zdravo gospodine,
Ono što čitate na forumima na internetu ne čini zakon ili istinu.
Korišćeni MCC kod je tačan s obzirom na Kicoin aktivnost.
Potvrđujemo da ste koristili našu uslugu i kupili Kicoin. Sve možete proveriti pomoću ranije navedene veze.
Odgovorili su mi iz samog cicoina.
Šta da odgovorim?
Hello sir,
What you are reading on forums on the internet don't make the law or the truth.
MCC code used is correct considering Kycoin's activity.
We confirm you used our service and bought Kycoin. You can check everything with the link provided earlier.
They answered me from cycoins itself.
What should I answer?
Hello sir,
What you are reading on forums on internet don’t make the law or the truth.
MCC code used is correct considering Kycoin’s activity.
We confirm you used our service and bought Kycoin. You can check everything with the link provided earlier.
Μου απάντησαν από το cycoins αυτο.
Τί πρέπει να απαντησω
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