Znam, nalazi se na mojoj listi za ponedeljak. Želio bih to pokazati kolegama iz Reputacijskog tima i možda bismo mogli da ih kontaktiramo i pitamo šta se događa.
Imaju rejting 8,7 što je prilično visoko i vjerujem da ovo nije vrsta iskustva koje biste trebali imati u kasinu s tako visokim rejtingom. To se ponekad može dogoditi, ali ovdje sam već vidio brojne slučajeve o potpuno istom pitanju.
I know, it's on my list for Monday. I'd like to show it to my colleagues from the Reputation team and maybe we could contact them and ask what's going on.
They have 8.7 rating which is pretty high and I believe that this is not the kind of experience you should have in a casino with such a high rating. It can happen sometimes, but I've already seen here numerous cases about exactly the same issue.