Igrač iz Njemačke želi dobiti potpun izvještaj o svim uplatama i isplatama.
Pisao sam Csino/Reward grupi nekoliko puta u prošlosti tražeći sažetak svih mojih depozita i isplata. Bio sam, i još uvijek sam, registriran u nekoliko kazina grupe. Grupa nagrada potpuno ignorira moje zahtjeve. Želim pregled svih uplata koje su izvršene i povučene u kazina u grupi Nagrade da vidim koliko sam ukupno izgubio. Biće moguće da grupa kojoj pripadaju sva kasina kreira pregled. Pošto ponekad više nemam login i samim tim ne znam tačno gde sam registrovan, moj zahtev je upućen direktno kompaniji koja upravlja svim kockarnicama. Registriran sam na nekoliko email adresa. Međutim, grupa bi trebala biti u mogućnosti da poziva platne transakcije koristeći samo moje ime i adresu.
Hvala vam na saradnji.
I have written to the Csino/Reward group several times in the past asking for a summary of all my deposits and withdrawals. I have been, and still am, registered with several of the group's casinos. The rewards group completely ignores my requests. I want an overview of all payments that have been made and withdrawn to casinos in the Rewards group to see how much I've lost in total. It will be possible for the group to which all casinos belong to create the overview. Since I sometimes no longer have the logins and therefore do not know exactly where I was registered, my request was made directly to the company that operates all the casinos. I was registered under several email addresses. However, the group should be able to call up payment transactions using my name and addresses alone.
Thank you for your cooperation.
ich habe in der Vergangenheit mehrmals an das Csino bzw. die Reward Gruppe geschrieben und um eine Zusammenfassung aller meiner EIn- und Auszahlungen gebeten.Ich war bei mehreren Casinos der Gruppe angemeldet, bzw. bin es noch immer. Die rewardsgruppe ignoriert meine Anfragen komplett. Ich möchte eine Übersicht sämtlicher Zahlungen, die an Casinos der Rewards Gruppe geflossen und abgehoben worden sind, um zu sehen, wie viel ich insgesamt verloren habe. Es wird der Gruppe, zu der alle Casinos gehören, möglich sein, die Übersicht zu erstellen. Da ich teilweise die Logins ncht mehr habe un dauch nicht genau weiß, wo ich überall angemeldet war erfolgte meine Anfrage direkt an das Unternehmen, das sämtliche Casinos betreibt. Ich war unter mehreren mailadressen angemeldert. Die Gruppe sollte aber allein bereits anhand meines Namens und meiner Adressen den Zahlungsverkehr aufrufen können.
Danke für Ihre Mithilfe.
Dragi tomas3588,
Hvala vam puno što ste podnijeli žalbu. Žao mi je što čujem za vaš problem. Dozvolite mi da vam postavim nekoliko pitanja kako bih u potpunosti razumio cijelu situaciju. Prije koliko vremena ste zatvorili svoj račun? Iz kojeg perioda želite da dobijete izvještaj o depozitu?
Štaviše, želio bih da vas obavijestim da većina kockarnica čuva ovakve informacije samo u određenom vremenskom periodu (na primjer 3 mjeseca, godinu dana itd.), stoga nisam siguran da ćemo vam moći pomoći oko ovog pitanja .
Jedva čekamo čuti od vas.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear thomas3588,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint. I’m sorry to hear about your problem. Please allow me to ask you a few questions, so I can understand the whole situation completely. How long ago you have closed your account? From which period you’d like to receive your deposit report?
Moreover, I would like to inform you, that most casinos save information like this only for a specific period of time (for example 3 months, one year etc.) therefore, I am not sure we will be able to help you with this matter.
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Best regards,
Veoma ste dobro informisani. Operater Casino Reward je dužan sačuvati sve moje depozite iz posljednjih nekoliko godina i mora dati igraču potpune informacije na zahtjev. Rado ću vam poslati svoje podatke e-poštom. Naravno, željela bih informaciju o cijelom periodu od registracije. To sam već rekao, zar ne?
You are very well informed. The operator Casino Reward is obliged to save all my deposits from the last few years and must provide the player with complete information on request. I would be happy to email you my details. Of course, I would like information about the entire period since registration. I already said that, didn't I?
Sie sind ja mal super informiert. Der Betreiber Casino Reward ist verpflichtet meine ganzen Einzahlungen der letzten Jahre zu speichern und muss dem Spieler auf Verlangen vollständige Auskunft erteilen. Meine Daten sende ich Ihnen gerne per Mail. Natürlich möchte ich Auskunft über den Gesamtzeitraum seit Anmeldung. Hab ich doch bereits gesagt, oder?
