Podigao sam 50 evra bez depozita preko kriptovaluta u prošlosti iz ovog kazina iz besplatne promocije bez depozita. Ovog puta, očigledno, kazino je zabolelo to što sam uspeo da izvedem ovaj trik po drugi put i oni su iskoristili prljavi trik sa prvim depozitom, uz obrazloženje da se oslanjaju na nove propise. Koliko ja znam, plaćanja kriptovalutama su anonimna i mislim da ovaj kazino ne zahteva od mene da deponujem, s obzirom da već imam obrađeno povlačenje u svom kripto novčaniku u istoriji naloga.
Nadam se da će prilozi koje vam šaljem biti dovoljan dokaz da je ovaj kazino počeo da koristi prljavu politiku koja uopšte ne bi trebalo da se dešava. Nadam se da ćete mi pomoći u ovoj stvari. Hvala unapred.
Pozdrav, Michał.
I have withdrawn 50 euros no deposit via crypto in the past from this casino from a free no deposit promotion. This time, apparently, the casino was hurt by the fact that I managed to do this trick for the second time and they used a dirty first deposit trick, explaining that they were relying on the new regulations. As far as I know, cryptocurrency payments are anonymous and I don't think this casino requires me to deposit, given that I already have a processed withdrawal in my crypto wallet in my account history.
I hope that the attachments I am sending you will be proof enough that this casino has started using a dirty policy that should not be happening at all. I hope You will help me in this matter. Thank You in advance.
Regards, Michał.
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