NaslovnaPritužbeBig Baazi Casino - Dobitak igrača je konfiskovan.
Big Baazi Casino - Dobitak igrača je konfiskovan.
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960.000 INR
Big Baazi Casino
Index sigurnosti:Ispod proseka
Sigurnosni indeks
Zajedno sa našom metodologijom recenzija, mi smo izračunali Sigurnosni indeks kazina baziran na više od 20 faktora, uključujući finansije, fer Uslove i pravila, prigovore igrača i drugo. Što je viši Sigurnosni indeks, veće su šanse da vam vaši dobici budu isplaćeni.
Slučaj je zatvoren : 12/08/2024
Slučaj je zatvoren
Naša presuda
Neopravdana žalba
Rezime slučaja
pre 6 meseci
The player from India tried to withdraw her winnings, but the casino confiscated them without further explanation. The casino responded and stated that the player's winnings had been confiscated due to multiple breaches of the terms and conditions, including incorrect personal details and using a 3rd party payment method. The player explained that she had used her son's payment method as he also has an account at the casino. After reviewing the evidence supplied by both parties, it was recommended that the players involved be allowed to verify themselves and all of their details via a video verification call. The casino stopped responding at this point, so the complaint was closed as 'unresolved'.
The casino later requested that the complaint be reopened, and stated that the casino wished to maintain their position, and that the player's deposits had been returned to them. The player confirmed that the deposits had been returned, and as the casino had acted in accordance with its terms and conditions regarding the use of a third-party payment method, the compaint was ultimately rejected.
Igračica iz Indije je pokušala da podigne svoj dobitak, ali ih je kazino zaplenio bez daljeg objašnjenja. Kazino je odgovorio i naveo da je dobitak igrača konfiskovan zbog višestrukih kršenja odredbi i uslova, uključujući netačne lične podatke i korišćenje metoda plaćanja treće strane. Igračica je objasnila da je koristila način plaćanja svog sina jer on takođe ima račun u kazinu. Nakon pregleda dokaza koje su dostavile obe strane, preporučeno je da se uključenim igračima dozvoli da verifikuju sebe i sve svoje detalje putem video poziva za verifikaciju. Kazino je u ovom trenutku prestao da odgovara, pa je žalba zatvorena kao „nerešena“. Kazino je kasnije zatražio da se žalba ponovo otvori i navela da kazino želi da zadrži svoju poziciju i da su im depoziti igrača vraćeni. Igrač je potvrdio da su depoziti vraćeni, a pošto je kazino postupio u skladu sa svojim uslovima u vezi sa korišćenjem metoda plaćanja treće strane, žalba je na kraju odbijena.
Ovo je da vas obavestim da je kazino poslat e-poštom da je dobitni novac konfiskovan 960000 koje pokušavam da podignem od 13 dana, ali kazino nije dao odgovarajući odgovor, tražili su od mene da pošaljem dokumente nakon što je slanje dokumenata takođe završeno. ali kazino je prevaren novac, ljubazno mi pomozite da dobijem svoj pobednički novac
Hi team,
This is to to inform you the casino is sent a mail that winning money is confiscated 960000 which i am trying to withdraw from a13 days but the casino didn't given proper response they asked me to send a documents after sending the documents verification also completed but the casino is cheated the money kindly help me to get the my winning money please
Hvala vam puno što ste podneli žalbu. Žao mi je što čujem za vaš problem. Dozvolite mi da vam postavim nekoliko pitanja, kako bih u potpunosti razumeo celu situaciju. Da li ste dobili neku potvrdu o uspešnoj verifikaciji? Da li ste akumulirali svoje dobitke sa ili bez aktivnog bonusa?
Da li sam dobro razumeo da niste dobili nikakvo jasno objašnjenje od kazina u vezi sa ovom situacijom?
Nadam se da ćemo moći da vam pomognemo da rešite ovaj problem što je pre moguće. Hvala vam unapred na odgovoru.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear shanthalakshmi37,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint. I’m sorry to hear about your problem. Please allow me to ask you a few questions, so I can understand the whole situation completely. Have you received any confirmation regarding successful verification? Have you accumulated your winnings with or without an active bonus?
Do I understand correctly that you have not received any clear explanation from the casino regarding this situation?
I hope we will be able to help you to resolve this issue as soon as possible. Thank you very much in advance for your reply.
Zdravo, predao sam sve vrste dokumenata i dokaze o ličnim kartama i detalje o plaćanju. Uspešno je ažurirano. Dobio sam poštu takođe u vezi sa tim da su dokumenti uspešno ažurirani i da dolazim do bonusa nisam dobio nikakve bonuse i nisam igrao sa bonusom takođe su poslali poštu zbog nekog kršenja odredbi i uslova konfiskovani smo. Dobitni novac može biti posledica velikog novca koji su dobili sa zaplenjenim što je neprihvatljivo i prevara, pomozite mi da to rešim ovo i uzmite moj pobednički novac što pre. Imam sve vrste dokumenata u vezi sa mojim nalogom i osvojenim novcem na snimku ekrana zbog velikog iznosa koji odbijaju da ga daju
Hi i have submitted all kind of documents and id proof and payment details it has been successfully update i have got the mail also regarding that documents are successfully updated and coming to bonus i didn't get any bonuses and didn't play with the bonus also they have sent the mail due to some breach of terms and conditions we are confiscated the winning money may be due to the large of the money winning they have coming up with the confiscated which is unacceptable and fraud please help me to sort it out from this and get my winning money please ASAP i have all kinds of documents regarding the my account and winning money of screenshot due to large amount they denining to give it
Imajte na umu da imam sve dokumente koje treba da dam za dalje dokaze o detaljima plaćanja, dokaz o identifikaciji i adresi koji se ažuriraju u kazinu, ljubazno mi pomozite da dobijem pobednički novac.
