(mogu da pišem na portugalskom jer je moj maternji jezik, ali verujem da je engleski univerzalniji)
Praćenje ;
Dragi Tomas,
Hvala vam na detaljnom odgovoru i što ste odvojili vreme da pomognete u vezi sa mojom žalbom. Zaista cenim posvećenost Casino Gurua nepristrasnosti i transparentnosti u rešavanju sporova. Dozvolite mi da razjasnim i proširim ključne tačke mog slučaja:
Sredstva dodeljena od kazina
Da, kazino je platio 44.200 evra, što su oni klasifikovali kao „gest dobre volje". Međutim, ovaj iznos je znatno manji od mog legitimnog dobitka od preko 308.000 €.
Da biste pružili više konteksta:
Kazino je počeo da isplaćuje male delove mog dobitka tokom dva meseca, naizgled očekujući da ću izgubiti preostali iznos tokom igre.
Kada su shvatili da sam u nizu sreće, naglo su mi blokirali nalog bez prethodne najave.
Tvrdili su da sam, zbog sistemske greške, pristupio sredstvima koja su smatrali „novcem iz kazina" i tvrdili su da su iznosi plaćeni mimo ove greške samo „gest dobre volje", opravdan mojim VIP statusom i prethodnim značajnim gubicima.
Istog dana kada je moj nalog blokiran, primio sam uplatu—verovatno automatizovanu, pošto je bila deo njihovog nedeljnog sistema plaćanja. U početku sam verovao da je ovo priznanje njihove greške i korak ka rešavanju problema. Međutim, menadžer naloga je kasnije pojasnio da se ova uplata, zajedno sa takozvanim „viškom", i dalje klasifikuje kao goodvill.
Više od dva meseca, sredstva su bila dostupna na mom računu bez ograničenja, a igrao sam isključivo sa legitimno kreditiranim sredstvima. Ni u jednom trenutku nisam igrao sa bonus sredstvima ili sredstvima označenim kao ograničena. Svi dobici su zarađeni legitimno, poštujući pravila platforme.
Depoziti i bonusi
Tokom svog vremena u Dablin Bet-u, napravio sam značajne depozite, koji su iznosili stotine hiljada evra. Ono što je važno, moj dobitak je izveden skoro isključivo iz igre na Football Studio Roulette od strane Evolution Gaming-a, bez oslanjanja na bonuse.
Sredstva u sporu:
Kazino tvrdi da sam pristupio sredstvima koja su nepropisno stavljena na raspolaganje zbog „nepodudaranja sistema". međutim:
Kao igrač, nisam imao načina da identifikujem ili razumem takvu grešku.
Sve moje igre su se striktno pridržavale pravila kazina.
Vredi napomenuti da je Dublin Bet priznao legitimitet mog dobitka, ali odbija da isplati preostali iznos od 308.000 €, navodeći tehničke greške.
Pored toga, Evolution Gaming, čija je platforma bila domaćin dotičnih igara, verovatno je prenela odgovarajuća sredstva u kazino na osnovu mog igranja. Međutim, nisam dobio svoj deo ovih dobitaka.
Osnovni problemi:
Nedostatak transparentnosti:
Moj nalog je blokiran bez upozorenja ili objašnjenja, a kazino nije pružio jasne dokaze o navodnoj neusklađenosti sistema.
Smatrati me odgovornim za njihove tehničke ili operativne greške je i nepravedno i neprihvatljivo.
Gest dobre volje:
Dok je 44.200 evra uokvireno kao „gest dobre volje", to ne nadoknađuje pun iznos od 308.000 evra koji mi duguje.
Ova situacija izaziva ozbiljnu zabrinutost u pogledu prakse kazina i njihove posvećenosti pravičnosti i transparentnosti.
Moj zahtev:
Ljubazno molim Casino Gurua da pomogne u dovođenju Dublin Beta za sto za pošteno rešenje. Kao dugogodišnji VIP igrač, tražim samo ono što je moje pravo i ono što je sam kazino već priznao kao legitiman dobitak.
Hvala vam još jednom na vašem vremenu, nepristrasnosti i podršci po ovom pitanju.
Ovo si ti m
Srdačan pozdrav,
Hugo *****
( i can write in Portuguese because is my native language but i believe English is more universal)
Following up ;
Dear Tomás ,
Thank you for your detailed response and for taking the time to assist with my complaint. I truly value Casino Guru's commitment to impartiality and transparency in resolving disputes. Allow me to clarify and expand upon the key points of my case:
Funds Granted by the Casino
Yes, the casino has paid €44,200, which they classified as a "gesture of goodwill." However, this amount is significantly lower than my legitimate winnings of over €308,000.
To provide more context:
The casino began paying small portions of my winnings over the course of two months, seemingly expecting that I would lose the remaining amount during gameplay.
When they realized that I was on a streak of good fortune, they abruptly blocked my account without prior notice.
They alleged that, due to a system error, I accessed funds they deemed as "casino money" and claimed that the amounts paid beyond this error were merely a "gesture of goodwill," justified by my VIP status and prior significant losses.
On the same day my account was blocked, I received a payment—likely automated, as it was part of their weekly payment system. Initially, I believed this was an acknowledgment of their mistake and a step toward resolving the issue. However, the account manager later clarified that this payment, along with the so-called "excess," was still being classified as goodwill.
For over two months, the funds were available in my account without restriction, and I played exclusively with legitimately credited balances. At no point did I play with bonus funds or funds marked as restricted. All winnings were earned legitimately, adhering to the rules of the platform.
Deposits and Bonuses
Over my time at Dublin Bet, I made significant deposits, amounting huundreds of thousands of euros. Importantly, my winnings were derived almost exclusively from gameplay on Football Studio Roulette by Evolution Gaming, without relying on bonuses.
Funds in Dispute:
The casino claims that I accessed funds that were improperly made available due to a "system discrepancy." However:
As a player, I had no way of identifying or understanding such an error.
All my gameplay adhered strictly to the casino's rules.
It is worth noting that Dublin Bet has acknowledged the legitimacy of my winnings but refuses to pay the remaining balance of €308,000, citing technical errors.
Additionally, Evolution Gaming, whose platform hosted the games in question, likely transferred the corresponding funds to the casino based on my gameplay. However, I have not received my rightful share of these winnings.
Core Concerns:
Lack of Transparency:
My account was blocked without warning or explanation, and the casino failed to provide clear evidence of the alleged system discrepancy.
Holding me responsible for their technical or operational errors is both unfair and unacceptable.
Goodwill Gesture:
While the €44,200 was framed as a "gesture of goodwill," it does not compensate for the full amount of €308,000 that is owed to me.
This situation raises serious concerns about the casino's practices and their commitment to fairness and transparency.
My Request:
I kindly ask Casino Guru to assist in bringing Dublin Bet to the table for a fair resolution. As a longstanding VIP player, I only seek what is rightfully mine and what has already been acknowledged as legitimate winnings by the casino itself.
Thank you again for your time, impartiality, and support in this matter.
This is thee m
Best regards,
Hugo *****
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