Dragi Purnojahakka .
Prošao sam kroz celu temu još jednom, i u ovom slučaju mislim da se ne može mnogo učiniti, pošto je kazino sledio ispravnu proceduru u skladu sa svojim Uslovima i odredbama.
14/02 zatražili ste zatvaranje naloga zbog zavisnosti od kockanja putem ćaskanja uživo. To je ispravna procedura u skladu sa politikom samoisključenja kazina na vašoj strani. Vaš nalog je blokiran 16/02, što je takođe u uobičajenom roku, pošto ovi zahtevi moraju biti verifikovani i propisno obrađeni. U ovom delu je sve urađeno kako treba sa obe strane.
Što se tiče vaših depozita - nažalost, uplatili ste 20€ (2k10) istog dana kada ste tražili samoisključivanje, što nije dovoljno vremena da kazino reaguje. Zbog toga ne bismo mogli da zahtevamo povraćaj ovog iznosa. Na kraju - besplatni okreti. Još jednom ste potvrdili da su vam oni dati 16/02, što je još uvek u roku obrade vašeg zahteva za samoisključivanje. Dok u idealnom svetu ne biste dobili nikakve besplatne okrete - pošto to samo dovodi do zavisnosti - verujem da takođe nema šta da se uradi, jer ih uopšte niste trebali dobiti. Besplatni okretaji i bonusi se uvek daju u okviru diskrecionog prava kazina i pošto je vaš nalog već bio u procesu trajnog zabrane zbog zavisnosti od kockanja, sve što ste osvojili sa tim besplatnim okretima takođe nije primenljivo.
Osim ako ne potvrdite da imate na raspolaganju neki drugi, prethodno založeni balans, ova žalba će morati da bude odbijena, pošto depozit od 20 € i bilo koji dobitak od besplatnih okretaja nije moguće primeniti kao što je gore pomenuto.
Dear Purnojahakka.
I have gone through the whole thread once again, and in this case I don't think there is much that can be done, as the casino was following the correct procedure in line with their Terms & Conditions.
On 14/02 you have asked for an account closure due to the gambling addiction via live chat. That is a correct procedure in accordance with casino's self-exclusion policy on your end. Your account has been blocked on 16/02, which is also within the usual time frame, as these requests have to be verified and duly processed. In this part everything has been done correctly by both sides.
As for your deposits - unfortunately you have deposited 20€ (2x10) on the same day as you have requested the self-exclusion, which is not enough time for the casino to react. Therefore, we would be unable to request this amount to be refunded. Lastly - the free spins. Once again, you confirmed these were given to you on 16/02, which is still within the processing time of your self-exclusion request. While in the ideal world you would not be given any free spins - as that is only feeding into the addiction - I believe there is also nothing to be done, as you should not have received those in the first place. Free spins and bonuses are always given out within casino's discretion and since your account has already been in the process of getting permanently banned due to the gambling addiction, anything you have won with those free spins is also not enforceable.
Unless you confirm you had some other, previously wagered balance available, this complaint will have to be rejected, since the 20€ deposit and any winnings from the free spins are not possible to enforce as mentioned above.
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