Please note that I have all the documents to give the for further procces proof payment details id proof and adress proofs which is updated in the casino kindly help me to get the winning money please
Nisu dali jasnoću o tome da su upravo poslali mejl kao dole u prilogu još jedna stvar je da moram da je istaknem zbog velike količine novca 960000 prvo daju pogrešne informacije kada zahtevam povlačenje od pre 10 dana zatražio od mene lični dokument koji sam dao i odobrio takođe ponovo povlačenje je poništeno sa kraja kazina i zamolite me da podelim detalje o plaćanju koje sam takođe podelio i ponovo im je trebalo nedelju dana i ažurirani svi dokumenti su verifikovani u kazinu željno su nas učinili da čekam od 15 dana i 5 dana unazad kada sam ponovo zatražio povlačenje, tražili su mi detalje o uplati depozita koji sam takođe podelio dokument i koji je takođe trajao 4 dana i odobren je sada jedan dan nazad ako ponovo zatražim povlačenje blokirali su moj nalog navodeći da vaš nalog mora da bude obezbeđen sam, a juče sam dobio mejl u kome se navodi da smo zaplenili vaš dobitak zbog kršenja uslova i odredbi. s je potpuno dobro isplanirana prevara od kazina do Denija, dajte pobednički novac igraču ako postoji bilo kakav problem na računu koji blokiraju kada uplatimo novac sada, a ne nakon što smo osvojili novac, to je totalna prevara od velikog baazija, ljubazno pomozite sa ovim i uzmi moj pobednički novac molim
Ispod je snimak ekrana iz kazina
They didn't given the clarity on that they have just sent a mail as below attached one more thing is I have to highlight her due to large amount of money 960000 they are providing wrong information first when i request for withdrawal from 10 days back they asked me identity document i have provided and approved also again the withdrawal is cancelled from the casino end and ask me to share the payment details that also i have shared and again they took one week and updated all documents is verified in casino wantedly they made us to wait from a 15 days and 5 days back when i requested for the withdrawal again they asked me payment details of deposit that also i have shared the document and that is also took 4 days time and approved now one day back if again request for withdrawal they blocked my account stating that your account needs to be security itself and yesterday i got the mail that stating that we are confisated your winning money due to breach of terms and conditions itself this is totally well planed scam from the casino to Deni the give the winning money to player if is there anything issue in the account they have block the when we deposit the money now not after winning the money it's totally scam from the big baazi kindly help me with this and get the my wininng money please
Ali dok su tražili dokumente i dokaze o adresi, sve su ažurirali i odobrili iz kazina i rekli su nam da sami zatražimo povlačenje, pronađite snimak ekrana ispod za vašu referencu. Mogu da podelim sve dokumente ako je potrebno ako prekršimo bilo koje uslove i uslovi kazino može da odbije dok od nas uzima dokaz zašto su odobrili i poslali poštu kao odobreno
Ovo je sve što će prevariti igrače molim vas pomozite mi oko opravdanja i pomozite mi da dobijem pobednički novac
But the while they asked for the documents and address proof they all updated and approved from the casino and they told us to request for withdrawal itself please find the below screenshot for your reference i can share the all documents if require if we breaches any terms and conditions the casino can decline the while taking the proof from us why they approved and sent mail to us asa approved
This is all they going to scam on the players please help me with the justification and help me to get the winning money
Hvala vam puno shanthalakshmi37 na saradnji. Sada ću preneti vašu žalbu svom kolegi Adamu ( KSKSKSKSKS0@email.kkkkk ) koji će vam biti u pomoći. Želim vam puno sreće i nadam se da će vaš problem uskoro biti rešen na vaše zadovoljstvo.
Thank you very much shanthalakshmi37 for your cooperation. I will now transfer your complaint to my colleague Adam ( who will be at your assistance. I wish you the best of luck and hope to see your problem being resolved to your satisfaction soon.
Do sada nije bilo odgovora iz kazina. Pokušaću ponovo da ih kontaktiram.
U međuvremenu, javite mi ako dođe do pomaka.
Želeli bismo da zamolimo Big Baazi Casino da odgovori na ovu žalbu. Produžujemo tajmer za 7 dana. Ako kazino ne odgovori u zadatom roku, žalba će postati „nerešena" što može negativno uticati na njen rejting.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear shanthalakshmi37,
There has been no response from the casino so far. I will attempt to contact them again.
In the meantime, please let me know if there are any developments.
We would like to ask Big Baazi Casino to reply to this complaint. We are extending the timer by 7 days. If the casino fails to respond in the set time frame, the complaint will become ‘unresolved’ which may negatively affect its rating.
Imajte na umu da su vaša sredstva konfiskovana zbog višestrukih kršenja naših standardnih uslova i odredbi koji su prema vašoj referenci takođe jasno navedeni na veb stranici.
1. Vaš nalog je registrovan sa netačnim ličnim podacima (potvrđeno tokom verifikacije vašeg ličnog dokumenta)
Kršenje odeljka 3.1.2 pružićetetačne informacije prilikom registracije vašeg naloga uključujući, bez ograničenja, vaše puno ime, datum rođenja, trenutnu adresu stanovanja, adresu e-pošte i lični broj telefona; i obavestićete nas o svim promenama ovih informacija;
2. Korišćenje metoda plaćanja treće strane jer je vaš prvi depozit napravljen načinom plaćanja koji vam ne pripada (potvrđeno verifikacijom dokaza o uplati dostavljenim tokom procesa verifikacije)
Kršenje odeljka 6.8Nije vam dozvoljeno da koristite bilo koji način plaćanja koji pripada ili je registrovan na treću stranu u svrhu deponovanja sredstava na vaš račun. Svi depoziti napravljeni kršenjem ove odredbe smatraće se nevažećim, a svi naredni dobici koji proizilaze iz takvih depozita će se smatrati ništavnim i nevažećim i podložni su gubitku.
3 . Registrovanje više od 1 naloga po adresi domaćinstva.
Kršenje u odeljku 3.4Možemo ograničiti kreiranje Big Baazi naloga na jedan po osobi, porodici, adresi domaćinstva, imejl adresi, broju telefona, IP adresi, načinu plaćanja, povezanim nalozima e-novčanika, mobilnom uređaju, računaru i/ili aplikaciji preuzmi instancu. Ni pod kojim okolnostima nećemo biti obavezni da zaobiđemo ili ukinemo ova ograničenja, ali možemo razmotriti svaki opravdani zahtev da to učinimo od slučaja do slučaja. Molimo kontaktirajte naš tim za korisničku podrškuKSKSKSKSKS0@email.kkkkkza pomoć.
Nakon potvrde svih kršenja da ste napravili depozit treće strane je uspešno ponovo kreditiran na bankovni račun sa kojeg su primljena sredstva i svi dobici su konfiskovani. Pored toga, vaš nalog je zatvoren i više puta ste obavešteni o razlozima za oduzimanje i zatvaranje
Ovim smatramo da je vaš slučaj sa naše strane zatvoren
Dear player,
Please note that your funds were confiscated due to multiple violations of our standard Terms & Conditions which as per your reference are also clearly stated on the website.
