Igrač iz Španije ima poteškoća da povuče svoj dobitak zbog verifikacije koja je u toku. Od igrača je zatraženo da potvrdi jedan od korišćenih metoda plaćanja. Žalba je odbijena jer igrač nije odgovarao na naše poruke i pitanja.
The player from Spain is experiencing difficulties withdrawing his winnings due to ongoing verification. The player was asked to verify one of the payment methods used. The complaint was rejected because the player did not respond to our messages and questions.
Igrač iz Španije ima poteškoća da povuče svoj dobitak zbog verifikacije koja je u toku. Od igrača je zatraženo da potvrdi jedan od korišćenih metoda plaćanja. Žalba je odbijena jer igrač nije odgovarao na naše poruke i pitanja.
Imam problema sa verifikacijom, uplatio sam prvi depozit od 15 eura kod Astropay-a i poslao sam im sve vrste dokumentacije, čak sam kontaktirao i Astropay i poslali su mi izjavu o depozitu, gdje se pojavljuje moj email, moj broj telefona i moj matični broj, a sada se ispostavilo da je odbijen jer se moje ime ne pojavljuje. Pretpostavljam da pokušavaju da ne verificiraju moj račun jer imam velike dobitke.
I have problems with the verification, I have made my first deposit of 15 euros with Astropay and I have sent them all kinds of documentation, I have even contacted Astropay and they have sent me the deposit statement, where my email appears, my telephone number and my identification number , and now it turns out that it is rejected because my name does not appear. I suspect they try not to verify my account as I have big winnings.
Tengo problemas con la verificación, he hecho mi primer deposito de 15 con Astropay eur y les he enviado todo tipo de documentación, hasta he contactado con Astropay y me han mandado el extracto del deposito, donde aparece mi correo, mi teléfono mi número de identificación, y ahora resulta que esta rechazado porque no aparece mi nombre. Sospecho que intentan no verificar mi cuenta ya que tengo grandes ganancias.
Poštovani ADAN523,
Hvala vam puno što ste podnijeli žalbu. Žao mi je što čujem za vaš problem.
Imajte na umu da je KYC veoma važan i suštinski proces, tokom kojeg kazino osigurava da se novac pošalje pravom vlasniku. Kako nemaju luksuz da fizički vide sve igrače i provjere njihove identifikacijske i dokumente, to je jedini način na koji kockarnice mogu završiti procedure verifikacije. Nijedno od ozbiljnih i licenciranih kockarnica ne uzima KYC olako i može potrajati nekoliko radnih dana da se završi ovaj temeljni proces.
Da li sam dobro shvatio da je verifikacija vašeg Astropay računa jedina prepreka koja stoji između vas i vaših dobitaka? Da li je kazino odobrio ostatak vaših dokumenata?
Nadam se da ćemo moći da vam pomognemo da rešite ovaj problem što je pre moguće. Hvala unaprijed na odgovoru.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear ADAN523,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint. I’m sorry to hear about your problem.
Please understand that KYC is a very important and essential process, during which the casino makes sure that the money is sent to the rightful owner. As they don't have the luxury of being able to physically see all of the players and check their identification and documents, this is the only way gambling establishments are able to complete the verification procedures. None of the serious and licensed casinos takes KYC lightly and it might take a few working days to complete this thorough process.
Do I understand correctly that verifying your Astropay account is the only obstacle standing between you and your winnings? Has the casino approved the rest of your documents?
I hope we will be able to help you to resolve this issue as soon as possible. Thank you in advance for your reply.
Best regards,
Hvala na odgovoru, ADAN523. Da li sam dobro shvatio da niste u mogućnosti da povučete 125.000 € (vrijednost spora) zbog nepotpune verifikacije?
Ako postoji bilo kakva druga relevantna komunikacija između vas i kazina, proslijedite je na kristina.s@casino.guru . Alternativno, možete ga objaviti ovdje. Hvala unapred.
Thank you for your reply, ADAN523. Do I understand correctly that you are not able to withdraw €125,000 (dispute value) due to incomplete verification?
If there is any other relevant communication between you and the casino, please forward it to kristina.s@casino.guru. Alternatively, you can post it here. Thank you in advance.
Dear ADAN523,
We are extending the timer by 7 days. Please, be aware that in case you fail to respond in the given time frame or don’t require any further assistance, we will reject the complaint.
Hvala vam puno ADAN523 na e-poruci. Vašu žalbu ću sada prenijeti kolegi Branislavu ( branislav.b@casino.guru ) koji će vam biti na pomoći. Želim vam puno sreće i nadam se da će se vaš problem uskoro riješiti na vaše zadovoljstvo.
