Imajte na umu da ovdje ne vidimo nijedan zadnji zahtjev za povlačenje.
Zahtjev za povlačenje koji se ovdje spominje podnesen je 28. aprila 2019. godine.
Uvjeti za kazino navode "20.3. Klijent ovim potvrđuje i prihvaća da se svaka pritužba ili natječaj koji je Klijent podnio više od 14 dana od dana zaključenja transakcije koja je predmet dotične žalbe neće uzeti u razmatranje, i neće imati vrijednost. "
Ne razumemo zašto je trebalo da se godinu dana podigne žalba. Ako doista postoji problem s poništenim dobicima, imali ste dovoljno mogućnosti da pokrenete to pitanje. Nadalje, vidimo da je u to vrijeme dato potpuno objašnjenje.
Koliko vidimo navedeno je povlačenje poništeno pod slijedećim bonus odredbama "15. Casino zadržava pravo zadržati bilo kakvo povlačenje i / ili oduzeti sve dobitke i bonuse za neregularnu igru." Nepravilna igra "može uključivati, ali nije ograničeno na:
- Postavljanje pojedinačnih oklada jednakih ili većih od 30% vrijednosti najmanjeg bonusa pripisanog na račun igrača, prije nego što je ispunjen ukupni zahtjev za ulog za taj saldo "
Please be advised that we do not see any latest withdrawal request here.
The withdrawal request that is being mentioned here was made on 28 April 2019.
The casino terms state "20.3 The Client is hereby acknowledging and accepting that any complaint or contest made by the Client more than 14 days after the date of finalisation of the transaction which is the subject of the complaint in question will not be taken into consideration, and shall have no value."
We do not understand why it took a year to raise a complaint. If there is indeed an issue with the voided winnings, you had enough opportunity to raise this issue. Further, we see that a full explanation was provided at that time.
As far as we can see the said withdrawal was voided under the following bonus terms "15. The Casino reserves the right to withhold any withdrawals and/or confiscate all winnings and Bonuses for irregular play. "Irregular play" may include, but is not limited to:
- Placing single bets equal to or greater than 30% of the value of the smallest bonus credited to the player account, prior to the total wager requirement for that balance having been met"
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