1. Your account was registered with incorrect personal details (confirmed during verification of your ID document)
Breach in Section 3.1.2 you will provide accurate information when registering your account including, without limitation, your full name, date of birth, current residential address, email address, and personal telephone number; and you will inform us of any changes to this information;
2. Using 3rd party payment methods as your first deposit was made with a payment method that does not belong to you (confirmed with the verification of the Proof of Payment submitted during the verification process)
Breach in Section 6.8 You are not permitted to use any payment method belonging, or registered to, a third party for the purpose of depositing funds to your account. Any deposits made in breach of this provision will be deemed invalid, and any subsequent winnings arising from such deposits will be considered null and void and subject to forfeit.
3. Registering more than 1 account per household address.
Breach in Section 3.4 We may limit the creation of Big Baazi accounts to one per person, family, household address, email address, telephone number, IP address, payment method, linked e-wallet accounts, mobile device, computer, and/or application download instance. Under no circumstances will we be obliged to circumvent or lift these restrictions, but we may consider any justifiable request to do so on a case-by-case basis. Please contact our customer support team for assistance.
After confirming all of the Breaches that you have made the 3rd party deposit was successfully re-credited to the Bank Account from which the funds were received and all of the winnings were confiscated. In addition, your account was closed and you were informed multiple times of the reasons for confiscation and closure
With this we consider your case closed from our side
1) dao sam nekoliko dokumenata koji su ažurirani od tima i ako postoji bilo kakva neslaganja u tome spreman sam da dam bilo koju vrstu dokumenata
2) Već sam obavestio putem pošte da zbog nekog tehničkog problema depozit vrši drugi račun koji je vaš tim tražio dokaz o uplati i osoba za koju bih dokazao da ažuriram kada je stanje na mom računu bilo manje od 40000 INR tada mogli ste dati isti odgovor zašto je vaš tim verifikovan i uspešno ažurira podatke o plaćanju..?
3) o nalogu nemam drugi nalog u ovome za vašu informaciju boravim u stanu ima toliko kuće i komšija da ne znam za ovo imam samo jedan ID sa istim Gmail-om koji bih i drugi dokazi
Moje pitanje je Potvrdite zašto je vašem timu uzeta sva dokumenta i uspešno ažurirana i rekao mi je da se povučem ako je verifikovan i uspešno ažuriran dok je veliki novac ostao na računu zašto ste KONFISKOVALI novac navodeći da je to kršenje uslova
Molimo vas da razjasnite ovde kada vaš tim bude verifikovan putem pošte i ažurira sve dokumente zašto se ovo dešava, vaš tim bi mogao da obavesti tokom verifikacije ili da je tačno odbio zašto je vaš tim potvrdio da se povlačim
Hi bigbaazi
Thanks for your response
1) i have given couple of documents which is updated from the team and if there is any discrepancy in that i am ready to give any kind of documents
2) i have already informed through a mail that due to some technical issue the deposit is done by different account your team as asked the proof of the payment and the person I'd proof to update when my account balance was lesss then 40000INR that time you could have give the same answer why your team is verified and updated the payment details successfuly..?
3) about the account i don't have any other account in this for your information i am staying in the apartment there is so much of house and neighbours i don't know about this i have only one ID with same Gmail I'd and other proofs
My question is Please confirm why your team is taken all the documents and updated successfuly and said me to withdraw if it's verified and updated successfuly while the big money is left in the account why u have CONFISCATED the money stating that breaches of conditions
Please can you clarify here once your team is verified through the mail and updated the successful all the documents why this is happening your team could inform while verifying or could rejected it right why your team confirmed me to withdrawal
Možete li nam, molim vas, pružiti potkrepljujuće dokaze o kršenju gore navedenih uslova? Može se postaviti ovde ili poslati na moju e-poštu, KSKSKSKSKS0@email.kkkkk .
Srdačan pozdrav,
Hello all,
Thank you for your responses.
Dear Big Baazi Casino,
Could you please provide us with supporting evidence of the breaches of the above terms? It can be posted here or sent to my e-mail,
Treba vam vaša pomoć oko verifikacije zašto je uspešno ažuriran iz kazina i rečeno mi je putem pošte da zahtevam povlačenje kada je moj dobitak bio manji od 400000 INR
Hi Adam ,
Thanks for your support
Please need your help about the verification why it was successfully updated from the casino and told me through the mail to request for the withdrawal when the winning my money was less then 400000INR
U gore navedenom postoji pogrešno podudaranje u pravopisu, molimo pogledajte bankovne podatke i ime za referencu
A o depozitu sam to obavestio i rekli su mi da pošaljem detalje o osobi i isti je podeljen kazinu koji su verifikovali i odobrili
Molim vas potrebna vam je vaša pomoć u vezi sa verifikacijom zašto je kazino odobrio sve dokumente i rekao mi da povučem
There is speling miss match in the above please refer the bank details and name for reference
And about the deposit i have inform that and they told me to send a details about the person and same has been shared to the casino they verified and approved
Please need your help regarding the verification why the casino is approved the all documents and said me to withdrawal
Čini se da je igračica prijavila korišćenje naloga svog sina za uplatu depozita podršci kazina, da li je to slučaj? Ako je kazino ovo prihvatio i dozvolio igraču da nastavi da igra, to ne treba koristiti kao razlog za konfiskaciju dobitaka igrača.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear Big Baazi Casino,
It seems that the player reported the use of her son's account to make a deposit to casino support, is this the case? If the casino has accepted this and allowed the player to continue playing, this should not be used as a reason to confiscate the player's winnings.
Kao što sam rekao ranije, mogli su da odbiju sve dokumente ako je bilo neslaganja u tome, ali zašto nakon što je odobreno odatle sada poriču da daju novac
Pošto žele profit od igrača pa je sada njihov novac iznad 900000 INR, sada nisu spremni da to daju i blokirali su moj nalog, moje pitanje je ako su dokumenti netačni mogli su istovremeno da odbiju.
Molim vas pomozite mi da dobijem pobednički novac iz kazina
Veliki baazi, molim te, donesi mi moj pobednički novac, molim te 🙏🏼
Hi Adam,
As i said before they could have rejected the all the documents if any discrepancy in that but why after the approved from there end now they denying to give the money
Because they want the profit from the player so now they winning money is above 900000INR now they are not ready to give that and blocked my account my question is if the documents are incorrect they could have reject at the same time.
Please help me to get the winning money from the casino
Big baazi please get me my winning money please 🙏🏼
Imajte na umu da ste potvrdili da ste kasnije koristili bankovni račun treće strane za svoj depozit
(ne u trenutku ili pre nego što je uplaćen depozit) zatražili smo verifikaciju vaših dokumenata.
Verifikacija je zatražena 3. novembra, a vi ste potvrdili korišćenje bankovnog računa treće strane za depozit 5. novembra.
