Igračici iz Njemačke otkazan je dobitak zbog navodne greške u igri i blokiran račun bez dodatnih objašnjenja.
Pozdrav, iskoristio sam i implementirao bonus dobrodošlice u kasinu i također isplatio. Zatim primite 300% bonusa i implementirajte ga. To je rezultiralo isplatom 10.730 €. 5000 € / tjedno može se isplatiti. Tada ste jednostavno odbili pristup mom računu (prijava nije moguća). Podrška kaže da je moje povlačenje otkazano jer je došlo do greške u igri. Totalna prevara. Curacao Casino posljednje smeće. Nikad vise.
Hello, I used and implemented the welcome bonus in the casino and also paid out. Then receive a 300% bonus and implement it. This resulted in a payout of € 10,730. 5000 € / week can be paid out. You then simply denied access to my account (no log-in possible). Support says my withdrawal was canceled because there was an error in the game. Total fraud. Curacao Casino last rubbish. Never again.
Hallo, habe in dem Casino den Willkommensbonus genutzt und umgesetzt und auch ausgezahlt. Danach einen 300% Bonus erhalten und den auch umgesetzt. Daraus ergab sich eine Auszahlung von 10730€. 5000€/Woche kann man auszahlen. Sie haben dann einfach mein Konto Zugriff verweigert(kein Log In Möglich). Der Support sagt, meine Auszahlung wurde storniert weil es einen Fehler im Spiel gab. Totaler Betrug. Curacao Casino letzter Müll. Nie wieder.
Draga Sabrina,
Hvala vam što ste podnijeli žalbu. Žao mi je zbog vašeg problema. Kontaktirat ćemo kasino i zatražiti njihovu suradnju u rješavanju ovog problema, ali, prije nego što to učinimo, možete li proslijediti bilo koju relevantnu komunikaciju i dokaze na petronela.k@casino.guru ?
Nadam se da ćemo vam moći pomoći da što prije riješite svoj problem. Radujem se vašem javljanju.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear Sabrina,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint. I’m sorry to hear about your problem. We will contact the casino and ask for their cooperation in resolving this issue, but, before we do so, could you please forward any relevant communication and supporting evidence to petronela.k@casino.guru?
I hope we will be able to help you to resolve your problem as soon as possible. Looking forward to hearing from you.
Best regards,
Zdravo, poslao sam vam snimke zaslona chata uživo, e-poštu i iznos isplate. Nadam se da vam ovo pomaže. Srdačan pozdrav
Hello, I sent you screenshots of the live chat, the email and the payout amount. I hope this helps you. With best regards
Hallo, habe Ihnen Screenshots vom Live Chat, der Email und dem Auszahlungsbetrag gesendet. Ich hoffe das hilft Ihnen weiter. Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Zdravo, poslao sam vam snimke zaslona chata uživo, e-poštu i iznos isplate. Nadam se da vam ovo pomaže. Srdačan pozdrav
Hello, I sent you screenshots of the live chat, the email and the payout amount. I hope this helps you. With best regards
Hallo, habe Ihnen Screenshots vom Live Chat, der Email und dem Auszahlungsbetrag gesendet. Ich hoffe das hilft Ihnen weiter. Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Puno vam hvala, Sabrina, što ste pružili sve potrebne informacije. Sada ću vašu žalbu prenijeti na kolegu Mateja koji će vam biti na pomoći. Želim vam puno sreće i nadam se da ćete u bliskoj budućnosti vidjeti kako se vaš problem rješava na vaše zadovoljstvo.
Thank you very much, Sabrina, for providing all the necessary information. I will now transfer your complaint to my colleague Matej who will be at your assistance. I wish you best of luck and hope to see your problem being resolved to your satisfaction in the near future.
Zdravo Sabrina.
Budući da ne znamo šta se dogodilo, želio bih pozvati predstavnika casina u slučaj.
Možda on / ona može bolje objasniti šta se tačno dogodilo i zašto.
Hello Sabrina.
Because we don't know what happened, I would like to invite the casino representative into the case.
Maybe he/she can explain better what exactly happened and why.
To je bio odgovor koji je kasino ostavio s drugim žalbenim centrom:
Nakon što smo završili integraciju s Playson i Microgaming, došlo je do tehnološkog problema s nekim igrama iz Playsona - igrači su mogli da se klade sa 0 salda na svom računu. Igrači su dobro svjesni da je to protiv svih T&C i da je to bio tehnološki problem.
Ali nastavio je igrati i dobitak koji je ostvario tim "besplatnim" okladama otkazali smo jer nisu bili legitimni. Dakle, niko ga nije pokušavao prevariti ili umrijeti.
Nadam se da ovo pomaže.
