Situacija sa ovim kazinom je apsolutno užasna, napravio sam depozit bez korišćenja bonusa, osvojio 53.000 rubalja (530 dolara) skoro svi dobici su bili u slotu za kućicu za pse, moj profil je blokiran zbog navodnog dupliranja, ali ovo je nemoguće, ja sam znam sigurno da je ovo moj jedini nalog. Pre nego što počnem da igram, prošao sam punu verifikaciju! Dao sam sve dokumente i oni su uspešno provereni. i tek kada sam hteo da izvršim povlačenje sredstava, počeli su problemi. Zaista vas molim da mi pomognete, ponavljam, prošao sam verifikaciju, nisam koristio nikakve bonuse prilikom deponovanja i pobedio sam apsolutno pošteno
The situation with this casino is absolutely terrible, I made a deposit without using any bonuses, won 53,000 rubles ($ 530) almost all the winnings were in the dog house slot, my profile was blocked for allegedly duplicating, but this is impossible, I know for sure that this is my only account. Before I start playing, I passed full verification! I provided all the documents and they were successfully checked . and only when I wanted to make a withdrawal of funds, problems began. I really ask you to help me, I repeat, I passed verification, did not use any bonuses when depositing and won absolutely honestly
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