Igrač iz Perua je imao poteškoća sa povlačenjem sredstava zbog ograničene dostupnosti načina plaćanja. Igrač je prestao da odgovara na žalbu i ona je zatvorena kao „odbijena“.
The player from Peru was experiencing difficulties withdrawing his funds due to the limited availability of payment methods. The player stopped responding to the complaint and it was closed as "rejected".
Igrač iz Perua je imao poteškoća sa povlačenjem sredstava zbog ograničene dostupnosti načina plaćanja. Igrač je prestao da odgovara na žalbu i ona je zatvorena kao „odbijena“.
Napravite depozit na sajtu vvv.circus.pe, to je onlajn kazino. A kada sam napravio profit, pokušao sam da ih povučem. Tražili su od mene istu dokumentaciju koja je već poslata i prihvaćena. U ovim okolnostima pokušavam da vršim razne isplate na svoje kartice koje se završavaju na 4049 sa bcp i 3709 sa BBVA, oni me obaveštavaju da postoje problemi i ograničenja kod njih, da razgovaram sa bankama da rešim problem. Nakon razgovora sa službenicima obe banke, oni su me obavestili da moje kartice nemaju nikakvih ograničenja niti problema. Informisanjem sajta circus.pe i pokazivanjem svog neslaganja sa primljenim tretmanom, iznenađen sam što su mi blokirali pristup platformi. Važno je napomenuti da sam u više navrata pokušavao da podignem novac, ali su me uvek obaveštavali da ima problema sa mojim isplatama sa mojih kartica. Sada više nemam pristup platformi.
Make a deposit on the site www.circus.pe, it is an online casino. And when I made a profit I tried to withdraw them. They asked me for the same documentation that was already sent and accepted. In these circumstances I try to make various withdrawals to my cards ending in 4049 from the bcp and 3709 from the BBVA, they inform me that there are problems and restrictions with them, that I should talk with the banks to solve the problem. Having talked with the officials of both banks, they inform me that my cards do not have any restrictions or problems. By informing the circus.pe site and by showing my disagreement with the treatment received, I am surprised that they have blocked my access to the platform. It is important to note that I have tried on many occasions to make withdrawals but they always informed me that there were problems with my withdrawals from my cards. Now I no longer have access to the platform.
Realice un depósito en el sitio www.circus.pe, es un casino en línea. Y al obtener ganancias intenté realizar el retiro de los mismos. Me solicitaron documentación la misma que ya fue enviada y aceptada. En esas circunstancias intento realizar diversos retiros a mis tarjetas terminadas en 4049 del bcp y 3709 del BBVA, ellos me informan que hay problemas y restricciones con las mismas, que converse con los bancos para solucionar el problema. Habiendo conversado con los funcionarios de ambos bancos, me informan que mis tarjetas no tienen ninguna restricción ni problemas. Al ello informar al sitio circus.pe y al mostrar mi disconformidad por el trato recibido, me encuentro con la sorpresa de que han bloqueado mi acceso a la plataforma. Es importante destacar que he intentado en muchas ocasiones realizar retiros pero siempre me informaban que había problemas con mis retiros por mis tarjetas. Ahora ya no tengo acceso a la plataforma.
Draga Guiveca,
Hvala vam puno što ste podneli žalbu. Žao mi je što čujem za vaš problem sa povlačenjem.
Imajte na umu da raznovrsnost i dostupnost načina plaćanja ne upravlja isključivo kazino. Nekoliko faktora, kao što su organ za izdavanje dozvola, geolokacija, ugovori sa provajderima plaćanja i bankarska ograničenja, svi imaju veliki uticaj. Ako je način plaćanja bio dostupan za depozite, to ne znači nužno da će biti ponuđen i za isplate, takođe se može prekinuti u bilo kom trenutku. Nažalost, kazina su ponekad nemoćna i ograničena u ponudi načina plaćanja svojim klijentima.
