Zdravo CasinoGuru,
U julu 2021. igrao sam na 18bet.com (druga etiketa operatera Casinowinbig.com) i nakon nekoliko poraza i igranja više od planiranog zatražio sam samoisključivanje kako bih spriječio dalju štetu. I pošto tamo T&C navodi da Shark77 koji je Operator nudi ovo samoisključivanje, bio sam sretan jer sam znao da će me to zaštititi na svim njihovim etiketama.
Međutim, prošlog mjeseca sam kreirao račun na Casinowinbig.com bez ikakvih problema i bio u mogućnosti da uplatim i igram bez ikakvih ograničenja ili ograničenja dok sam još uvijek imao aktivnu samoisključivanje na 18bet.com.
Tamo T&C države
7.1. Igrač može poslati e-mail odjelu za korisničku podršku support@casinowinbig.com tražeći od Shark77 Limited:
• postavite ograničenje iznosa koji igrač može uložiti u određenom vremenskom periodu
• postavite ograničenje iznosa koji igrač može izgubiti u određenom vremenskom periodu
postavite ograničenje vremena koje igrač može igrati tokom jedne sesije.
7.2. Svjesni smo da za neke korisnike kockanje može postati ozbiljan problem. Za takve kupce nudimo opciju samoisključenja na određeno ili neodređeno vrijeme, prema zahtjevu kupca. Ako se želite samoisključiti, kontaktirajte nas na support@casinowinbig.com navodeći uslove željenog isključenja. Ako želite izmijeniti uslove isključenja, naknadni zahtjev je potrebno poslati na isti email. Zahtevani restriktivniji limiti će biti implementirani odmah, dok će manje restriktivni ili ukidanje ograničenja biti uvedeni tek nakon 7-dnevnog perioda hlađenja.
Pošto sam mogao više puta da uplatim veće iznose, a kazino nije vidio nikakav znak niti bilo šta uradio, osjećam se prevarenim od strane Casinowinbig.com i njegovog operatera Shark77 LTD jer me nisu dovoljno zaštitili dok su bili svjesni mog samoisključenja kao ograničenje za odgovorno igranje (ne uobičajeno).
Također bih mogao razgovarati o kršenju T&C-a jer u svojim T&C-ima navode da nekim zemljama nije dozvoljeno da se registruju, ali dozvoljavaju tim ljudima da kreiraju račun odabirom zemlje i fiksnog broja za telefonski broj.
Međutim, moja glavna tvrdnja je zasnovana na nedostatku politike odgovornog igranja jer nikada nisam trebao biti u mogućnosti da otvorim račun nakon aktivnog samoisključenja koje je postavljeno na 18bet.com
Ono što je frustrirajuće je to što je kazino trenutno nedostupan jer još uvijek nisu odgovorili na moju službenu žalbu od 27/11, dok tamo T&C navodi da bih trebao dobiti odgovor za deset dana ili će me kazino obavijestiti da im treba još jedan 10 dana. Ali svaki put kada započnem razgovor sa kazinom, dobijem isti odgovor da je još uvijek u pregledu i uskoro ću dobiti odgovor. Ovaj kazino ne samo da nema svoje Politike odgovornog igranja, već i T&C, a da ne preuzima njihovu odgovornost.
Ono što želim od ovog kazina je potpuni povrat mojih izgubljenih depozita i ažuriranje njihovih alata za odgovorno igranje jer ne rade u potpunosti ili mijenjanje politike i navodi da igrač treba kontaktirati svaku oznaku kazina radi isključenja.
Hello CasinoGuru,
In July 2021 I played at 18bet.com (other label from the Operator of Casinowinbig.com) and after several losses and playing more then intended I requested a self exclusion to prevent myself from further damage. And since there T&C state that Shark77 which is the Operator offer this self exclusion I was happy as I knew that this will protect me at all their labels.
However last month I created an account at Casinowinbig.com without any problems and was able to deposit and play without any restriction or limitation while I still had a self exclusion active at 18bet.com.
There T&C states
7.1. A player may send an email to the Customer Support Department support@casinowinbig.com requesting Shark77 Limited to:
• set a limit on the amount the player may wager within a specified period of time
• set a limit on the amount the player may lose within a specified period of time
set a limit on the amount of time the player may play during any one session.
7.2. We realize that for some customers gambling might become a serious problem. For such customers, we offer a self-exclusion option for a definite or indefinite period of time, as per the customer's request. If you would like to self-exclude yourself, please contact us at support@casinowinbig.com specifying the terms of your desired exclusion. If you would like to amend the terms of exclusion, a subsequent request needs to be sent to the same email. More restrictive limits requested will be implemented immediately, while less restrictive or revoking of limits will only be put into place after a 7-day cooling period.
Since I was able to deposit multiple times with higher amounts and the casino did not see any sign or do anything I feel duped by Casinowinbig.com and its Operator Shark77 LTD as they did not protect me enough while they were aware of my self exclusion as a Repsonsible Gaming limit(not a regular one).
I also could discuss about a T&C breach as they state in their T&C that some countries are not allowed to register however they do allow those people to create an account by choosing the country and landline code for the phone number.
However my main claim is based on their lacking Responsible Gaming Policy as I should've never been able to create an account in the first place following the active Self exclusion which was set at 18bet.com
The more frustrating part is that the casino is unreachable at the moment as they still did not reply on my formal complaint from 27/11 while there T&C state that I should get a reply in ten days or the casino will inform me that they need another 10 days. But everytime I start a chat with the casino I get the same reply that it is still under review and I will get a reply soon. This casino does not only lack their Responsible Gaming Policies but also its T&C without taking their responsibility.
What I want from this casino is a full refund of my lost deposits and update their Responsible Gaming tools as they are not working fully or change the policy and state that the player should contact each casino label for an exclusion.
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