Nadalje, kao što je navedeno u našim Uslovima i odredbama, korišćenje bankovnih računa trećih lica za depozite predstavlja ozbiljno kršenje, i zbog toga je iznos depozita vraćen na bankovni račun treće strane po prijemu vaše potvrde i dokumentarnog dokaza .
(SS podnet prema dokazima)
U slučaju da vam je potrebno dodatno ažuriranje, obavestite nas
Dear player,
Please note that you have confirmed that you have used a third-party Bank Account for your deposit after
(not the moment or prior to the deposit was made) we requested verification of your documents.
Verification was requested on Nov 3rd, and you confirmed the usage of a third-party Bank Account for the deposit on Nov 5th.
Further, as stated in our Terms and Conditions, the use of third-party Bank Accounts for deposits is a serious violation, and because of this, the deposit amount was refunded to the third-party Bank Account upon receipt of your confirmation and documentary evidence.
(SS submitted as per evidence)
In case you need any additional update please let us know
Molimo vas da ne dozvolite da ako sam već obavestio o depozitu koji je uplaćen na račun mog sina i da je vaš tim mogao da ga odbije u isto vreme i zašto se od vašeg tima traže dokumenti za uplatu i osoba koju bih objavio na kartici koja to deli sa vašim timom je obavešten da zahteva povlačenje
Štaviše, vaš tim će apsolutno znati uslove i odredbe koje su mogli da odbiju blokirali su moj nalog zašto su me ostavili da igram igru nakon što su svi dokumenti uzeti. Već sam podelio mejlove vašeg tima za prihvatanje dokumenata i rekao mi da zatražim povlačenje molim vas dajte moj pobednički novac
Napomena o depozitu nakon što sam dostavio detalje o bankovnom izvodu mog sina i dokazao bih da me je vaš tim obavestio da zahtevam povlačenje, molim vas da razumete i dajte pobednički novac
@casino guru treba vaša pomoć da dobijete pobednički novac
I nisam primio nikakav depozit za novac, takođe i dalje Veliki baazi, molim te, daj pobednički novac
Hi big baazi
Please let us no that if i already informed about the deposit that is made by my son account and your team could have rejected it at same time and why your team is asked documents for the payment and person I'd card post sharing it your team is informed to request for withdrawal
Moreover absolutely your team will be know the terms and conditions they could have rejected it blocked my account why they left me to Play the game after the all documents taken i already shared the mails of your team for accepting the documents and told me to request for withdrawal please give the my winning money
Note about the deposit that after i submitted the details about the Bank statement of my son's and I'd proof then your team informed me to request for withdrawal please understand and give the winning money
@casino guru need your help to get the winning money
And i didn't receive the any deposit money also still now Big baazi please give the winning money
Pošto ste potvrdili da je verifikacija obavljena 5. novembra, ali ipak vašem timu je poslato nekoliko mejlova u vezi sa povlačenjem i dalje 14. novembra, pronađite snimak ekrana za vašu referencu
Hi team
As you confirmed that verification is done on 5 th November but still your team is sent a couple of mails regarding withdrawal still 14th of November please find screenshot for your reference
Vidim prema snimcima ekrana koje ste dali da je dokaz o uplati zatražen 05.11.2022, kada vam igrač stavlja do znanja da je depozit izvršen preko računa njenog sina.
Takođe mogu da vidim na snimcima ekrana koje je prethodno dao igrač, da je kazino tada odgovorio igraču 07.11.2022, navodeći da je način plaćanja u pitanju još uvek potrebno da se proveri. Kazino zatim traži od igrača da dostavi dokumente i ličnu kartu koja pripada vlasniku načina plaćanja.
Ubrzo nakon toga, igraču je rečeno da je njihov nalog u potpunosti verifikovan.
Objasnite zašto je od igrača zatraženo da dostavi dokumente vlasnika načina plaćanja, umesto da navedete kršenje uslova u ovom trenutku.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear BigBaazi Casino,
I can see according to the screenshots you have provided that the proof of payment has been requested on 05.11.2022, at which point the player makes it known to you that the deposit was made via her son's account.
I can also see in the screenshots provided previously by the player, that the casino has then responded to the player on 07.11.2022 stating that the payment method in question still needs to be verified. The casino then asks the player to supply documents, and an ID, belonging to the owner of the payment method.
Shortly after this, the player is told that their account has been fully verified.
Please explain why the player has been asked to supply the documents of the payment method owner, instead of stating the breach of terms at this point.
Želeli bismo da zamolimo Big Baazi Casino da odgovori na ovu žalbu. Produžujemo tajmer za 7 dana. Ako kazino ne odgovori u zadatom roku, žalba će postati „nerešena" što može negativno uticati na njen rejting.
Srdačan pozdrav,
We would like to ask Big Baazi Casino to reply to this complaint. We are extending the timer by 7 days. If the casino fails to respond in the set time frame, the complaint will become ‘unresolved’ which may negatively affect its rating.
Imajte na umu da je verifikacija naloga standardna procedura koja je takođe uključena u naše uslove i uslove kao što je navedeno u nastavku.
U ovom konkretnom slučaju, prvo smo primetili da je igrač preko adrese povezan sa drugim nalogom i zbog toga smo prvo zatražili verifikacione dokumente
( Kršenje u odeljku 3.4 Možemo ograničiti kreiranje Big Baazi naloga na jedan po osobi, porodici, adresi domaćinstva, imejl adresi, broju telefona, IP adresi, načinu plaćanja, povezanim nalozima e-novčanika, mobilnom uređaju, računaru i/ili primer preuzimanja aplikacije. Ni pod kojim okolnostima nećemo biti obavezni da zaobiđemo ili ukinemo ova ograničenja, ali možemo razmotriti svaki opravdani zahtev da to uradimo od slučaja do slučaja. Kontaktirajte naš tim za korisničku podršku KSKSKSKSKS0@email.kkkkkzapomoć . )
Pored toga, igračica nas je obavestila da je koristila metod plaćanja treće strane za depozit nakon što smo zatražili dokumente - ne ranije, što je vidljivo iz SS-a koji vam je poslat i što takođe znači da smo morali da proverimo broj računa i ime vlasnika računa odakle je uplaćen depozit kako bismo mogli da refundiramo transakciju. Nakon prijema svih traženih dokumenata, depozit je vraćen i igrač je o tome više puta obavešten.
