Miroslave Provjerio sam kazino u kasinu ( https://www.casinochan.com/terms-and-conditions ) tačka 1.11 DEPOZITIRANJE i otkrio sam ovo:
"CasinoChan ne prihvaća plaćanje trećih strana. Morate obavljati depozite samo sa bankovnog računa ili pomoću bankovnih kartica VISA / MasterCard, platnih sistema Skrill / NETELLER ili drugih načina plaćanja registriranih u vaše ime. Ako to utvrdimo tijekom sigurnosnih provjera da ste prekršili ovaj uvjet, tada će vam se dobitak oduzeti, a izvorni depozit vratiti vlasniku računa za plaćanje; CasinoChan također nije odgovoran za izgubljena sredstva pohranjena sa računa trećih strana. "
U ovom slučaju, kasino je postupio ispravno. Možete li potvrditi da li je vraćen novac položen kreditnom karticom vaše djevojke?
Miroslav I checked the casino's T&Cs (https://www.casinochan.com/terms-and-conditions) point 1.11 DEPOSITING and I found this:
"CasinoChan does not accept third party payments. You must make deposits only from a bank account, or using VISA/MasterCard bank cards, payment systems Skrill/NETELLER, or other payment methods registered in your own name. If we determine during the security checks that you have violated this condition, then your winnings will be confiscated and the original deposit will be returned to the owner of the payment account; CasinoChan also is not responsible for the lost funds deposited from third party accounts."
In this case, the casino proceeded correctly. Could you please confirm, whether funds deposited using your girlfriend's credit card have been refunded?
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