Deponovao sam preko 80.000 dolara za deset godina koliko sam igrao u kazinu. Nisam se žalio kada sam odigrao 250.000 dobitaka.
Jedne noći, imao sam iskustvo za koje verujem da mi je pružilo priliku da gledam i fotografišem „kvar" mašine dok sam igrao sat vremena, snimim 72 fotografije sa vremenskim oznakama koje bi mogle da se uporede sa mojom istorijom transakcija u igri i vrtim TAČNE kombinacije u petlji .
Točak grešaka bi se okretao, ispljuvao poruke bez prekida u mojoj igrici, samo sam nastavio i snimao to, fotografisao da vidim šta će se desiti, ovde nema algoritma za generator slučajnih brojeva. Nastavio sam da igram sve dok mi ekran nije zacrnio i poruke o grešci nisu prestale kada se moj ekran osvežio.
Napravio sam više pokušaja da pronađem našu licencu pod kojom kazino radi, zaista sam očekivao da će neko nešto proizvesti, ali niko ne zna ništa o licenci osim da odgovori da je to legitiman i potpuno licenciran kazino. Niko ni ne zna za nekoga ko bi znao.
Niko nije mogao da potvrdi da je ishod u ovom kazinu određen industrijskom standardnom tehnologijom algoritma generatora slučajnih brojeva.
Rado sam ovim ljudima dao 80000 dolara depozita otkako sam se pridružio.
I deposited over $80,000 in the ten years I played at the casino. I didn't complain when I played back 250,000 in winnings.
One night, I had an experience that I believe gave me the opportunity to watch and photograph a machine 'malfunction' while I played for an hour, take 72 timestamped photographs that could be matched to my game transaction history and spin the EXACT combinations on loop.
The glitch wheel would spin, spit the messages without interruption to my game play, I just kept going and recorded it, took photos to see what would happen, no random number generator algorithm here. I kept playing until my screen blacked our and the error messages had stopped when my screen refreshed.
I made multiple attempts to find our what license the casino operated under, I really expected someone to produce something, but noone knows anything about the license other that to answer that it is a legitimate fully licensed casino. Noone even know of anyone that would know.
Noone has been able to confirm that the outcome at this casino are determined by industry standard random number generator algorithm technology.
I willingly handed these people $80000 in deposits since I joined.
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