Možete li da nam kažete da li ste bili obavešteni o bilo kom alternativnom metodu za podizanje dobitaka pre nego što je vaš nalog blokiran? Da li je vaš nalog u prošlosti uspešno verifikovan?
Nadam se da ćemo moći da vam pomognemo da rešite ovaj problem što je pre moguće. Hvala unapred na odgovoru.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear guiveca,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint. I’m sorry to hear about your withdrawal issue.
Please understand, that the variety and accessibility of payment methods are not managed by the casino exclusively. Several factors as the Licensing Authority, geolocation, contracts with the payment providers, and bank restrictions, all have a major influence. If a payment method was available for deposits, it doesn’t mean necessarily, that it will be offered for withdrawals too, also it can be discontinued at any time. Unfortunately, casinos are sometimes powerless and limited in offering payment methods to their customers.
Could you please advise if you have been informed about any alternative method to withdraw your winnings before your account got blocked? Was your account verified successfully in the past?
I hope we will be able to help you to resolve this issue as soon as possible. Thank you in advance for your reply.
Best regards,
U stalnim pokušajima podizanja koje sam činio, obaveštavaju me da se to ne može podići preko mojih bankovnih računa jer mi banka to ne dozvoljava. Ali, to nije tačno, pošto sam razgovarao sa službenicima banaka u kojima sam pokušao da izvršim isplate i oni su me obavestili da moji računi nemaju problema. Isto tako, pokušao sam da podignem preko visa kreditne kartice koja se završava na 3709 i oni me obaveštavaju da ni to nije moguće, jer izgleda da je kartica ograničena. Opet, to je netačno pošto je moja kartica operativna, čak sam im poslao i dokument koji mi je dala BBVA u kojem se navodi da moja kartica nije ograničena ili blokirana i da radi ispravno. Suspendovali su mi nalog, aludirajući da moram da dostavim taj dokument. Već sam ga predao i već su mi otključali nalog. Ali, pokušao sam ponovo da povučem ista ona koja su odbijena. Molim vas, ne daju mi opcije ili ne žele da izvrše povlačenje. Trebaju im dva do tri dana da odgovore i uvek mi kažu da razgovaram sa svojim bankama.
Moj nalog je već uspešno verifikovan i čak i pored toga, ne mogu da se povučem, ne nude mi alternative.
In the constant withdrawal attempts that I have made, they inform me that it cannot be withdrawn via my bank accounts because the bank does not allow it. But, that is not correct, since I talked to the officials of the banks in which I have tried to make the withdrawals and they inform me that my accounts do not have any problem. Likewise, I have tried to make withdrawals via the visa credit card ending in 3709 and they inform me that it is not possible either, because it appears that the card is restricted. Again that is false since my card is operational, I have even sent them a document that BBVA gave me where it is reported that my card is not restricted or blocked and is working correctly. They suspended my account, alluding that I had to deliver that document. I already turned it in and they already unlocked my account. But, I have tried again to make withdrawals the same ones that have been rejected. Please, they do not give me options or do not want to make the withdrawals. They take two to three days to respond and they always tell me to talk to my banks.
My account has already been successfully verified and even so, I cannot withdraw, they do not offer me alternatives.
En los constantes intentos de retiro que he realizado, ellos me informan que no se puede retirar vía mis cuentas bancarias porque el banco no lo permite. Pero, eso no es correcta, ya que converse con los funcionarios de los bancos en los cuales he intentado hacer los retiros y me informan que mis cuentas no tienen ningun problema. Asimismo, he intentado hacer retiros vía la tarjeta de crédito visa terminada en 3709 y ellos me informan que tampoco se puede, por qué les sale que la tarjeta está restringida. Nuevamente eso es falso ya que mi tarjeta está operativa, inclusive ya les mandé un documento que me dió el BBVA en dónde se informa que mi tarjeta no está restringida no bloqueada y está funcionando correctamente. Ellos suspendieron mi cuenta aludiendo que tenía que entregar tragar ese documento. Ya lo entregue y ya desbloquearon mi cuenta. Pero, he intentado nuevamente hacer retiros los mismos que han Sido rechazados. Por favor, ellos no me brindan opciones o no quieren realizar los retiros. Se demoran entre dos y tres días para responder y siempre me dicen que hable con mis bancos.
