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National bet casino

 od makelios6
4.186 pregleda 54 odgovora |
1 23

Da li neko zna nešto o ovom kazinu

Automatski prevedeno:

National bet je zatvorio moj račun bez obaveštenja sa stanjem i još uvek odbijaju da mi daju bilo kakve informacije

Automatski prevedeno:

Could you please post the URL of the casino, so we can make sure which one you talk about?

Also, did they close your account after you requested your withdrawal?

Was your account fully verified there?

Nisu mi tražili verifikaciju

Ne, draga Romi, nisam tražio povlačenje.

Kazino je nov sa datumom osnivanja 09/2024 sa sedištem na Kipru

Automatski prevedeno:

Thank you for the information.

I have added this casino to the list of new casinos for our data team to have a look at it and prepare the full review, as we don't have it yet in our database.

Our complaint team will correct the information in your complaint as well and will try to help you out.

So, this casino just suddenly closed your account without any notification about the reason. Right?

May I ask if your balance was from sports betting or the casino games?

I am asking because unfortunately we don't have any department dealing with sports, so hopefully our team will be able to help if you were also playing some casino games, you know.🤞

Ne, ne preostala zarada.

To je bio depozit i dok sam ulagao novac, zatvorili su moj račun.

Automatski prevedeno:

Takođe tražim da mi vrate 800 evra depozita

Automatski prevedeno:

I understand, but unfortunately our complaint team couldn't continue in resolving this complaint as the issue was related to sports.

We don't have a branch dealing with sports betting yet, but I can suggest some websites that do:

Please let us know if you have any updates.

Draga Romi, ne radi se o sportu.

To se tiče depozita koji je dao i čim je uplaćen, zatvorili su moj račun.

To se tiče rada kazina.

Takođe sam igrao slotove u ovom kazinu.

Trenutno je moj novac zamrznut a da nemam pristup svom nacionalnom računu za klađenje

Automatski prevedeno:

I understand.

In order to get help from our team, you will need to reopen your complaint then.

Unfortunately, you have stated that the winnings were from sports betting, and that is why it got rejected.

Please explain the whole situation in your email and state also the correct name of the casino so our complaint team can react accordingly and try to help you out.

Please let us know if you need any other assistance.

Draga Romi

Zahtevao sam da se žalba ponovo otvori.

Nadam se da će biti prihvaćeno

Automatski prevedeno:

Draga Romi

Sada ni ja ne mogu da ih kontaktiram.

Šaljem e-mail a adresa ne postoji file .

Dok je pre tri dana bilo komunikacije. file

Bojim se da ovaj kazino ne postoji i da je prevara.

Automatski prevedeno:

Draga Romi

Nakon provere, saznao sam da su i oni blokirali moju komunikaciju.

Zamrznuli su moj depozit i ne mogu ni da stupim u kontakt sa njima

Automatski prevedeno:

I can see.

Now we need to wait for our complaint team to have a better look at this situation and decide if there will be any possibility to get involved and help.

Still keep us informed about any news, please.

Draga Romi, nakon provere koju sam napravio, ovaj kazino nije pod kontrolom nijednog regulatornog organa file

Automatski prevedeno:

This will be great information for our data team to know. Thank you for that.

Draga Romi

Da li imamo novosti o aktiviranju moje žalbe?

Automatski prevedeno:

I can see that it is now under review by our complaint team. I will try to talk to them regarding your complaint and try to find out any information on how it is going to be taken.

I will inform you soon.

Draga Romi

Menadžment kazina gurua je odbio moju legitimnu žalbu zbog nedoslednih informacija.

Pitam šta je to nedosledna informacija kada sam izneo sve argumente koji opravdavaju moju žalbu.

Molimo vas da se obratite pilotu trusta da biste potvrdili da nacionalni kazino za klađenje nije pouzdan.

Nažalost, primoran sam da dam negativnu recenziju za guru kazino na trustpilotu.

Automatski prevedeno:

Hi there!

I can partially understand your frustration, but as far as I can tell, the complaint against National Bet Casino was dismissed because, to the best of my knowledge, we still lack expertise in the field of sports betting and do not accept such complaints in the first place.

Are you referring to another case? I must admit that I am not entirely sure what you are talking about in your post. In light of the mediator's final explanation, I would say that he was prepared to go above and beyond for you:

"As you might know, our forum Casino.Guru, deals with the complaints regarding online casinos only. I understand it must be difficult for you, but unfortunately, we don’t have enough insight to take on this kind of issue, related to a sports betting. I can contact the casino on your behalf and try to get some more information, but at the same time, I will be forced to reject your complaint."

To me, this is quite a proactive approach Nick has shown.

Is it about some sort of reopening request maybe?

1 23

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