Obavestite me ako imate dodatnih pitanja u vezi sa ovim slučajem
Hvala što ste ovo istražili
3.9 Prihvatanjem ovih Uslova i/ili registracijom za korišćenje Veb-sajta potvrđujete i slažete se da imamo pravo da sprovodimo bilo kakve i sve takve provere identifikacije, kredita, prevare i druge provere verifikacije s vremena na vreme koje bi nam mogle biti potrebne i/ili koje bi mogle biti potrebne prema važećim zakonima i propisima i/ili od strane relevantnih regulatornih organa za korišćenje veb stranice i naših usluga uopšte. Saglasni ste da ćete nam dati sve informacije koje su nam potrebne u vezi sa takvim proverama. Imaćemo pravo da suspendujemo ili ograničimo vaš nalog na bilo koji način koji smatramo prikladnim, sve dok ne izvršimo te provere verifikacije na naše zadovoljstvo.
Dear Adam,
Please note that the verification of an account is a standard procedure also included in our T&C as stated below.
In this specific case, we first noticed that the player is linked via address with another account and due to that we have requested the verification documents in the first place
(Breach in Section 3.4 We may limit the creation of Big Baazi accounts to one per person, family, household address, email address, telephone number, IP address, payment method, linked e-wallet accounts, mobile device, computer, and/or application download instance. Under no circumstances will we be obliged to circumvent or lift these restrictions, but we may consider any justifiable request to do so on a case-by-case basis. Please contact our customer support team for assistance.)
Additionally, the player informed us that she used 3rd party payment method for the deposit after we requested the documents - not prior which is visible from the SS sent to you and which also means that we had to verify the account number and the account holder's name from where the deposit was made in order for us to be able to refund the transaction. After receiving all of the requested documents the deposit was refunded and the player was informed accordingly multiple times.
Please let me know if you have any additional questions in regard to this case
Thanks for looking into this
3.9 By accepting these Terms and/or registering to use the Website you acknowledge and agree that we are entitled to conduct any and all such identification, credit, fraud and other verification checks from time to time that we may require and/or may be required by applicable laws and regulations and/or by the relevant regulatory authorities for use of the Website and our Services generally. You agree that you will provide us with all information that we require in connection with such verification checks. We will be entitled to suspend or restrict your account in any way that we deem appropriate, until such time as we have completed those verification checks to our sole satisfaction.
Ovaj kazino ne odgovara na vaša pitanja, jednostavno daju različite razloge i prave prevaru igračima ako sam prekršio uslove i odredbe, mogli su da ga odbiju u istom momentu, ali oni to više nisu uradili i ponovo sam deponovao novac sa mog računa ostavili su mi da igram još 14. novembar i dalje 14. rekli su mi da je povlačenje U procesu, pronađite snimke ekrana za referencu
Prema njihovoj potvrdi o depozitu vraćenom trećem licu, zamolio sam ga da još uvek nije dobio povraćaj, ovo je sve velika laž i prevara iz kazina, potrebna je pravda za ovaj kazino treba da objasnim još 14. novembra zašto su otišli da igram i rekao mi da zahtevam povlačenje, pronađite snimak ekrana verifikacije drugog depozita i procesa povlačenja
Hi Adam
This casino is not responding to the your questions simply they are giving different reasons and making the fraud to the players if that i have breached the terms and conditions they could have rejected it same point but they didn't do it morevever again i have deposited money from the my account they left me to play still 14th of November still 14th they have told me that withdraw In process please find the screenshots for the reference
As per their confirmation about the deposit returned to third party i have asked the that still now he didn't get the refund this is all big lie and scam from the casino need justice for this casino need to explain still 14th of November why they left me to Play and said me to request for the withdrawal please find the screenshot of verification of second deposit and withdrawal procces
Hvala na odgovoru. Međutim, još uvek sam zbunjen zašto, nakon što ste zatražili dokumente za verifikaciju načina plaćanja treće strane, igraču je rečeno da je njegov nalog u potpunosti verifikovan. Zašto u ovom trenutku nije pomenuto kršenje uslova?
Srdačan pozdrav,
Hello Big Baazi Casino,
Thank you for your response. However, I am still confused as to why, after you have requested documents to verify the third-party payment method, the player has then been told that their account is fully verified. Why hasn't any breach of terms been mentioned at this point?
Treba mi vaš doprinos o mojoj poslednjoj poruci još 14. novembra, ostavili su me da igram i rekli da zahtevam povlačenje, pogledajte gornji snimak ekrana
Hi Adam
Need your input about my Last message still 14th of November they left me to play and told to request for withdrawal please refer the above screenshot
Da Adam od 7. do 14. novembra nastavio sam da igram kazino molim pogledajte gornje snimke ekrana i dalje 14. novembra nisam dobio nikakvu informaciju o kršenju uslova i ipak su mi 14. novembra rekli da je povlačenje u toku pronađite gornje snimke ekrana za vašu referencu
Yes Adam from 7th to still 14th of November i have continued played the casino please refer the above screenshots still 14th of November i didn't get any information about the breach of conditions and still the 14th of November they told me that withdraw is in procces please find the above screenshots for your reference
Nakon što je verifikacija naloga igrača završena, svi primljeni dokumenti su dostavljeni našem nadležnom odeljenju na konačnu proveru nakon čega je igrač u skladu sa tim obavešten da su njena igra i opcija depozita blokirani do konačnog rešavanja njenog slučaja.
Takođe u e-poruci koja je poslata igraču i potvrđuje da je verifikacija završena, ona je u skladu sa tim obaveštena da se svaki zahtev za povlačenje pregleda pre obrade (takođe navedeno u našim Uslovima i uslovima)
6.17 Možemo da odložimo ili poništimo povlačenja da bismo izvršili dodatne provere za koje smatramo da su neophodne, po sopstvenom nahođenju, s vremena na vreme. Možemo odbiti zahteve za povlačenje i/ili zadržati sredstva u slučaju da otkrijemo bilo kakve nepravilnosti tokom naših istraga.
Obavestite me ako su potrebne dodatne informacije sa naše strane
Dear Adam,
After the verification of the player's account was completed all documents received were submitted to our relevant department for a final check after which the player was informed accordingly that her gameplay and deposit option are blocked until the final resolution of her case
Also in the e-mail which was sent to the player confirming that verification is completed, she was informed accordingly that every withdrawal request is reviewed before processing (Also stated in our T&C)
6.17 We may delay or cancel withdrawals in order to carry out additional checks which we may consider necessary, at our sole discretion, from time to time. We may refuse withdrawal requests and/or withhold funds in the event that we discover any irregularities in the course of our investigations.
