ForumDiskusija o prigovorimaQuestion about Gambling websites with Curaçao license using incorrect Merchant Category code

Question about Gambling websites with Curaçao license using incorrect Merchant Category code (strana 53)

pre 9 meseci od kirekin
125244 pregleda 2312 odgovora |
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pre 1 meseca

Proverite njihove odgovore.

Da nemaju veze sa starcem, odgovorio sam da lažu i da je to varanje.

Ponovo bih predložio da pazite na svoj jezik

I čitajte pažljivije

Ne nudimo kockanje niti bilo koje druge usluge ili proizvode. Nudimo rešenje plaćanja vaučerom za trgovce svih različitih kategorija

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 1 meseca

thanks man my transactions are 2 years old and i wanna send them an email, do you think they will refund them?

pre 1 meseca

Da li sam ja to tako opisao?

Ali vi ste na bankovnom izvodu pa mi treba faktura od vas. Jesu li vam poslali da ste primili novac.? Kupovao sam sa tobom

Zar ne vidite bankovni izvod koji sam poslao?

Oni su neprijatni.

Nemojte misliti da će vratiti novac.

Takođe sam rekao da sam igrao u kazinu i to je prošlo kroz njih.

Možda kazino reaguje

Čudno je da je služba za korisnike tako nepristojna

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 1 meseca

Thanks man do u have like a discord where i can get more information about this?

pre 1 meseca

Nećete dobiti ništa. Poslao sam juče mejl i dobio odgovor.

Oni su neprijatni.

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 1 meseca

Det står att det var jag .Att dragits pengar från mitt konto .

Jag skrev så i första mejl

hereby request an immediate refund of transactions made in nivember / december 2023.Transactions in question made to you by card number ending  xxxxxxxx

These transaction are illegal as it contains a merchant code that also bypasses blocks set on cards in relation to gambling transactions and I have not received any service from you.

According to the rules of the Mastercard circuit, the transaction is subject to chargeback. Could you check my card details through your system and refund all transactions.

Please acknowledge receipt of this email at your earliest convenience, and I look forward to a swift resolution.

Är det fel ?

Ažurirano od strane autora pre 1 meseca
pre 1 meseca

who refunded you bro?

pre 1 meseca

Who’s this for?

pre 1 meseca

pre 1 meseca

What was the amount?

pre 1 meseca

What did they say to you? They dont even respond to me.

pre 1 meseca

Good afternoon 

We provide a voucher solution ( as explained on our website) that is used by online merchants. As such you would need to make direct contact with the merchant that you shopped with.

pre 1 meseca

What was the name on the transactions for Gumball?

They want me to send in proof...

pre 1 meseca

Just recieved this from Golden Bet....does anyone have any suggestions what to reply with? Or is there no point?filefilefile

pre 1 meseca

No point they say the same they don’t accept liability

pre 1 meseca

My GDPR request was also shot down by Worldline/PaymentIQ so I will now drop the case and leave this subject about refunds alone. The best outcome from all of this is that have no urges to gamble again. Especially now when I realised more how it works, even though I did before, now it's more clear. Combining that together with watching slots streamers rip 5-6 days in a row in general, then maybe having one decent day, I feel even less inclined to gamble.

I will initiate a process with a few crypto exchanges to close my account there also, such as Checksum and Uphold not to be able to use those either in the future. We all know gambling doesn't make anyone happy except the casinos and casino affiliates.

My swedish gamban was unblocked today, but I blocked myself right away again. That felt nice.

Anyways, good luck and take care!

pre 1 meseca

Još uvek nisam dobio nikakvu povratnu informaciju od banke (Svedbank) tada sam takođe odlučio da želim privremeno obeštećenje dok istraga nije u toku.

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 1 meseca

Verovatno proveravaju ove stvari. Mogu da zamislim da se ljudi dobro zabavljaju. Svedbank bi trebalo da preduzme mere protiv toga. Dozvolite svima da povraćaju. Onda mogu da obećam da bi zaustavili ova kazina i jurili igrače u Švedskoj.. Ali da, to se nikada neće desiti

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 1 meseca



U mejlu je pisalo da će sleteti na nalog u roku od 14 dana.. Recite da će stići u roku od 14 dana 😂

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 1 meseca

Da li ste morali dugo da čekate na isplatu?

Automatski prevedeno:
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Idi na stranicuod 116 stranica

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