Svoje lične podatke možete poslati e-poštom na petronela.k@casino.guru . Ipak, želim da naglasim da operater nije dužan čuvati ove podatke na duži vremenski period. Možete li navesti period?
You can email your personal information to petronela.k@casino.guru. However, I would like to emphasize that the operator is not obligated to store this data for an extended period of time. Could you please specify the period?
Hvala na informacijama. Molimo navedite period za koji želite da dobijete evidenciju. Nadalje, bojim se da ste u zabludi jer kazina nisu obavezna da čuvaju ovakve podatke. Možete li pojasniti zašto mislite drugačije?
Thank you for the info. Please specify the period for which you wish to obtain records. Furthermore, I'm afraid that you are mistaken as the casinos are not obligated to keep this kind of information. Could you please clarify why you think otherwise?
Jer zakon kaže, a odbor za licenciranje kaže da imam pravo na to. Znate li uopće temu ili ste dokazani idiot?
Because the law says, and the licensing board says I'm entitled to it. Do you know the subject at all, or are you a proven idiot?
Weil es das Gesetz besagt, und die Lizensbehörde, dass mir das zusteht. Kennen Sie sich überhaupüt mit der Materie aus, oder sind Sie erwiesenermaßen ein Vollidiot?
Možete li navesti na koji zakon se pozivate? Imajte na umu da je nadležno tijelo za licenciranje za ovu konkretnu kockarnicu Kahnawake (KGC).
Dodatno, moram vas upozoriti da se ovakav jezik neće tolerirati i još jedan pokušaj verbalnog napada ili zastrašivanja bilo kojeg Casino.Guru profesionalca će dovesti do toga da vaš profil bude trajno blokiran na našoj web stranici. Tu smo da pomognemo igračima i da imamo nultu toleranciju na takvo ponašanje.
Could you please specify which law you refer to? Please bear in mind that the Licensing Authority for this specific gambling establishment is Kahnawake (KGC).
Additionally, I have to warn you that this kind of language won’t be tolerated and one more attempt to verbally attack or intimidate any Casino.Guru professionals will lead to your profile being permanently blocked on our website. We are here to help players and have zero tolerance for such behavior.
Onda pomozi i ti. Kazina moraju rezervisati depozite, ili vam novac ide pravo u džep? Rezervacije se mogu koristiti da vidim koliko često i koliko sam uplatio. Svaki kazino također može koristiti podatke da provjeri da li sam registriran
Then help too. The casinos have to book the deposits, or does the money go straight into your pocket? The bookings can be used to see how often and how much I have deposited. Each casino can also use the data to check whether I am registered
Dann helfen Sie auch. Die Casinos müssen die Einzahlungen doch verbuchen, oder wandert das geld direkt in die Tasche? Anhand der Buchungen kann eingesehen werden, wie oft und wie viel ich eingezahlt habe. Anhand der Daten kann auch jedes Casino prüfen, ob ich angemeldet bin
Dragi tomas3588,
Još uvijek niste naveli period za koji želite da dobijete evidenciju. Kada ste registrovali svoj račun u ovom kazinu, molim?
Nisam siguran zašto vjerujete da uplaćeni novac ide pravo u naš džep i još jednom vas molim da pažljivo birate riječi. Tu smo da pomognemo igračima. Radimo to besplatno i sa zadovoljstvom. Optuživanje nas za mito ne vodi nikuda i stvara neprijateljsku atmosferu.
Dear thomas3588,
You still haven't specified the period for which you wish to obtain records. When you registered your account in this casino, please?
I'm not sure why you believe that deposited money goes straight to our pocket and I'm asking you once again to choose your words carefully. We are here to help players. We do it for free and with pleasure. Accusing us of bribery is not leading anywhere and creates unfriendly atmosphere.
Hvala vam puno, thomas3588, na pružanju potrebnih informacija. Sada ću prenijeti vašu žalbu kolegi Mateju ( matej@casino.guru ) koji će vam biti na pomoći. Međutim, imajte na umu da je ovo samo da vam pomognemo i ne obećavamo pozitivan ishod jer kazina nisu obavezna da čuvaju ovakvu evidenciju na tako dug vremenski period.
Thank you very much, thomas3588, for providing the necessary information. I will now transfer your complaint to my colleague Matej (matej@casino.guru) who will be at your assistance. However, please bear in mind, that this is just to assist you and we do not promise a positive outcome since casinos are not obligated to store this kind of record for such a long period of time.
Zdravo thomas3588.
Žao mi je što čujem za vaše probleme.
Kako je napisala Petronela, obaveza čuvanja podataka o svim depozitima zavisi od dozvole. Kao što ste napisali, "posljednjih nekoliko godina" je period u kojem su ti podaci obično dostupni. (Nisam siguran da li kazino čuva evidenciju 10 godina, ali barem možemo ljubazno pitati)
Želio bih pozvati predstavnika kazina u slučaj.
