Želim da uložim žalbu u vezi sa vašom odlukom da povučete ceo moj dobitak iz Bizzo kazina.
Deponovao sam 35 AUD 30. januara i prihvatio bonus na depozit. Nisam znao za bilo kakva ograničenja klađenja jer većina onlajn kazina ima ugrađena ograničenja koja vas sprečavaju da izađete van pravila. Da budem iskren, niko zaista ne čita sve sitne slova i obično vas sprečavaju da povučete dok ne potrošite određeni iznos. Osvojio sam oko 150 i otišao da podignem preko dva iznosa. To je zato što je prikazani balans bio „pravi balans".
Moja povlačenja su odbijena jer nisam dostavio tražene dokumente. Zatim sam prošao kroz proces identifikacije i moj nalog je potvrđen.
U međuvremenu sam igrao sa novcem na svom računu i osvojio oko 1748. Zatim sam otišao da podignem i to je ostalo na čekanju neko vreme. Zatim sam poništio povlačenje i promenio ga na 1500. Igrao sam sa ostatkom i osvojio 3000. Povukao sam 3000, od tada sam otkrio da postoji ograničenje od 4000 po danu, ali to je ostalo na čekanju. Sa ostatkom novca osvojio sam još 3000. Dok sam se vraćao na glavnu stranicu primetio sam da je moj bilans samo 35.
Kontaktirao sam korisničku podršku i dobio sam standardne odgovore u skriptu da sam prekršio pravila bonusa. Nisam mogao da shvatim šta sve to znači.
Takođe moram da kažem da sam, glupo, uzeo dva kratkoročna kredita dok sam čekao da mi se isplati 1748, sa namerom da iskoristim svoj dobitak da ih isplatim.
Išli smo napred-nazad i ja sam se prilično naljutio koliko biste cenili. Jedan minut imam 8000 sledeći minut 35! Ovo me je dovelo u lošu finansijsku situaciju.
Ako sam prekršio bilo koje pravilo, bilo je potpuno nenamerno. Zašto bi neko namerno kršio pravila znajući da može izgubiti sav svoj novac.
Mogu samo da vas molim da preispitate svoju odluku jer nisam imao pojma da sam prekršio bilo koje pravilo. Mogu li takođe da vas zamolim da unesete neke nepredviđene mere na svoj sajt kako drugi ljudi ne bi dospeli u moju poziciju.
Hvala što ste odvojili vreme za čitanje.
Filip K.
I wish to make a complaint regarding your decision to withdraw the entirety of my winning from Bizzo Casino.
I deposited 35 AUD on 30th January and accepted a deposit bonus. I was unaware of any betting restrictions as most online casinos have inbuilt restrictions that stop you from going outside the rules. To be honest no one really reads all the fine print and usually you are stopped from withdrawing until you have spent a certain amount. I won around 150 and went to withdraw over two amounts. This is because the balance shown was "real balance".
My withdrawals were rejected because I hadn’t provided the required documents. I then went through the process of identifying myself and my account was confirmed.
In the mean time I played with the money in my account and won around 1748. I then went to withdraw and that remained on pending for some time. I then cancelled the withdrawal and amended it to 1500. I played with the remainder and won 3000. I withdrew 3000, I have since discovered that there is a 4000 per day limit, but that went into pending. With the remainder of my money I won another 3000. As I went to go back to the main page I noticed my balance was only 35.
I contacted customer service and I got standard scripted responses saying I had breached the bonus rules. I couldn’t work out what any of that meant.
I must also say that, stupidly, I took out two short term loans whilst awaiting for the 1748 to be paid with the intention to use my winnings to pay them out.
We went back and forwards and I got pretty angry as you would appreciate. One minute I have 8000 the next minute 35! This has left me in a dire financial position.
If I breached any rules it was completely unintentional. Why would someone deliberately break rules knowing that they could lose all their money.
I can only plead with you to please review your decision as I had no idea that I had breached any rules. Can I also plead with you to put some contingency into your site so other people don’t end up in my position.
Thanks for taking the time to read.
Phillip K.
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