Zdravo. Nisam primio ni novčić povrata novca. Tvrde da su mi zatvorili račun prije nego što sam pobijedio, navodeći da sam prekršio njihov ugovor, ali su prekršili i svoj ugovor. Kada bih položio novac, u roku od 30 minuta, moj novac bi bio vraćen na moj bankovni račun. Kada sam pokušao ponovo, do 30 minuta, moj novac bi i dalje bio obrađen? Tada sam otkazao svoju transakciju jer nisam imao pojma šta se dešava. Definitivno veliki nesporazum sa moje strane. U svakom slučaju, osoblje Bob Casino-a je bilo prilično maltretirano i tretiralo me kao da sam glup, šaljući isti BS e-mail o pravilima i propisima itd. Nisu riješili problematične probleme, a u njihovom posljednjem mejlu je pisalo da neću primati novac od njih i to je bio njihov poslednji email upućen meni.
ako su mi u stvari zatvorili račun prije nego što sam pobijedio. Kako to da još uvijek mogu pristupiti svom računu, igrati i pobijediti. Ali, u trenutku kada sam podigao iznos od 1100,00, onemogućili su mi račun, uzeli novac bez ikakvog objašnjenja i lažno me optužili za lažne aktivnosti??? Ozbiljno. Više sam iscrpljen od ilaska naprijed-nazad s njima, što mislim da su to bile njihove namjere, da me natjeraju da odustanem i da oni pobijede. Najgore iskustvo u mom životu.
Hi there. I have not received a dime of my refund. They claim they closed my account down before I won, stating I breached their contract, however they breached their own contract as well. When I would deposit money, within up to 30 minutes, my money would be returned back into my bank account. When I reattempted, up to 30 minutes, my money would still state processing? So that’s when I canceled my transaction because I had no idea what was happening. Definitely a huge misunderstanding on my part. Anyhow Bob Casino staff were quite bullying and treated me like I was stupid, sending the same BS email about Rules and Regulations etc. they did No solving of the issues at hand and their last email stated I will not be receiving any money from them and that was their final email to me.
if in fact they did close my account before I won. How is it I could still access my account,play, and win. But yet the second I made a withdrawal of 1100.00, they disabled my account, took my money with No explanation whatsoever, and falsely accused me of fraudulent activity??? Seriously. I am beyond exhausted of going back and forth with them which I feel that’s what their intentions were, to make me give up and them win. The worst experience of my life.
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