Igram u ovom kazinu već mnogo meseci i ranije sam mogao da podignem sredstva. Odjednom su mi zatvorili račun i primio sam e-poruke 17. i 19. marta 2025. u kojima je pisalo da su zaplenili ogromnu većinu mojih sredstava (38.333,96 €) i da će mi vratiti samo 5.415,04 € kao „gest dobre volje".
Ispostavilo se da je moj zločin bio što sam u dobroj nameri prihvatio beneficije koje su mi nudili, kao što su povraćaj novca i rakeback.
Morao sam da se kladim na hiljade, a možda čak i na milione evra da bih dostigao svoj balans, uz veliki rizik po moja sredstva. Ranije sam napravio velike gubitke u kazinu.
Molim vas da mi pomognete oko mog slučaja. (Tekstualna datoteka e-pošte je priložena)
I have played at this casino for many months now and I was able to withdraw funds previously. Suddenly they closed my account and I received emails on March 17 and March 19 2025 saying that they have confiscated the vast majority of my funds (€38,333.96) and will only return €5,415.04 to me as a "goodwill gesture."
It turns out that my crime was to accept the benefits in good faith which they offered me such as cashback and rakeback.
I had to wager thousands and maybe even millions of euros to reach my balance, with great risk to my funds. Previously I had made big losses at the casino.
Please could you assist me with my case. (Emails text file attached)
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