NaslovnaForumDiskusija o prigovorimaIce Casino is scam ?

Ice Casino is scam ? (strana 10)

 od vlczkova
78.165 pregleda 197 odgovora ||
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Već sam poslao poruku na čet oko 5 puta i odgovor je uvek isti i već je u nekoj od soba za merenje, ne mogu da ga otkažu i ne mogu ništa. I sačekajte da neko od njihovih degustatora pošalje novac na moj račun.

Koji se izvinjavaju zbog neprijatnosti, ali ne mogu ništa drugo osim da čekaju

Automatski prevedeno:

I know that waiting is sometimes quite annoying, especially when money is involved. 

However, if your case has not moved anywhere, in that situation I would recommend, as mentioned above, to file a complaint. 

Are you going to go for it or do you feel you will wait a little bit ?


Kako da registrujem žalbu? Da, želim da se žalim

Automatski prevedeno:


Just use this link:

Please be ready to cooperate with the Complaint Team once you're ready.

To get a better idea of what to expect, keep in mind this guide called: Complaint Resolution Information and Instructions

Thank you!


Nije stvar samo u čekanju, strpljenju i odlaganju povlačenja igrača iz Južne Amerike.

Namerno ovaj kazino dozvoljava 2 ili 3 povlačenja, kasnije povlačenja počinju da daju greške, odbijaju se, nisu samo na čekanju, dok vas ne blokiraju u ćaskanju, uključujući i blokiranje naloga nekih igrača. To je standardni modus operandi za sve igrače, rejting mora biti snižen, ovaj kazino se mora prijaviti, ponaša se sa flagrantnom lošom namerom.

Automatski prevedeno:

Hey there!

Then I suggest submitting a complaint through the licensing authority too.

Napravio sam zahtev za povlačenje i stalno se vraća i ne objašnjavaju šta se dešava....Ice casino

Automatski prevedeno:

Napravio sam zahtev za povlačenje i stalno se vraća i ne objašnjavaju šta se dešava....Ice casino

Automatski prevedeno:

Hey, how long has your situation been going on that your withdrawal keeps coming back to you. Do you already have a verified casino account ? Have you had any successful casino withdrawals in the past ? 

However, I think a response from the casino would be useful in this case so that we know why this is happening and why your money keeps coming back. 

I will wait for the answer.

Post od scamedagain2023 je obrisan

Hi, I would ask you to keep the conversation about this casino in the casino to which it belongs and thus here: , because you are writing to a completely different casino with which your post has nothing to do. 

However, as for what you write, I think it is quite related to RTP and I will post a guide to this topic:

However, it would probably be necessary to have some evidence because according to what you described it is not an unusual situation because the casino always has an advantage over the player in a long run. 

I will wait for your response.


Da li ste na kraju dobili svoj novac ili ne?

Automatski prevedeno:

Zdravo, da li imate problem sa odabirom u ovom kazinu čak i kada pitate? Šta se desilo ako mogu da znam?

Možete li, molim vas, opisati malo više da bih stekao uvid i pokušao da pomognem ako je moguće?

Automatski prevedeno:

Zdravo. Imam problem sa ledenim kazinom. Već 5 dana čekam na povraćaj bonusa koji nisam dobio prilikom dopune. Pet dana slušam, sačekajte da naši menadžeri rade na vašem problemu. Pitam se zašto su tako spori. Ista stvar je i sa besplatnim bonusima. Kada to zatražite u ćaskanju, čekate 24 sata da bude odobreno. To je užas. Tražim pomoć da dobijem bonus koji sam platio.

Automatski prevedeno:

Hmm, we probably won't be able to help you with that, since the casino itself determines who they give bonuses to and who they don't. But if they promised you a refund of the bonus, then I would also like to know what is taking them so long. Have you had any communication with them where they told you that they would refund it? Should they give you a new bonus or what exactly is the compensation?


Prošlog utorka 19. Napravio sam dva depozita, jedan je 20 evra sa bonusom od 100% od iznosa depozita, a drugi je 26 evra za 150 besplatnih okretaja. Nisam dobio nijedan bonus. Rekli su da je u pitanju tehnička greška i prosledili moj upit odgovarajućem tužbi. Moram da sačekam e-poštu da vratim oba bonusa. Nema odgovora celu nedelju. Veoma sam razočaran.

Automatski prevedeno:

Oh well, I'm sorry, if it was a technical error on their part, it's not pleasant. But the money stayed in your player account, right? If nothing could be resolved with the casino, you can at least still withdraw the money if there are no bonuses on it. 

I wonder if they will come back to you or not. Have you written to them again at what stage the situation is being resolved?


Dobio sam bonus danas. Samo onaj koji je za 20 evra, ali ga nažalost nisam dobio

Automatski prevedeno:

I'm a bit lost. So did you get one of those bonuses you had or not? Did you get cash or FS? According to what you described, you should get cash on deposit. Is that right and did you get it or what other bonus are you talking about?🤔

they don't pay, they blocked my account and rejected the withdrawal with invalid reason


Just want to add the latest info to the subject:

You don't have to respond to this - I will get back to you in the other thread. 🙂

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