such conditions?
ich glaube eher das dass Casinoguru-team was anderes gemeint hat.
Aber sie legen jede aussage so fest wie es ihnen am besten gefällt.
Sie meinten wahrscheinlich eher wenn ich nicht mit bonus spielen darf sollte man das system so auslegen ,das es mich gar nicht dazu lässt, den bonus zu nehmen. Wie in jedem anderen Casino auch.
Wie gesagt ich kenne diese Regel nicht, in keinem der top-casinos gibt es diese Regel.
Die einzigen Regeln die einzuhalten sind, die die üblichen regeln.
Wetteinsatz, Wie oft muss umgesetzt werden, welche Spiele sind ausgeschlossen vom Bonus.
Was darf man nicht.
Was können sie erwarten vom Bonus.
Das heisst es ist schon beim Bonus sichtbar, was alles erlaubt ist.
Und selbst bei Ihnen steht drauf, was umgesetzt werden muss, wie hoch der wetteinsatz ist-aber es steht zum beispiel nicht wieviel ausbezahlt wird.
Sie schmeissen eine Klausel in den Bedingungen rein,die kein Spieler kennt. jetzt durch ihnen schon.
Ein casino kann entscheiden wie oft er einen einzahlung bei bonussen auszahlt? Auch wenn es vorher nicht bei dem speziellen Bonus dabei stand?
Das muss schon vorher drinnen stehen,und wenn es nicht dabei steht.
Sollte sie sich nicht als Casino eher Sorgen machen wie es um den Ruf ihres Casino steht,wenn sie solche Bedingungen anwenden?
Pitanje pravičnosti i zatvaranja ove dugotrajne rasprave.
Kao čin dalje pravičnosti.
U ovom slučaju želite povući odbitak omjera za vaš dobitak i vratiti se na 10x na depozit, čega ste svjesni.
Željeli bismo podsjetiti kupca da pročita odredbe i uslove u bilo kojem kazinu u kojem igraju, da se upozna s pravilima koja bi mogao prekršiti, što se ovdje dogodilo.
Vaš depozit, kao što je gore spomenuto, svjesni ste ograničenja depozita x10, tako da ćemo na pravičan način vratiti na vaš račun 250 € koje možete slobodno igrati ili podići.
Ako igrate, imajte na umu da je na vašem računu postavljeno radio stanje i nećete moći odabrati bilo koji bonus, jer je naš sistem to zaustavio.
Ako želite podići ovaj iznos, osobno ću to provjeriti kako bih bio siguran da je odobren i primljen.
Dati ćemo preporuku da imamo automatizirani sustav, kako bismo spriječili da se ovaj problem više pojavljuje u budućnosti, međutim pretpostavljam da će rad na razvoju usluga od strane dobavljača platforme potrajati, ali slažemo se da bi, ako bi ovaj sistem bio na snazi, su uopće zaustavili ovu situaciju.
Željeli bismo ovo ponuditi kao sporazumno blisko ovoj situaciji.
Ako odgovorite da se slažete, osobno ću se pobrinuti za to danas.
As a matter of fairness and closure on this long winded discussion.
As an act of further fairness.
On this case would like to withdraw the ratio deduction on your winnings, and revert back to the 10x on deposit, which you are aware of.
We would like to remind the customer to read the terms and conditions on any casino they play at, to make themselves aware of rules that they might break, which has happened here.
Your deposit as mentioned above, you are aware of the x10 deposit limit, so in the manner of fairness, we will place back on your balance €250 which you are free to play or withdraw.
If you play, please remember there is a radio condition placed on your account, and you will not be eligible to select any bonuses, as this is stopped by our system.
If you wish to withdraw this amount, I will personally over see this to make sure it is approved and received.
We will put a recommendation in to having an automated system, to prevent this issue arising again in the future, however I suspect development work form the platform provider will take some time, but we agree that if this system was in place, then it would have stopped this situation in the first place.
We would like to offer this as an amicable close to this situation.
If you reply you agree, I will personally take care of this today.
Pozdrav paclmaya!
Molio bih vas da prokomentirate odluku kazina. U slučaju da se složite, ostavit ćemo žalbu dok ne primite povlačenje.
Hello paclmaya!
I would like to ask you to comment on the decision of the casino. In case you'd agree, we will leave the complaint until you'd receive your withdrawal.