I sada bi mi trebali dokazati da je Microgaming / Playson stvarno imao kvar. Jer ako je to slučaj, bilo tko može doći i reći da je došlo do greške i svi dobici će biti otkazani. Gdje je zaštita mog igrača? Sklapam ugovor sa kasinom i automati bi trebali raditi! A ako on to ne može pružiti, to nije moj problem. Takođe nikada nisam igrao sa bilancem od 0 €. Stalno sam vidio svoju opkladu i saldo, kao što se može vidjeti na ovoj stranici kasina. Imao sam 1500x u Bonanzi za 5 € i jednostavno sam se usudio to učiniti. Nikad nisam imao saldo na 0 !! I sad se pitam šta se može učiniti s takvom prevarom ??? Molim te pomozi mi . Pobjeda je bila u skladu i kazino je ne želi isplatiti.
Srdačni pozdravi
That was the answer the casino left with another complaints center:
After we completed integration with Playson and Microgaming there was a tech issue with some of the games from Playson - players could make bets with 0 balance on their account. Players are well aware that it's against all the T&C and that it was a tech issue.
But he continued playing and the winnings that he made with those "free" bets were canceled by us since they were not legit. So, nobody was trying to cheat him or smth.
Hope this helps.
So and now they should prove to me that Microgaming / Playson really had a malfunction. Because if that is the case, anyone can come and say there was a mistake and all winnings will be canceled. Where is my player protection? I enter into a contract with the casino and the machines should be running! And if he can't provide that, it's not my problem. I also never played with a € 0 balance. I saw my wager and the balance all the time, as it can be seen on this casino site. I had a 1500x at Bonanza for 5 € and simply dared to do that. I never had my balance on 0 !! And now I ask myself what can be done about such a fraud ??? Please help me . The win was compliant and the casino does not want to pay it out.
Kind regards
Das war die Antwort , die das Casino bei einer anderen Beschwerdestelle hinterlassen hat :
After we completed integration with Playson and Microgaming there was a tech issue with some of the games from Playson - players could make bets with 0 balance on their account. Players are well aware that it's against all the T&C and that it was a tech issue.
But he continued playing and the winnings that he made with those "free" bets were canceled by us since they were not legit. So, nobody was trying to cheat him or smth.
Hope this helps.
So und nun sollen die mir mal beweisen, das Microgaming / Playson wirklich eine Fehlfunktion hatten. Denn wenn das so ist , kann ja jeder kommen und sagen es lag ein Fehler vor und alle Gewinne werden annulliert. Wo ist denn da mein Spielerschutz. Ich gehe mit dem Casino einen Vertrag ein, dabei sollten die „Automaten laufen „! Und wenn er das nicht zur Verfügung stellen kann, ist es doch nicht mein Problem. Außerdem habe ich nie mit 0€ Balance gespielt. Mein Wager und die Balance habe ich ständig gesehen, da es bei dieser Casino Seite zu sehen ist. Ich hatte einen 1500x bei Bonanza auf 5€ und das einfach gewagert . Nie hatte ich meine Balance auf 0!!!! Und nun frage ich mich was man gegen so einen Betrug tun kann??? Bitte helfen sie mir . Der Gewinn war regelkonform und das Casino will es nicht auszahlen.
Pozdrav, kazino bi mi sada želio uplatiti 1500 € dobitaka, jer tamo mogu podići samo 10 puta polog. Potvrdio sam ovo. Nadam se da će novac završiti na mom računu. Ako se to učini, ponovo ću ovdje napisati izjavu. S poštovanjem, Sabrina ****
Hello, the casino would now like to pay me 1500 € of the winnings, because I can only withdraw 10x my deposit there. I have confirmed this. I hope the money ends up in my account. If this is done, I will write a statement here again. Sincerely, Sabrina ****
Hallo, das Casino möchte mir nun 1500€ vom Gewinn auszahlen, da ich nur 10x meiner Einzahlung dort auszahlen kann. Ich habe dies bestätigt. Ich hoffe das Geld landet dann auch auf meinem Konto. Ist dies geschehen werde ich hier nochmal eine Stellungnahme schreiben. Mit freundlichen Grüßen Sabrina ****
Zdravo Sabrina.
U slučaju da se taj igrač kladi tamo gdje nema šanse za gubitak (kao što su spomenuli, oklade gdje novac nije korišten,) kasino ima pravo poništiti takve oklade, međutim, ako ste igrali s okladom od 5 €, tada ćete imao šanse da izgubi. Kazino treba poštovati opklade i isplatiti dobitak.
Što se tiče ograničenja od 1500 €
Kazino je vjerovatno koristio ovo pravilo:
8.3.1 Ako akumulirani životni depozit igrača nije veći od 200 € / £ / $, tada će igrač moći podići samo do x10 svog posljednjeg depozita do maksimalno 2000 € / £ / $. (Bilo koji višak iznijet će se)
Možete li, molim vas, potvrditi da su vam doživotni depoziti bili ispod 200 €?
