Zdravo doubrechtova,
Ja sam Mihal i preuzeo sam vašu žalbu. Pregledao sam vaš slučaj i kontaktiraću kazino da rasvetlimo ovu stvar.
Pozivamo Chance Casino da se pridruži razgovoru.
Dragi Chance Casino,
Možete li ljubazno ponuditi objašnjenje u vezi sa trenutnim okolnostima?
Igrač je dobio ovaj bonus / besplatne okrete
Igrač je do sada bio uključen u igru
A onda, iznenada 31 preostali obrt nestane
Čak iu igrici piše da je bilo „samo" 19 besplatnih okretaja
Šta se desilo sa preostalim 31 okretanjem koje igrač još treba da ima?
Hello doubrechtova,
I'm Michal, and I have taken over your complaint. I have reviewed your case and will contact the casino to shed more light on this matter.
We would like to invite Chance Casino to join the conversation.
Dear Chance Casino,
Could you kindly offer an explanation regarding the current circumstances?
The player has received this bonus / free spins
The player engaged in the gameplay until here
And then, suddenly the 31 remaining spins disappear
And even in the game, it says it was "only" 19 free spins
What happened to the remaining 31 spins the player should still have?
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