Thank you very much ADAN523 for your email. I will now transfer your complaint to my colleague Branislav (branislav.b@casino.guru) who will be at your assistance. I wish you the best of luck and hope to see your problem being resolved to your satisfaction soon.
Zdravo, ADAN523,
Žao mi je što čujem za vaše negativno iskustvo i izvinjavam se zbog zakašnjelog odgovora. Kontaktirat ću kazino i dati sve od sebe da riješim problem što je prije moguće. Sada bih pozvao predstavnika Bizzo Casina da se pridruži ovom razgovoru i učestvuje u rješavanju ove žalbe.
Dragi Bizzo Casino timu,
Možete li navesti razlog zašto račun igrača još uvijek nije verificiran? Koji dokumenti su problematični? Koje korake igrač treba poduzeti da bi uspješno verificirao svoj račun i povukao se?
Unaprijed zahvaljujemo na pružanju informacija.
Hello, ADAN523,
I am sorry to hear about your negative experience and I apologize for the delayed reply. I will contact the casino and try my best to resolve the issue as soon as possible. Now I would like to invite Bizzo Casino's representative to join this conversation and participate in the resolution of this complaint.
Dear Bizzo Casino Team,
Could you please state the reason why the player's account has not been verified yet? What documents are problematic? What steps should the player take in order to successfully verify their account and withdraw?
Thank you in advance for providing the information.
Pozdrav svima,
Astropay je već verifikovan; međutim, dotični igrač i dalje mora potvrditi drugi način plaćanja koji je koristio za uplatu na svoj račun.
O tim metodama dotični igrač je obaviješten putem e-maila, a takođe ste dobrodošli da to razjasnite u našem 24/7 live chatu.
Hvala ti.
Hello all,
The Astropay was already verified; however, the player in question still must verify another payment method he used to deposit to his account.
About those methods, the player in question was informed via email, also, you are very welcome to clarify this in our 24/7 live chat.
Thank you.
To je laž, oni imaju nekoliko dokumenata u "na čekanju" nakon mjesec dana nastavlja se status dokumenata u istom statusu. Oni su lažovi, sami su mi rekli poštom, sada možete podići svoja sredstva i uplatiti, ali oni dozvoljavaju samo depozite. Oni su prevaranti
That's a lie, they have several documents in "pending" after a month the status of documents in the same status continues. They are liars, they themselves have told me by mail, you can now withdraw your funds and deposit, but they only allow deposits. They are scammers
Eso es mentira, tienen varios documentos en "pendiente" pasado un mes sigue el estado de documentos en el mismo estado. Son unos mentirosos, ellos mismos por correo me han dicho, ya puede retirar sus fondos y depositar, pero solo dejan depositar. Son unos estafadores
Odbijaju mi dokumenta koja su važeća i ne odobravaju važeća dokumenta. I lažu iz tehničke podrške
They reject me documents that are valid and they do not approve valid documents. And they lie from technical support
Me rechazan documentos que son válidos y no aprueban documentos válidos. Y mienten desde soporte técnico
Poštovani @ADAN523,
Dokumenti koje ste postavili ovdje su dokumenti sa kartice koji su već ovjereni. U ovom trenutku postoji još jedna kartica koju treba ovjeriti.
Nismo u mogućnosti da vam dostavimo masku za karticu zbog povjerljivosti, međutim, više detalja možete dobiti slanjem e-pošte.
Hvala ti.
Dear @ADAN523,
The documents you have posted here are the documents from the card that were already verified. At this moment there is another card that needs to be verified.
We are unable tom provide you with he card mask due to confidentiality, however, you can get more details by emailing us.
Thank you.
Hvala obojici na novostima i informacijama.
Poštovani ADAN523,
Možete li kontaktirati kazino putem e-pošte i obavijestiti nas o novostima nakon što dobijete odgovor?
Međutim, računajte na neko vrijeme obrade vašeg zahtjeva e-pošte i dajte casinu nekoliko radnih dana da odgovori nakon što ga pošaljete.
Radujemo se što ćemo se uskoro čuti.
Thank you both for the updates and information.
Dear ADAN523,
Are you please able to contact the casino via email and inform us about news once you receive a reply?
However, please count on some processing time of your email request and provide the casino with a few business days to respond after sending it.
Looking forward to hearing from you soon.