Please let me know if any additional information is needed from our side
Obavestite nas ako sam već obavestio o depozitu treće strane zašto me vaš tim nije obavestio o kršenju uslova zašto me je kazino ostavio da igram do 14. novembra
Zdravo Adame
Ne dobijamo odgovor na vaša pitanja iz kazina možete primetiti da sam i dalje 14. novembra nastavio da igram kazino i dalje da me nisu obavestili o kršenju uslova potrebna mi je vaša pomoć ovde za ovo
Hi bigbaazi
Please let us know if i already informed about the 3rd party deposit why your team didn't didn't inform me about the breach of conditions why the casino left me to play untill 14th of November
Hi Adam
We are not getting response to the your questions from the casino you can notice that still the 14th of November i continued to play the casino still that they didn't informed me about the breachas of conditions need your help here for this
Obavestite nas ako sam već obavestio o depozitu treće strane zašto me vaš tim nije obavestio o kršenju uslova zašto me je kazino ostavio da igram do 14. novembra
Zdravo Adame
Ne dobijamo odgovor na vaša pitanja iz kazina možete primetiti da sam i dalje 14. novembra nastavio da igram kazino i dalje da me nisu obavestili o kršenju uslova potrebna mi je vaša pomoć ovde za ovo
Još 12. novembra imam snimak ekrana mog naloga i dalje 14. novembra nastavljam da igram kazino molim pogledajte priloženi snimak ekrana
Hi bigbaazi
Please let us know if i already informed about the 3rd party deposit why your team didn't didn't inform me about the breach of conditions why the casino left me to play untill 14th of November
Hi Adam
We are not getting response to the your questions from the casino you can notice that still the 14th of November i continued to play the casino still that they didn't informed me about the breachas of conditions need your help here for this
Still the 12 th of November have the screenshot of my account still the 14th of November i have continued to play the casino please refer the attached screenshot
Molim vas pomozite sa ovim kazino nije obavešten o kršenju odredbi i uslova i dalje sam osvojio ogroman iznos, ali nakon uzimanja svih dokumenata i dalje 15. novembra blokirali su moj nalog
@big baazi
Molimo vas da donesete odluku da nije mali iznos koji molim vas dajte pobednički novac, biće od velike pomoći čak i ako sam izgubio novac, ali pitam ovde osvajanje novca. Molimo vas da razumete ovo iznad 960000 INR
molim te donesi odluku i daj novac
Hi Adam.
Please help with this the casino is not informed about the breaches of terms and conditions still the i won huge amount but after the taken all documents still 15th of November they blocked my account
@big baazi
Please make the decision it's not small of amount that pleasee give the winning money it will be very helpful even i lost the money but I am asking here winning money Kindly understand ite above 960000INR
Da li tvrdite da niste primili poruku datu na snimku ekrana u vezi sa nemogućnošću igranja/depozita dok se bezbednosne provere završe?
Dragi Big Baazi kazino,
Naveli ste da je igraču rečeno da ne može da deponuje ili daje opklade dok se bezbednosne provere završavaju, a ipak prema snimcima ekrana igrača pokazuje se da se njihov balans povećao.
Možete li dati dodatni uvid?
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear shanthalakshmi37,
Are you stating that you have not received the message provided in the screenshot regarding not being able to play/deposit while the security checks are being completed?
Dear Big Baazi Casino,
You stated that the player was told that they could not deposit or place wagers while the security checks were being completed, and yet according to the player's screenshots their balance is shown to have increased.
Dobio sam informaciju 15. novembra, pronađite snimak ispod za vašu referencu, a ipak sam 14. novembra nastavio da igram kazino i dalje nisam dobio nikakve informacije o kršenju uslova
I got the information on 15 th of November please find below snap shot for your reference and still the 14 th of November i have continued played the casino still that i didn't get any information about the breach of conditions
Vidite da ne dobijamo adekvatan odgovor od velikog Baazija i imam sve dokaze o snimcima ekrana i dalje 14. novembra igrao sam u kazinu i zahtevam da mi pomognete kako dalje
Hi Adam
You can see we are not getting proper response from the big Baazi and i have all the proof of the screenshots still the 14th of November i have played in the casino request you to help how to take it further
Ima smisla da vam je to rečeno 15., pošto je kazino pokrenuo ove bezbednosne provere nakon što ste zatražili povlačenje, a vaš nalog pre toga ne bi bio ograničen.
Želeo bih da sumiram slučaj u ovom trenutku, ispravite me ako sam nešto pogrešno razumeo.
5. novembar – Kazino traži dokumenta od igrača, uključujući dokaz o uplati depozita uplaćenog 1. novembra. Igrač odgovara i obaveštava kazino o depozitu treće strane
7. novembar – Kazino obaveštava igrača da će i dalje morati da bude verifikovan način plaćanja treće strane i traži dokumente od vlasnika načina plaćanja. (Sin igrača, koji takođe ima kazino račun)
7. novembar – Igraču je rečeno da je u potpunosti verifikovao svoj nalog. Nema pomena bilo kakvog kršenja uslova.
7. novembar – Kazino još jednom traži dokumente u vezi sa daljim depozitom izvršenim 5. novembra.
11. novembar – podrška još jednom obaveštava igrača da je nalog u potpunosti verifikovan i da će povlačenje biti obrađeno u roku od 48 sati.
14. novembar – Kazino obaveštava da je povlačenje igrača na čekanju
15. novembar – račun blokiran i dobici konfiskovani zbog netačnih ličnih podataka, depozita treće strane i duplikata naloga na istoj adresi.
O ovom slučaju ćemo dalje interno diskutovati, a ja ću u skladu s tim objaviti ažuriranje.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear shanthalakshmi37,
It makes sense that you have been told this on the 15th, as the casino initiated these security checks after you requested your withdrawal, and your account would not have been restricted before this.
I would like to summarize the case at this point, please correct me if I have misunderstood something.
5th Nov – The casino requests documents from the player, including proof of payment for a deposit made on Nov 1st. The player responds and informs the casino of 3rd party deposit
7th Nov – The casino informs the player that the 3rd party payment method will still need to be verified and requests documents from the payment method owner. (The player's son, who also has a casino account)
7th Nov – The player is told that they have completely verified their account. No mention of any breach of terms.
7th Nov – The casino once more requests documents regarding a further deposit made on 5th Nov.
11th Nov – support once again informs the player that the account is fully verified, and that withdrawal will be processed within 48 hours.
14th Nov – Casino informs player withdrawal is pending
15th Nov – account blocked and winnings confiscated due to incorrect personal information, 3rd party deposit, and duplicate account at the same address.
We will discuss this case further internally, and I will post an update accordingly.