Mi cuenta ya fue verificada con exito y aún así, no puedo retirar, no me ofrecen alternativas.
U stalnim pokušajima podizanja koje sam činio, obaveštavaju me da se to ne može podići preko mojih bankovnih računa jer mi banka to ne dozvoljava. Ali, to nije tačno, pošto sam razgovarao sa službenicima banaka u kojima sam pokušao da izvršim isplate i oni su me obavestili da moji računi nemaju problema. Isto tako, pokušao sam da podignem preko visa kreditne kartice koja se završava na 3709 i oni me obaveštavaju da ni to nije moguće, jer izgleda da je kartica ograničena. Opet, to je netačno pošto je moja kartica operativna, čak sam im poslao i dokument koji mi je dala BBVA u kojem se navodi da moja kartica nije ograničena ili blokirana i da radi ispravno. Suspendovali su mi nalog, aludirajući da moram da dostavim taj dokument. Već sam ga predao i već su mi otključali nalog. Ali, pokušao sam ponovo da povučem ista ona koja su odbijena. Molim vas, ne daju mi opcije ili ne žele da izvrše povlačenje. Trebaju im dva do tri dana da odgovore i uvek mi kažu da razgovaram sa svojim bankama.
In the constant withdrawal attempts that I have made, they inform me that it cannot be withdrawn via my bank accounts because the bank does not allow it. But, that is not correct, since I talked to the officials of the banks in which I have tried to make the withdrawals and they inform me that my accounts do not have any problem. Likewise, I have tried to make withdrawals via the visa credit card ending in 3709 and they inform me that it is not possible either, because it appears that the card is restricted. Again that is false since my card is operational, I have even sent them a document that BBVA gave me where it is reported that my card is not restricted or blocked and is working correctly. They suspended my account, alluding that I had to deliver that document. I already turned it in and they already unlocked my account. But, I have tried again to make withdrawals the same ones that have been rejected. Please, they do not give me options or do not want to make the withdrawals. They take two to three days to respond and they always tell me to talk to my banks.
En los constantes intentos de retiro que he realizado, ellos me informan que no se puede retirar vía mis cuentas bancarias porque el banco no lo permite. Pero, eso no es correcta, ya que converse con los funcionarios de los bancos en los cuales he intentado hacer los retiros y me informan que mis cuentas no tienen ningun problema. Asimismo, he intentado hacer retiros vía la tarjeta de crédito visa terminada en 3709 y ellos me informan que tampoco se puede, por qué les sale que la tarjeta está restringida. Nuevamente eso es falso ya que mi tarjeta está operativa, inclusive ya les mandé un documento que me dió el BBVA en dónde se informa que mi tarjeta no está restringida no bloqueada y está funcionando correctamente. Ellos suspendieron mi cuenta aludiendo que tenía que entregar tragar ese documento. Ya lo entregue y ya desbloquearon mi cuenta. Pero, he intentado nuevamente hacer retiros los mismos que han Sido rechazados. Por favor, ellos no me brindan opciones o no quieren realizar los retiros. Se demoran entre dos y tres días para responder y siempre me dicen que hable con mis bancos.
Puno vam hvala, guiveca, što ste dali sve potrebne informacije. Sada ću preneti vašu žalbu kolegi Stefanu ( KSKSKSKSKS0@email.kkkkk ) koji će vam biti na pomoći. Želim vam puno sreće i nadam se da će vaš problem biti rešen na vaše zadovoljstvo u bliskoj budućnosti.
Thank you very much, guiveca, for providing all the necessary information. I will now transfer your complaint to my colleague Stefan (stefan.m@casino.guru) who will be at your assistance. I wish you best of luck and hope to see your problem being resolved to your satisfaction in the near future.