Kazino sada kaže da imam drugu karticu, to je mnogo kasnije nego kada mi je odbijeno podizanje. Oni to rade tako da potrošite ostatak. To je najgori kazino koji sam ikada vidio, lažovi i lopovi. Ko ovo pročita neka se registruje ni u jednom kasinu ove grupe, a to su tri, nacionalni kazino, techsolutions grupa, nisu pouzdani. Bio sam prevaren i još mnogo toga koliko sam pročitao na forumima
The casino now says I have another card, that's much later than when I was denied withdrawals. They do it so you spend the balance. It is the worst casino I have ever seen, liars and thieves. Whoever reads this should not register in any casino of this group, which are three, national casino, techsolutions group, they are not reliable. I was scammed and many more as I have read in forums
El casino dice ahora que tengo otra tarjeta, eso es muy posterior a cuando me denegaron los retiros. Lo hacen para que gastes el saldo. Es el peor casino que he visto, mentirosos y ladrones. El que lea esto que no se registre en ningún casino de este grupo, que son tres , nacional casino ,grupo techsolutions, no son fiables. A mi me estafaron y a muchos más según he leído en foros
Poštovani ADAN523,
Kazino ima pravo izvršiti dodatnu verifikaciju u bilo koje vrijeme i zatražiti bilo koji dokument od igrača. Ako ste u prošlosti koristili i drugi način plaćanja, potrebno ga je potvrditi.
Možete li kazinu dostaviti potrebne dokumente i obavijestiti nas kada dobijete povratne informacije od njega?
Dear ADAN523,
The casino has the right to perform additional verification anytime and request any document from a player. If you used also another payment method in the past, it needs to be verified.
Are you please able to provide the casino with the required document(s) and let us know once you receive feedback from it?
Poštovani ADAN523,
Produžujemo tajmer za 7 dana. Imajte na umu da ćemo u slučaju da ne odgovorite u datom vremenskom roku ili vam ne bude potrebna nikakva dalja pomoć, odbaciti žalbu.
Dear ADAN523,
We are extending the timer by 7 days. Please, be aware that in case you fail to respond in the given time frame or do not require any further assistance, we will reject the complaint.
Očigledno verifikacija 2. kartice nije bila dovoljna. Sada ponovo traže dokumenta koja su već overena, a druga koja ranije nisu tražili, ukupno ima oko 20 odobrenih dokumenata a tražili su samo 3 pri registraciji. Ovo nema drugog rešenja osim sudskog. Priloženo je ćaskanje sa podrškom
Apparently verifying the 2nd card was not enough. Now they ask again for documents that are already verified, and others that they did not ask for before, in total there are about 20 approved documents and they only asked for 3 when registering. This has no solution other than the judicial one. Attached the chat with support
Al parecer, verificar la 2a tarjeta no fue suficiente. Ahora vuelven a pedir documentos que ya están verificados, y otros que no pedían antes, en total hay unos 20 documentos aprobados y solo pedían 3 al registrarse. Esto no tiene solución que no sea la judicial. Adjunto el chat con soporte
Poštovani ADAN523,
Da li ste svesni svega što je uključeno u zatvaranje naloga i isplatu dobitaka?
Da bi kazino isplatio vaš dobitak, moraju biti ispunjeni određeni uslovi. Ovo takođe uključuje KIC.
Kao što je već pomenuto, kazino ima pravo da izvrši dodatnu verifikaciju u bilo kom trenutku i zatraži bilo koji dokument od igrača. Ako ste (na primer) dali kazinu jednu vrstu dokumenta u prošlosti i on to ponovo zahteva, nije racionalno rešenje da im pošaljete isti dokument.
Dakle, moram još jednom da ponovim svoje pitanje – da li možete da dostavite kazinu potrebni dokument(e) i da nas obavestite kada dobijete povratne informacije od njega?
Bojim se da ne postoji drugi način na koji biste mogli da dobijete svoj dobitak.
Dear ADAN523,
Are you aware of all that is involved in closing an account and cashing out your winnings?
In order for the casino to pay out your winnings, certain conditions must be met. These also include KYC.
As was already mentioned, the casino has the right to perform additional verification anytime and request any document from a player. If you (for example) provided the casino with one type of document in the past and it requires it again, it is not a rational solution to send them the same document.
So, I have to repeat my question once again - Are you please able to provide the casino with the required document(s) and let us know once you receive feedback from it?
I am afraid there is no other way how you could get your winnings.