Kada sam obavestio da je depozit izvršen na nalogu mog sina u tom trenutku, imam manje od 400000 INR na mom nalogu za igre, a ipak sam 14. novembra nastavio da igram u kazinu i osvojio više od 500 000 INR tako da je ukupno bilo više tada je 960000INR ostavljeno na mom nalogu i tada nisam dobio nikakvu informaciju o kršenju uslova
Yes Adam it's correct
When i have informed about the deposit was done by my son's account on that point of time i have less then 400000INR in my gaming account and still the 14th of November i continued to played in the casino and won the more 500000INR so totally it ws more then 960000INR was left in my account still that time i didn't get any information about the breach of conditions
Od 7. novembra, ako je od mene zatraženo povlačenje, kazino od 14. novembra me je obavestio da je u toku, imam snimke ekrana tih poruka
From the 7th if November i was requested for withdrawal still the 14th of November casino informed me it was in procces i have the screenshots of that mails
Molimo pronađite snimke ekrana i dalje 14. novembra pokušavao sam da povučem, ali kazino me je obavestio da je u toku
Adame, molim te, dozvoli mi da razumem sa tvoje strane kada kazino sazna da su kršenja uslova zbog kojih su me ostavili da igram u kazinu ipak 14. novembra upravo to što su uradili
Kada sam samo obavestio o depozitu treće strane koji je izvršio sinov račun zašto mi nisu blokirali nalog u istom trenutku
Please find the screenshots still the 14th of November i was trying to withdrawal but the casino was informed me it was in procces
Adam please let me understand from your end once the casino is come to know that breaches of conditions why they left me to play the casino still the 14 of November is that right what they did
When i have only informed about the 3rd party deposit which was done by son's account why they didn't block my account at same point of time
Onaj veliki Baazi koji kaže da je depozit treće strane sam vraćen dok sam proverio sa svojim sinom, a na svom bankovnom računu još uvek nismo dobili nikakav povraćaj novca od KAZINA
možete videti da po njihovim pravilima moraju da obaveste ako prekršimo uslove ispravno i ako izgubimo isti novac da li će oni vratiti novac... siguran sam da ne, ali ako su me ostavili da igram u kazinu znači da morate da obezbedite dobitak, to nije mali iznos
To je zahtev da možete da vidite sve dokumente koje sam podelio, pomozite mi da dobijem pobednički novac
Hi Adam
That big Baazi saying that the 3rd party deposit was refunded itself as i checked with my son and in my bank account still we didn't get any refund money from the CASINO
you can see that as per their rules they have to inform if we breaches of conditions right and if we lost the same Money is they going to refund it...i am sure no but if they left me to play in the casino means they have to provide the winning it's not a small amount please
It's an request you can see all the documents which i have shared please help me to get the winning money
Zatražio sam povlačenje kada sam dobio potvrdu o uspešno obavljenoj verifikaciji 7. novembra i još uvek 15. novembra nisam dobio nikakvu informaciju o kršenju uslova do trenutka kada sam naviknut da igram
Hi Adam
About the security check
I have requested withdrawal when i got confirmation about verification completed successfully on 7th of November and still the 15th of November i didn't get any information about the breach of conditions stil by the time i was used to play
Zbog tehničkog problema koji je bio u mojoj ličnoj banci canara nisam mogao da je koristim, greškom sam korišćen UPI preko naloga mog sina za deponovanje, isto sam obavestio kazino koji su mi rekli u ćaskanju da deponujem sa svog računa ubuduće i posle da sam ranije deponovao preko svog računa, samo je isto obavešteno Casion-u, takođe oni nisu ništa obavestili o kršenju uslova u tom trenutku, nema drugog razloga, molim vas pomozite mi da dobijem pobednički novac
Nema drugog razloga za to
Vidite da ne dobijamo odgovarajući odgovor od kazina, pitajte ih zašto su otišli da igraju nakon što sam vas obavestio i pomozite mi da dobijem pobednički novac
Hi Adam
Due to technical issue was in my personal canara bank i was not able use it i was used UPI through my son's account to deposit by mistake i was informed same to the casino they told to me in chat to deposit from my acc going forward and after that i used to deposit through my account only same has been informed to Casion also they didn't inform anything at about the breach of conditions at that point ther is no any other reason please help me out to get the winning money
There is no any other reason for that
You can see we are not getting any proper response from the casino please question them why they left to play after i informed also please help me out to get the winning money
Izjava igračice u vezi sa tehničkim poteškoćama sa deponovanjem sa svog ličnog računa nije tačna samo zato što na bankovnom izvodu njenog sina koji je dostavljen kao dokaz o uplati depozita treće strane koji nam je uplaćen, možemo videti da su sredstva prebačena na samom istog dana sa njenog računa na bankovni račun njenog sina i korišćena metoda je UPI
Hvala što ste to ispitali i molim vas da mi date savet ako želite da vam pošaljem e-poštu sa dostavljenim SS BS
Srdačan pozdrav
Dear Adam,
The player's statement in regard to having technical difficulties depositing from her personal account is not true simply because on her son's Bank Statement which was submitted as Proof of the Payment for the 3rd party deposit made to us we can see that funds were transferred on the very same day from her account to her son's Bank Account and the method used was UPI
Thanks for looking into that and please advise if you want me to send you an e-mail with SS of the BS provided
Pošto su me obavestili da nisam u mogućnosti da uplatim sa svog računa da proverim od UPI-ja, to je učinjeno preko sinovog naloga, depozit je uzet sa naloga mog sina, to je bio problem ovde tako pošteno, obavestio sam kazino da je depozit urađen preko sinovog računa
@big baazi
Objasnite ovde zašto niste obavestili o kršenju uslova kada sam ja obavestio da je depozit uplaćen, moj nalog je i nakon toga urađen zašto su obavestili da je račun verifikovan i nakon toga i dalje zašto ste me ostavili da igram..?
Čak i kazino prekrši uslove i odredbe, potrebno je pojašnjenje
Hi Adam
As they informed that i was not able to deposit from my account to check from UPI it was done by son's account the deposit was taken by my son's account that was the problem here so fairly i have informed the casino that deposit was done by son's account
@big baazi
Please explain here why you didnt inform about the breaches of conditions when i have informed about the deposit was done my account still after that why they have informed that account is verified and after that still why you left me to play..?