Možete li provjeriti da li možete napraviti izvještaj o svim depozitima za thomas3588 kako on traži?
Hello thomas3588.
I am sorry to hear about your troubles.
As Petronela wrote, the obligation to store the information about all the deposits depends on the license. As you wrote, "last few years" is the period in which usually this information is available. (I am not sure if the casino keeps the records for 10 years, but at least we can ask politely)
I would like to invite the casino representative into the case.
Could you please check if you could make a report of all deposits for thomas3588 as he is requesting?
Nudimo alat za istoriju transakcija za klijente da pregledaju svoju finansijsku istoriju u vreme koje im odgovara. Drago nam je da ovom kupcu ponudimo više informacija direktno u vezi sa pristupom njihovim istorijskim kupovinama i isplatama.
Hi there
We offer a transaction history tool in-client for customers to review their financial history at a time convenient to them. We are happy to offer more information to this customer directly with respect to accessing their historical purchases and withdrawals.
Ne zanimaju me samo depoziti u jednom kazinu, već iu drugim u grupi. Neki od njih više nisu aktivni na njemačkom tržištu.
I'm not only concerned with deposits in one casino, but also in others in the group. Some of these are no longer active on the German market.
Ws geht mir nicht nur um die Einzahlungen in einem Casino, sondern auch in anderen der Gruppe. Teilweise sind diese nämlich nicht mehr am deutschen Markt tätig.
Dragi thomas3588.
Možete li kontaktirati kazino direktno, kao što vam je predstavnik predložio?
Znam da ste već pokušali bezuspješno. Poštovani predstavniku kazina, možete li dati thomas3588 informaciju na koji e-mail treba da napiše o svom zahtjevu?
Dear thomas3588.
Could you please contact the casino directly, as the representative suggested you?
I know you have tried it before without success. Dear casino representative, could you please give thomas3588 the information on which email he should write about his request?
Prethodni zahtjevi ovog klijenta nisu bili dovoljno strogi da bismo uočili da su tražili transakcijske informacije ove prirode. Naš tim za podršku uvijek nudi upute o tome kako locirati historiju transakcija kupcima koji žele pregledati prethodne kupovine ili dohvatiti informacije o obrađenim isplatama. Ovaj korisnik ne bi trebao naići na bilo kakve poteškoće u pristupu uputstvima za korištenje Istorije transakcija.
Oni mogu poslati e-poštu na info@crhelpdesk.com
Previous requests from this customer were not prescriptive enough for us to discern that they were looking for transactional information of this nature. Our support team always offers instruction on how to locate transaction history to customers looking to review previous purchases or retrieve information about processed withdrawals. This customer should not encounter any difficulties accessing instructions on using Transaction History.
They may email info@crhelpdesk.com
Poštovani predstavniku kazina,
Možete li provjeriti zahtjev thomas3588 sa svoje strane? Izgleda da je slijedio sve vaše upute i da nije dobio tražene informacije.
Dear Casino representative,
Could you please check thomas3588's request on your end? It looks like he followed all your instructions and didn't receive the required information.
Zdravo Matej
Provjerio sam i e-mail igrača ne sadrži ništa.
Igrač treba da pošalje e-mail na ovu adresu tražeći tačno ono što želi. Naši agenti podrške nemaju pristup, niti pregledaju ove žalbe, tako da samim spominjanjem diskusije ovdje nemaju pojma šta igrač traži.
Molimo pošaljite e-mail sa detaljima šta tačno tražite. Uključite svaki detalj.
Hi Matej
I checked and the player's email does not detail anything.
The player needs to send an email to this address asking for exactly what they want. Our support agents do not have access to, nor view these complaints, so by just mentioning the discussion here they have no idea what the player is asking for.
Please send an email detailing exactly what you are looking for please. Include every detail.
Zdravo Tomas
Koliko vidim, samo ste preko noći tražili "poslednjih deset godina". Moraćete da im date vremena da odgovore.
Kao što sam ranije pomenuo, potrebno je da budete detaljni u onome što tražite. Oni nemaju pristup ovoj žalbi.
Hi Thomas
As far as I can see, you only requested the "last ten years" overnight. You'll need to give them time to respond.
As I mentioned earlier, you need to be detailed in what you're asking for. They do not have access to this complaint.
Dear thomas3588,
We are extending the timer by 7 days. Please, be aware that in case you fail to respond in the given time frame or don’t require any further assistance, we will reject the complaint.
Dragi tomas3588,
Proverio sam vašu e-poštu i sadrži sve potrebne informacije.
Poštovani predstavnici kazina, možete li proveriti da li podrška kazina radi na ovom zahtevu?
Dear thomas3588,
I checked your email, and it contains all the necessary information.