BTW: Ovo se pravilo odnosi i na igru sa stvarnim novcem, zbog čega je smatramo grabežljivom.
Hello Sabrina.
In case that player make a bet where there is no chance of losing (as they mentioned, bets, where money was not used,) the casino have right to void such bets, however, if you played with a €5 bets, then you had a chance of losing. The casino should honour the bets and pay the winnings.
Regarding the €1500 cap.
The casino probably used this rule:
8.3.1 If a player's accumulated life time deposit is not greater than 200 €/£/$, then the player will be allowed to withdraw only up to x10 his last deposit up to maximum of 2000 €/£/$. (Any excess amount will be forfeit)
Could you please confirm that your lifetime deposits were under €200?
BTW: This rule also applies to real money play, which is why we consider it a predatory.
Pozdrav, do sada sam položio depozit od 150 € u ovom kasinu. To mi je bio tek drugi depozit. Da li je u skladu s tim da mi platite samo 1500 € ili mogu insistirati na cjelokupnom iznosu od 10730 €? S poštovanjem, S.
Hello, I have made deposits of € 150 at this casino so far. It was only my second deposit there. Is it compliant to pay me only 1500 € or can I insist on the entire sum of 10730 €? Sincerely, S.
Hallo, ich hatte bisher Einzahlungen in Höhe von 150€ getätigt in diesem Casino. Es war erst meine zweite Einzahlung dort. Ist es regelkonform mir nur 1500€ auszuzahlen oder kann ich auf die gesamte Summe von 10730€ bestehen ? Mit freundlichen Grüßen S.
Nažalost, da. Kazina obično ograničavaju svoje promocije. Stoga ga smatramo poštenim jer ste pobijedili s aktivnim bonusom.
Međutim, samo pravilo nije dobro napisano i moglo bi se primijeniti i na igrače koji igraju samo od svog novca (a u takvim slučajevima je predatorsko)
Unfortunatelly, yes. Commonly, casinos limit their promotions. So we consider it as fair because you won with an active bonus.
However, the rule itself is not written well and could also be applied against players who play only with their own money (and in such cases it is predatory)
ok, onda ću se dogovoriti s 1500 eura, u kasinu su stvarno loši bonus uslovi i svi bi ih trebali pročitati tamo prije nego što tamo polože novac. Od sada ću izbjegavati kasino i igrat ću samo MGA kazina. Hvala na pomoći. Želim vam sretnu novu 2021. godinu! S poštovanjem, S.
Hi there,
ok then I'll get the deal with the € 1500, there are really bad bonus conditions in the casino and everyone should read them right there before depositing money there. I will avoid the casino from now on and only play MGA casinos. Thanks for your help. I wish you a happy new year 2021! Sincerely, S.
ok dann geh ich den Deal ein mit den 1500€ , sind echt schlechte Bonusbedingungen in dem Casino und jeder sollte sie genau dort durchlesen bevor er dort Geld einzahlt. Ich werde das Casino meiden ab sofort und nur noch MGA Casinos bespielen. Danke für Ihre Hilfe. Ich wünsche einen guten Rutsch ins Jahr 2021! Mit freundlichen Grüßen S.
Drago mi je što čujem tu Sabrinu. Želim vam puno sreće u budućnosti.
Hvala vam što koristite Casino Guru centar za rješavanje žalbi.
Sada ću vašu žalbu označiti kao 'riješenu' u našem sustavu.
I am glad to hear that Sabrina. I wish you good luck in the future.
Thank you for using the Casino Guru complaint resolution center.
I will now mark your complaint as 'resolved' in our system.
Besplatni profesionalni edukativni kursevi za zaposlene u online kazinima usmereni na najbolje prakse u industriji, poboljšanje iskustva igrača i pošten pristup kockanju.
Inicijativu koju smo pokrenuli s ciljem stvaranja globalnog sistema samoisključenja, koji će omogućiti ranjivim igračima da blokiraju pristup svim mogućnostima online kockanja.
Casino.guru je nezavistan izvor informacija o online kazinima i online kazino igrama, i nije kontrolisan od strane bilo kojeg operatora igara ili bilo koje druge institucije. Sve naše recenzije i vodiči su kreirani iskreno, u skladu sa najboljim znanjem i rasuđivanjem naših članova iz ekspertskog tima; ipak ovaj sadržaj je napravljen u informativne svrhe i ne bi smeo i trebao da se tumači kao pravni savet. Bitno je da uvek ispunite sve regulatorne zahteve pre nego počnete igrati u određenom kazinu.
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