Istraživao sam jednu od najstarijih kripto kazino veb lokacija FortuneJack i obično igram igre kao što su Dice/Mines i neke druge pa sam otišao i počeo da ih proveravam na sajtu i otkrio sam da 99% njih NISU dokazivo pošteno. Daju vam klijent/server seme, ali ne postoji način da izračunate rezultat vaše igre. Pa sam pokušao da koristim one treće strane kao što su ulog i neke druge i nijedan od njih mi nije dao isti rezultat. Nastavio sam i kontaktirao podršku i oni su potvrdili da za sada nemaju skriptu za izračunavanje stvarnog rezultata igre. Što znači da sve njihove igre koje se reklamiraju kao „Dokazivo fer" zapravo uopšte nisu fer i koliko znamo da bi mogle da manipulišu ishodima.
Prilažem snimke ekrana razgovora sa podrškom koji dokazuju moju tačku.
Tražim od kazina da obezbedi skriptu ili veb lokaciju treće strane koja može izračunati rezultate svih dokazano poštenih igara koje imaju na raspolaganju u svom kazinu.
I was exploring one of the oldest crypto casino websites FortuneJack and normally I play games like Dice/Mines and some others so i went and started to check them out on the site and what i discovered that 99% of them are NOT provably fair. They give you Client/Server seed but there is no way to calculate the result of your game. So i tried using third party ones like stake and some other ones and none of them gave me the same result. I went ahead and contacted support and they confirmed that for now they dont have a script to calculate the actual result of the game. Which means that all of their games that are advertised "Provably fair" are actually not fair at all and as much as we know they could be manipulating the outcomes.
I am attaching the screenshots of the conversation with support proving my point.
I am asking casino to provide script or third party website that can calculate outcomes of all the provably fair games that they have available in their casino.
Automatski prevedeno:![](https://static.casino.guru/res/202502181413/images/svg/translated-by-google.svg)