Draga Guiveca,
Tako mi je žao što čujem da vas povlačenje još nije stiglo. Kontaktiraću kazino i potrudiću se da rešim problem što je pre moguće.
Sada bih želeo da pozovem predstavnika Circus Casino PE da se pridruži ovom razgovoru i učestvuje u rešavanju ove žalbe.
Poštovani Circus Casino PE,
Možete li molim vas da kažete zašto igračevo povlačenje još nije isplaćeno i kada može da očekuje isplatu?
Unapred hvala na pružanju informacija.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear guiveca,
I am so sorry to hear your withdrawal hasn't reached you yet. I will contact the casino and try my best to resolve the issue as soon as possible.
Now I would like to invite a Circus Casino PE representative to join this conversation and participate in the resolution of this complaint.
Dear Circus Casino PE,
Could you please state why the player's withdrawal has not yet been paid out and when he can expect the payment?
Thank you in advance for providing the information.
Kind regards,
Zdravo guiveca
Žao nam je što iskustvo nije bilo na vaše zadovoljstvo.
Zaista je proces povlačenja bio težak jer nismo mogli da vam platimo na vaš prvobitni način plaćanja. Na šta smo ponudili alternativno rešenje koje je ponovo propalo – kontaktirali smo provajdera plaćanja i dobili smo instrukcije da vaša banka odbija isplatu i da to proverite sa svojom bankom, sa kojom ste takođe sarađivali.
Na kraju su svi dobici izgubljeni i vi ste se sami isključili, što mi u potpunosti podržavamo i razumemo. Imajući sve ovo na umu, kao gest dobre volje vratili smo vam S/. 460,00 u petak 13. januara na početnu depozitnu karticu. Važno je napomenuti da su povraćaji sredstava dozvoljeni samo na korišćeni metod početnog depozita.
Iskustvo korisnika Circus.pe
Hello guiveca
We are sorry the experience wasn't to your satisfaction.
Indeed the withdrawal process was bumpy as we were unable to pay you on your original payment method. To which we offered an alternative solution which failed again - we have contacted the payment provider and were instructed that your bank was rejecting the withdrawal and that you should check with your bank, which you also cooperated.
Eventually the winnings were all lost and you self excluded yourself, which we fully support and understand. With all this in mind, as a gesture of good will we have refunded you S/. 460.00 on Friday 13th January on the initial deposit card. Important to note that refunds are only allowed to the initial deposit method used.
Circus.pe Customer Experience
Draga Guiveca,
Možete li potvrditi gore navedene informacije koje je dao predstavnik kazina? Možete li takođe da potvrdite da li ste primili povraćaj od 460,00 S/.?
Hvala vam puno unapred i radujem se vašem odgovoru.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear guiveca,
Could you please confirm the information mentioned above provided by the casino representative? Could you also confirm if you have received the refund of 460.00 S/.?
Thank you very much in advance, and I am looking forward to your response.
Kind regards,
Dear guiveca,
We are extending the timer by 7 days. Please, be aware that in case you fail to respond in the given time frame or don’t require any further assistance, we will reject the complaint.
Besplatni profesionalni edukativni kursevi za zaposlene u online kazinima usmereni na najbolje prakse u industriji, poboljšanje iskustva igrača i pošten pristup kockanju.
Inicijativu koju smo pokrenuli s ciljem stvaranja globalnog sistema samoisključenja, koji će omogućiti ranjivim igračima da blokiraju pristup svim mogućnostima online kockanja.
Casino.guru je nezavistan izvor informacija o online kazinima i online kazino igrama, i nije kontrolisan od strane bilo kojeg operatora igara ili bilo koje druge institucije. Sve naše recenzije i vodiči su kreirani iskreno, u skladu sa najboljim znanjem i rasuđivanjem naših članova iz ekspertskog tima; ipak ovaj sadržaj je napravljen u informativne svrhe i ne bi smeo i trebao da se tumači kao pravni savet. Bitno je da uvek ispunite sve regulatorne zahteve pre nego počnete igrati u određenom kazinu.
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