Osvojio sam 20.000 dolara nakon što sam dugo bio aktivan i prethodno sam unovčio 4-500. Deponovao je mnogo i nije imao sreće. Tako da osvojim 20 hiljada i kad god pokušam da podignem novac, rečeno mi je da moram da potvrdim svoj identitet. Nema problema. Poslao sam sliku svog pasoša, svog računa za komunalne usluge i svoju sliku koja stoji pored znamenitosti u Dablinu prema zahtevu. Ove stavke su odobrene, ali mi kažu da žele više. Sada žele moju sliku, kako držim pasoš, kao i parče papira sa datumom na njemu. Opet, nema problema, ja to radim, odobreno je i OPET, od mene se traži VIŠE. U ovom trenutku je potpuno očigledno da traže razlog da me ne isplate iako se veoma jasno pridržavam TOS-a (koje sam pročitao u celosti). Ali radije pokušajte da me iscrpite tražeći sve više i više nejasnih predmeta koje mogu poslati na verifikaciju. Tako da je treći zahtev bio za sliku na kojoj držim pasoš pored današnjih novina iz mog kraja sa mojim imenom, datumom i BITSTARZ ispisanim preko vrha. Uradio sam to ponovo, ali ovaj put je dokument odbijen jer sam zgrabio papir na putu kući i činjenicu da sam se sutradan trebao vratiti na posao rano od kuće, nisam ga otpremio do očigledno posle ponoći na dan na papiru. Iako je ova mala tehnička karakteristika dosadna, priznajem, ali sada moram da se vratim na posao što podrazumeva odsustvo od kuće do 3 meseca u isto vreme. Stavio sam to na kraj pameti i zaključio da ću to srediti kada dođem kući. Posle nekog vremena vratio sam se kući i uzeo papir i slikao. Oko 18:00 pokušao sam da se prijavim da ga otpremim, i da dodam malo više soka procesu, sliku mog originalnog izvoda iz matične knjige rođenih, ali moj nalog je bio onemogućen. Počeo sam da se trese da sam bio toliko ljut. I kada sam ih kontaktirao u vezi razloga, rečeno mi je da ne mogu da daju detalje i odluka je bila konačna.
Nakon mnogo istraživanja o iskustvima ljudi sa njima, došao sam do zaključka da oni selektivno varaju. To je zapravo očigledno očigledno. Hteli su bilo kakav razlog da ne moraju da plate, a ja čak ni ne mislim da ga imaju, pa su to uradili i rekli da ne mogu da otkriju zašto. Nakon što me puštaju da uplaćujem iznova i iznova da gubim svaki put kada konačno pobedim i ovo se dešava. Tako je očigledno da su ovi ljudi kriminalci. Čudi me da ovi ljudi i dalje rade na ovaj način nekažnjeno i bez ikakvih posledica. Baza korisnika nastavlja da raste jer imaju pakleni marketinški tim, koji ironično cilja na igrače iz SAD, koji čak i ne smeju da igraju na Bitstarzu. Moj prijatelj iz Amerike je imao bitstarz nalog i mogao je da se dobro prijavi sa svoje kućne IP adrese, tako da su dozvolili Amerikancima da se prijave samo da bi im dozvolili da polože što više mogu, možda čak i dozvolili im da isplate male pobede znajući da će biti može zatvoriti račun i ukrasti sav novac ako se igrač ikada posreći. Imaju sjajne programere, tako da znam da ne bi trebalo mnogo truda da se implementira blokada na svim poznatim IP adresama u SAD-u, jer je stvaranje naloga odatle, igranje ili čak deponovanje protivno uslovima, ali oni to rade na ovaj način, oni znaju da i dalje će moći da dobiju svoj novac i nikada neće morati da isplaćuju nešto što ne žele. To je flagrantno, i ne mogu da verujem da su broj jedan na svim ovim sajtovima. Iskreno se nadam da ova veb lokacija nema partnerski odnos sa bitstarz-om, jer ako imaju, znam da će ovaj post pasti na gluve uši.
Ako se zaista bavite regulacijom krivih kazina, onda imam sve potrebne dokaze da pokažem da nisam prekršio pravila. Ako niste, onda je bitka izgubljena i neka ovo bude lekcija svima koji žele da igraju ovde.
I won $20000 after having my account active for a good while and previously cashing out like 4-500. Deposited a lot and wasn't having good luck. So I win 20k and whenever I tried to withdraw the money i am told I need to verify my identity. No problem. I sent the image of my passport, my utility bill and my picture standing next to a landmark in Dublin as requested. These items are approved, but they tell me they want more. They now want a picture of me, holding my passport as well as a piece of paper with the date on it. Again, no problem I do it, it is approved and AGAIN, I am asked for MORE. It's fully evident at this point that they are looking for a reason to not pay me out even though I very clearly follow the TOS (which I have read in their entirety). But rather try and wear me down by asking for more and more obscure items for me to send for verification. So the third request was for a picture of me holding my passport in addition to today's newspaper from my area with my name, the date and BITSTARZ written across the top. I did it again but this time the document was rejected because having grabbed the paper on my way home and the fact that I was due back at work away from home early the next day I didn't upload it until apparently after midnight on the date on the paper. While this slight technicality is annoying, I concede but now I have to go back to work which involves me being away from home for up to 3 months at a time. I put it in the back of my mind and figure I'll handle it when I get home. After a bit I returned home and got a paper and took the picture. Around 6pm I tried to log in to upload it, and to add a bit more juice to the process, an image of my original birth certificate, but my account was disabled. I began shaking I got so mad. And when I contacted them about the reason I was told that they couldn't provide details and the decision was final.
After a lot of research into people's experiences with them I've come to the conclusion they are selectively scamming. It actually blatantly obvious. They wanted any reason to not have to pay and I don't even think they had one so they just did it and said they couldn't disclose why. After letting me deposit over and over losing each time I finally win and this happens. It's so obvious these people are criminals. It amazes me these people continue to operate this way with impunity and no repercussions at all. The user base continues to grow because they have a hell of a marketing team, who ironically specifically seem to target players from the USA, which even more ironically aren't even allowed to play on Bitstarz. A friend of mine from America had a bitstarz account and was able to sign up fine from his home IP address so they let Americans sign up only to let them deposit as much as they can maybe even letting them cash out small wins knowing they will be able to close the account and steal all the money if the player ever gets lucky. They have great Devs so I know it wouldn't take any effort to implement a block on all known USA ip addresses seeing as creating an account from there, playing or even depositing is against the terms of conditions but doing it this way they know they'll still be able to get their money and never need to pay anything out they don't want to. It's flagrant, and I can't believe they're number one on all these sites. I sincerely hope that this website doesn't have an affiliate relationship with bitstarz because if they do then I know this post will fall on deaf ears.
If you really are in the business of regulation of crooked casinos then I have all the proof needed to show I broke no rules. If you aren't then the battle is lost and let this be a lesson to anyone looking to play here.
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