Dear casino representative, could you please check if the casino support is working on this request?
Zatim molim vas da mi date pregled mojih ukupnih gubitaka u periodu mojih registracija u vašim kockarnicama. Ovo je više naloga. Vi kao grupa možete mi dati pregled svih kazina. Već nudim svoju spremnost da uporedim. Finansijer u parnici mi nudi 62% mojih ukupnih gubitaka. Za 85% mojih gubitaka kao što ste mi platili, nagodio bih se sa vama bez tužbe. Molim vas razmislite o tome. Jer po nemačkom zakonu i relevantnim presudama treba da budete osuđeni na 100% i da platite mog advokata i sudske troškove. Sa 85% i dalje biste imali značajan deo mojih gubitaka.
Then please give me an overview of my total losses in the period of my registrations at your casinos. These are multiple accounts. You as a group can give me an overview of all casinos. I already offer my willingness to compare. A litigation funder offers me 62% of my total losses. For 85% of my losses as payment by you to me, I would settle with you without a lawsuit. Please think about it. Because according to German law and the relevant judgments, you should be sentenced to 100% and to pay my lawyer and court costs. At 85% you would still have a considerable share of my losses.
Dann geben Sie mir nun bitte einen Übersicht über meine Gesamtverluste in dem Zeitraum meiner Anmeldungen bei Ihren Casinos. Dies sind mehrere Konten. Sie als Gruppe können mir einen Übersicht bei sämtlichen Casinos geben. Ich biete bereits jetzt meine Vergleichsbereitschaft an. Ein Prozessfinanzierer bietet mir 62 % meiner Gesamtverluste. Für 85 % meiner Verluste als Zahlung durch Sie an mich, würde ich mich aber ohne einen Klage mit Ihnen vergleichen. Bitte denken Sie darüber nach. Denn nach deutschem Recht und den einschlägigen Urteilen, dürften Sie zu 100 % verurteilt werden und zu der Zahlung meiner Anwalts und Gerichtskosten. Bei 85 % bliebe auch Ihnen noch ein beträchtlicher Anteil an meinen Verlusten.
Pardon, thomas3588; vaša žalba na našoj veb stranici se odnosi na to da vam pomognemo da dobijete evidenciju igara iz kazina.
Sada pominjete složenije pitanje, a ja nemam pojma o čemu govorite. Možete li, molim vas, razjasniti slučaj?
Pardon me, thomas3588; your complaint on our website is about helping you to get game logs from the casino.
Now you are mentioning a more complex issue, and I have no idea about what you are talking about. Could you please clarify the case?
Dear thomas3588,
We are extending the timer by 7 days. Please, be aware that in case you fail to respond in the given time frame or don’t require any further assistance, we will reject the complaint.
Nažalost, primorani smo da odbijemo ovaj slučaj jer igrač nije odgovorio na naše poruke i pitanja. Zbog toga nismo u mogućnosti da nastavimo sa daljom istragom ili predložimo moguća rešenja.
Igrač može ponovo da otvori ovu žalbu u bilo kom trenutku.
Unfortunately, we’re forced to reject this case because the player hasn’t responded to our messages and questions. Therefore, we’re not able to proceed with further investigation or suggest possible solutions.
The player can reopen this complaint anytime.
Besplatni profesionalni edukativni kursevi za zaposlene u online kazinima usmereni na najbolje prakse u industriji, poboljšanje iskustva igrača i pošten pristup kockanju.
Inicijativu koju smo pokrenuli s ciljem stvaranja globalnog sistema samoisključenja, koji će omogućiti ranjivim igračima da blokiraju pristup svim mogućnostima online kockanja.
Casino.guru je nezavistan izvor informacija o online kazinima i online kazino igrama, i nije kontrolisan od strane bilo kojeg operatora igara ili bilo koje druge institucije. Sve naše recenzije i vodiči su kreirani iskreno, u skladu sa najboljim znanjem i rasuđivanjem naših članova iz ekspertskog tima; ipak ovaj sadržaj je napravljen u informativne svrhe i ne bi smeo i trebao da se tumači kao pravni savet. Bitno je da uvek ispunite sve regulatorne zahteve pre nego počnete igrati u određenom kazinu.
Proverite svoj inboks i kliknite na link koji smo Vam poslali:
Link će isteći za 72 časa.
Proverite svoj "Spam" ili "Promotions" folder ili kliknite na dugme ispod.
Konformacioni e-mail je poslat ponovo.
Proverite svoj inboks i kliknite na link koji smo Vam poslali: youremail@gmail.com
Link će isteći za 72 časa.
Proverite svoj "Spam" ili "Promotions" folder ili kliknite na dugme ispod.
Konformacioni e-mail je poslat ponovo.