Pa, pretpostavit ću da moram sam uplatiti depozit ili će 250 eura biti automatski prebačeno na detalje računa
Well, I will assume that I have to make the deposit myself or the 250 euros will be automatically transferred to the account details should be known
gut werde ich so annehmen,mussich die einzahlung selber durchführen oder werden die 250 euro automatisch überiwesen-kontodaten sollten ja bekannt sein
Već ste položili 25 €, dakle 10x 25 = 250 €.
Dakle, nema potrebe za ponovnim polaganjem sredstava.
Vratit ćemo vaš račun sa 250 eura ako pristanete na gore navedeno.
You had already deposited €25, so 10x 25 = €250.
So there is no need to deposit again.
We will credit your account back with €250 if you agree to the above.
250 € je uplaćeno na vaš račun.
Možete se igrati s tim ili povući.
Ako povučete ovaj iznos, pobrinut ćemo se da vam to odobrimo danas popodne.
Imajte na umu da su bonusi isključeni s vašeg računa sve dok se vaš omjer ne smanji na 50% ako odlučite igrati izmijenjeni saldo.
€250 Has been credited to your account.
You can play with it or you can withdraw it.
If you withdraw this amount, we will make sure this is approved for you this afternoon.
Please remember that bonuses are excluded from your account till your ratio reduces to 50% if you decide to play the amended balance.
Hvala, nadam se da neće biti problema ako želim ponovo isplatiti sa 50 eura na računu, jer sam nešto osvojio
Thank you, I hope that there will be no problems if I want to pay out again with 50 euros on the account, because I have won something
danke ,ich hoffe dass es dann keine probleme gibt wenn ich mit dne 50 euro am konto nochmals auszahlen will,weil ich was gewonnen habe
Novac je prebačen danas. Za mene je problem gotov s ovim kasinom, ali nadam se da će kazino dobiti novu ocjenu, tako da ljudi dvaput razmisle o polaganju tamo
Money was transferred today. For me the issue is over with this casino, but I hope that the casino gets a new rating so that people think twice about depositing there
Geld wurde heute überwiesen. Für mich ist das Thema mit diesem Casino erledigt.Ich hoffe aber dass das Casino eine neue Bewertung bekommt, damit sich es die Leute 2mal überlegen dort einzuzahlen
Kako je žalba uspješno riješena, sada ćemo je zatvoriti kao "riješenu" u našem sustavu. Hvala na saradnji i ne ustručavajte se kontaktirati nas ako u budućnosti naiđete na bilo kakav problem s ovim ili bilo kojim drugim kasinom. Ovdje smo da vam pomognemo.
As the complaint has been successfully resolved, we will now close it as ‘resolved’ in our system. Thanks for cooperation and don’t hesitate to contact us if you run into any issues with this or any other casino in the future. We are here to help.
Besplatni profesionalni edukativni kursevi za zaposlene u online kazinima usmereni na najbolje prakse u industriji, poboljšanje iskustva igrača i pošten pristup kockanju.
Inicijativu koju smo pokrenuli s ciljem stvaranja globalnog sistema samoisključenja, koji će omogućiti ranjivim igračima da blokiraju pristup svim mogućnostima online kockanja.
Casino.guru je nezavistan izvor informacija o online kazinima i online kazino igrama, i nije kontrolisan od strane bilo kojeg operatora igara ili bilo koje druge institucije. Sve naše recenzije i vodiči su kreirani iskreno, u skladu sa najboljim znanjem i rasuđivanjem naših članova iz ekspertskog tima; ipak ovaj sadržaj je napravljen u informativne svrhe i ne bi smeo i trebao da se tumači kao pravni savet. Bitno je da uvek ispunite sve regulatorne zahteve pre nego počnete igrati u određenom kazinu.
Proverite svoj inboks i kliknite na link koji smo Vam poslali:
Link će isteći za 72 časa.
Proverite svoj "Spam" ili "Promotions" folder ili kliknite na dugme ispod.
Konformacioni e-mail je poslat ponovo.
Proverite svoj inboks i kliknite na link koji smo Vam poslali: youremail@gmail.com
Link će isteći za 72 časa.
Proverite svoj "Spam" ili "Promotions" folder ili kliknite na dugme ispod.
Konformacioni e-mail je poslat ponovo.