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National bet casino (strana 3)

 od makelios6
3.736 pregleda 54 odgovora |
12 3

draga radka

Hvala vam na pomoći.

Neka bude jednostavno

Kazino guru bi trebalo da pita nacionalnu opkladu zašto su zatvorili moj nalog.

Ništa manje ništa više

Automatski prevedeno:

Dear player.

Thank you for your patience.

Sadly, the complaint process has its order; mediators are not here to just ask the casino each time a player wonders about something.

First, we need to be sure we can collect evidence to even reach out to the casino. Yet with your cooperation, we have not been able to pass the initial information assessment phase.

Nothing less, nothing more. 🙁

draga radka

Zašto mislite da nacionalni kazino za klađenje nije prevara?

Automatski prevedeno:

Dear player,

I do not encourage people to believe things that have not been proven yet, among other reasons.

draga radka

Sve što tražim od vas je da pitate kazino zašto su mi zatvorili račun?

Automatski prevedeno:

Dear user, This is not how the procedure operates, as I have already explained.

Dear user, This is not how the procedure operates, as I have already explained.

Hi Radka please see the complaint I have raised against this casino. It is under review



It appears to have been approved. I hope it is okay with you if I include a link so that others can see the problem as well.

I would anticipate a speedy settlement if a casino closed an account with an active balance. Therefore, I believe that filing the complaint was a wise move.

draga radka

Kao što vidite, ima i drugih pritužbi na opklade na nacionalnom nivou.

Ako takođe potražite recenzije za nacionalni pilot klađenja na poverenje, shvatićete da nešto nije u redu sa ovim konkretnim kazinom

Zaštitite igrače.

Automatski prevedeno:

Potpuno isti problem objašnjavam vam koji i ja imam.

Zatvorili su moj račun sa aktivnim stanjem.

Zašto me tretiraš drugačije?

Automatski prevedeno:

Dear user,

Both the TP reviews and the other complaints have nothing to do with your circumstances. I have already told you that we are past that point.

Your current situation is solely in your hands.

Only after any complaint is closed shall we see whether there was "something wrong" in that particular case.

I do not see the point in responding to your posts in the future given the direction of our conversation. Please consider that.

Reci mi šta da napišem i ja ću

Automatski prevedeno:

Four days ago, I asked you this:

"Consider that from our perspective, please:

There is a good chance the relationship exists because your account was closed after you bet on sports.

Assuming that the complaint is accepted, our first goal is to plan the best course of action for contacting the casino and requesting an explanation. "The account was closed due to activities violating our sports betting rules." is what the casino might say. How would we respond?

In addition, you acknowledged that the account was closed following your sports wager. Now you're saying it has nothing in common.

Could you explain that to me, please?"

If you are unable to explain the inhorencies to the mediator, your case won't be reopened. I'm not convinced it is even possible, to be honest.

How about you try to locate websites specialized in sports betting issues?

draga radka

Kao što sam više puta objašnjavao, nacionalni kazino za klađenje je neopravdano zatvorio moj račun sa aktivnim stanjem od 100 evra.

Ne kontaktiraju me i stalno menjaju imejl.

To nema nikakve veze sa sportskim klađenjem. KRAJ.

S obzirom da ste na svom prvobitnom položaju, primoran sam da doprem do Meisterovog kazina i da pošaljem recenziju svog gurua kazina pilotu poverenja.

Hvala vam na pomoći

Automatski prevedeno:

I'm sorry to see you chose this path.

We will not disregard all of our carefully thought-out procedures just because you brought up Trust Pilot, if that is your belief.

In the hopes that you will recognize the matter with the issue description, I attempted to assist you with. I am sorry I did not help you realize that. You seem to insist on using your peculiar communication style regardless of my attempts to reach mutual understanding.

Good luck, elswhere. Not much to say under such circumstances.

12 3

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