Even the casino is crossed the terms and conditions please need clarification
Imajte na umu da dok sam pokušavao da uplatim sa svog računa, to nije uzeto, to je bio tehnički problem kada sam pokušao sa naloga svog sina, shvatilo se da je to bio problem ovde, pa vas molim da razumete
Please note that while i was trying to deposit from my account it was not taken that was the technical issue when i tried from my son's account it's was taken that was the problem here so please understand
Nadam se da razumete kada sam pokušavao da uplatim u kazino to nije uzeo moj račun, tako da kada sam pokušao sa naloga mog sina taj depozit je uzet, tako da je to problem ovde, tako da je isto obavešteno ovde
Zdravo bigbaazi
Molim vas da razumete zbog nekih ličnih zdravstvenih problema koje sam igrao u kazinu, takođe sam izgubio i pobedio, ali ne dajete pobednički novac, razumete molim vas dajte pobednički novac koji će nas uštedeti, molimo vas da donesete odluku o ovome
Hi Adam
Hope you understand when i was trying to deposit to Casino it was not taken by the my account so when i tried from my son's account that deposit was taken so that is the problem here so same has been informed here
Hi bigbaazi
Please understand due to some personal health problems I used to play Casino i have lost and won also but your not providing winning money please understand please give the winning money which is going to save us please make a decision on This
Prema svim dokazima obe strane, jasno je da je igrač prekršio odredbe i uslove kazina tako što je koristio način plaćanja svog sina da finansira svoj račun i što je imao račun na istoj kućnoj adresi kao i njen sin.
Međutim, čini se mogućim da je to učinjeno u neznanju o uslovima, a ne nužno da bi se namerno prekršila bilo koja pravila ili stekla bilo kakva prednost u odnosu na kazino. Igračica nije koristila nikakve bonuse i otvorena je u vezi sa korišćenjem načina plaćanja svog sina od kada su dokumenti zatraženi.
Takođe se čini da je cela ova situacija mogla da se reši u ranijoj fazi procesa, a ako je bilo neslaganja u ličnim podacima igrača, to je moglo biti odmah ispravljeno, umesto da se kaže igraču da je njihov nalog u potpunosti verifikovan na najmanje dve odvojene prilike.
Stoga bih želeo da predložim sledeće kao pošteno rešenje za sve uključene strane: Oba igrača u pitanju imaju priliku da završe video verifikaciju, i ako se može dokazati da su igrači oni za koje kažu da jesu, i plaćanje Metode koje koriste verifikovane od strane njihovih vlasnika, dobitak može biti isplaćen igraču ovom prilikom, a računi zatvoreni prema nahođenju kazina.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Hello all,
According to all of the evidence provided by both parties, it is clear that the player has breached the terms and conditions of the casino by using her son's payment method to fund her account and by having an account at the same home address as her son.
However, it does seem possible that this has been done in ignorance of the terms, and not necessarily to intentionally break any rules or gain any kind of advantage over the casino. The player has not used any bonuses and has been open about the use of her son's payment method since the documents have been requested.
It also seems that this entire situation could have been addressed at an earlier stage of the process, and if there were discrepancies in the player's personal information this could have been rectified straight away, rather than telling the player that their account had been fully verified on at least two separate occasions.
I would therefore like to suggest the following as a fair solution for all parties involved: Both players in question are offered a chance to complete a video verification, and if it can be proved that the players are who they say they are, and the payment methods used verified by their owners, the winnings can be paid to the player on this occasion and the accounts closed at the discretion of the casino.
Želeli bismo da zamolimo Big Baazi Casino da odgovori na ovu žalbu. Produžujemo tajmer za 7 dana. Ako kazino ne odgovori u zadatom roku, žalba će postati „nerešena" što može negativno uticati na njen rejting.
Srdačan pozdrav,
We would like to ask Big Baazi Casino to reply to this complaint. We are extending the timer by 7 days. If the casino fails to respond in the set time frame, the complaint will become ‘unresolved’ which may negatively affect its rating.
Voleli bi da zamolimo kazino da odgovori na ovu pritužbu. Produžujemo timer za 7 dana. Ako kazino ne odgovori u predviđenom roku, prigovo ćemo zatvoriti kao "nerešen", što može negativno uticati na rejting kazina.
We would like to ask the Casino to reply to this complaint. We are extending the timer by 7 days. If the casino fails to respond in the set time frame, we will close the complaint as ‘unresolved’ which may negatively affect its rating.
Možete li molim vas da proverite sa kazinom čak i da ne dobijam nikakvu poštu od kazina, možete li predložiti koji je sledeći postupak iako zahtevamo takođe ne dobijamo odgovor od kazina
Hi Adam
Can you please check with the casino even i am not getting any mails from the casino can you please suggest what is the next procces even we request also we are not getting response from the casino
Nije bilo daljeg odgovora iz kazina. Bojim se da se ne može mnogo postići bez saradnje sa njegove strane. Ja ću sada žalbu označiti kao „nerešenu" u našem sistemu.
Razumem da ovo nije zadovoljavajuće rešenje za vaš problem. Međutim, smanjenje rejtinga uzrokovano nerešenim žalbama može pomoći da se promeni pristup kazina. Ako kazino odluči da reaguje, ponovo ćemo otvoriti žalbu i bićete obavešteni putem e-pošte.
U međuvremenu, preporučujem vam da kontaktirate Curacao Antilephone Gaming Authoriti ( KSKSKSKSKS0@email.kkkkk ) i da im podnesete žalbu. Uprava za igre na sreću ima više opcija i alata za pomoć igračima. Obavestite me kako su odgovorili ( KSKSKSKSKS2@email.kkkkk ).
Žao mi je što ovom prilikom nisam mogao biti od veće pomoći.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear shanthalakshmi37,
There has been no further response from the casino. I’m afraid there is not much that can be achieved without cooperation from its side. I will now mark the complaint as "unresolved" in our system.
I understand this isn't a satisfactory solution to your issue. However, the decrease in the rating caused by unresolved complaints might help to change the casino's approach. If the casino decides to react, we will reopen the complaint, and you will be notified by email.
In the meantime, I recommend you contact the Curacao Antillephone Gaming Authority ( and submit a complaint to them. The Gaming Authority has more options and tools to help players. Please let me know how they responded (
I am sorry I could not be of more help on this occasion.
Još jednom ćemo razmotriti ovaj slučaj. U međuvremenu, kazino je izjavio da su svi depoziti napravljeni korišćenjem metoda plaćanja treće strane vraćeni, možete li potvrditi da je to tačno?
Srdačan pozdrav,
This complaint has been reopened at the request of the casino.
Dear shanthalakshmi37,
We are going to review this case once more. In the meantime, the casino has stated that all of the deposits made using the third-party payment method have been returned, can you confirm that this is correct?
Da, uplata depozita je vraćena, ali kao što smo obavestili u prethodnim razgovorima nakon što sam obavestio i oni su otišli da igraju, ali nisu obezbedili dobitak od 960000 INR
Yes the deposit payment is returned but as we informed in previous chats after i inform also they left to play but they didn't provide winning of 960000INR
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