Poštovani ADAN523,
Produžujemo tajmer za 7 dana. Imajte na umu da ćemo u slučaju da ne odgovorite u datom vremenskom roku ili vam ne bude potrebna nikakva dalja pomoć, odbaciti žalbu.
Dear ADAN523,
We are extending the timer by 7 days. Please, be aware that in case you fail to respond in the given time frame or do not require any further assistance, we will reject the complaint.
Ono što traže, hvatanje astropeja sa brojem računa i vidljivim imenom, ne može da se uradi, Astropej nema broj računa, već je zatražen izvod od astropeja i primljen je. Traže dokumenta koja ne postoje
What they ask for, capture of astropay with the account number and visible name, cannot be done, Astropay does not have an account number, an extract has already been requested from astropay and it was admitted. They ask for documents that do not exist
Lo que piden, captura de astropay con el número de cuenta y nombre visible, no se puede hacer, Astropay no tiene número de cuenta, ya fue solicitado un extracto a astropay y este fue admitido. Piden documentos que no existen
pozdrav svima,
ADAN523, iako još uvek govorite o verifikaciji Astropai naloga, želeo bih da ponovim informacije koje je prethodno objavio predstavnik kazina.
" Astropai je već verifikovan; međutim, dotični igrač i dalje mora da potvrdi drugi način plaćanja koji je koristio za uplatu na svoj račun.
O tim metodama, dotični igrač je obavešten putem e-pošte , a takođe ste dobrodošli da to razjasnite u našem 24/7 live chat-u.
Dokumenti koje ste postavili ovde su dokumenti sa kartice koji su već verifikovani. U ovom trenutku postoji još jedna kartica koju treba verifikovati.
Nismo u mogućnosti da vam dostavimo masku kartice zbog poverljivosti, ali više detalja možete dobiti tako što ćete nam poslati e-poštu. "
Dakle, ponovo, i to već treći put pitam - da li možete da dostavite kazinu potrebni dokument(e) i da nas obavestite kada dobijete povratne informacije od njega?
Kada ste poslednji put kontaktirali korisničku podršku kazina putem e-pošte ili ćaskanja uživo i koje ste informacije dobili? Možete li molim vas da podelite sa mnom svu komunikaciju sa CS kazina i date detalje i uputstva?
Napominjemo da u slučaju da ne budete voljni da odgovorite na moja pitanja i sarađujete u rešavanju problema, bojim se da više nećemo moći da vam pomognemo, pa ću biti prinuđen da odbijem žalbu.
Greetings all,
ADAN523, although you are still talking about Astropay account verification, I would like to repeat the information previously posted by the casino representative.
"The Astropay was already verified; however, the player in question still must verify another payment method he used to deposit to his account.
About those methods, the player in question was informed via email, also, you are very welcome to clarify this in our 24/7 live chat.
The documents you have posted here are the documents from the card that were already verified. At this moment there is another card that needs to be verified.
We are unable to provide you with the card mask due to confidentiality, however, you can get more details by emailing us."
So, again, and I am asking that for the third time now - are you please able to provide the casino with the required document(s) and let us know once you receive feedback from it?
When did you contact the casino's Customer Support via email or Live Chat last time, and what was the information that you received? Can you please share with me all communications with the casino's CS and the provided details and instructions?
Please note in case you will not be willing to answer my questions and cooperate in resolving the issue, I am afraid we will not be able to further help you, and I will be forced to reject the complaint.
Poštovani ADAN523,
Produžujemo tajmer za 7 dana. Imajte na umu da ćemo u slučaju da ne odgovorite u datom vremenskom roku ili vam ne bude potrebna nikakva dalja pomoć, odbaciti žalbu.
Dear ADAN523,
We are extending the timer by 7 days. Please, be aware that in case you fail to respond in the given time frame or do not require any further assistance, we will reject the complaint.
Nažalost, prinuđeni smo da odbijemo ovaj slučaj jer igrač nije odgovorio na naše poruke i pitanja. Zbog toga nismo u mogućnosti da nastavimo sa daljom istragom ili predložimo moguća rešenja.
Igrač može ponovo da otvori ovu žalbu u bilo kom trenutku.
Hvala vam puno, Bizzo Casino tim, na pružanju informacija i saradnji.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Branislav, Kazino.Guru
Unfortunately, we are forced to reject this case because the player has not responded to our messages and questions. Therefore, we are not able to proceed with a further investigation or suggest possible solutions.
The player can reopen this complaint anytime.
Thank you very much, Bizzo Casino Team, for providing information and cooperation.
Best regards,
Branislav, Casino.Guru
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