To vas zaista tera da se zapitate koliko je bilo koja od ovih stvari "fer".
Mogu da podnesem gubitak. To je priroda zveri. Ja, međutim, ne uživam u pljački.
Ono što vidite ovde je da Aviator sistematski crpi moj račun. Ako uskladite moju istoriju opklada sa istorijom igre, videćete tačno o čemu govorim.
Posle moje male pobede od 2,47k, napustio sam igru na nekoliko minuta. U mom odsustvu, već sledeći krug ide na 26,73k. Slučajnost kažeš? Moguće. Bilo je nekoliko usranih rundi u mom odsustvu. Ponovo sam se pridružio igri nakon niza niskih 1.kk uzleta i na kraju sam bio pobeđen za 1,17k. Zatim 1,07k! Ono što ne možete da primetite je da su obe ove igre imale preterano dug period učitavanja nakon što se odbrojavanje završilo dok sam napravio svoje kasne opklade. Još uvek slučajnost? Možda, ali takođe mogu da vam kažem da se nisam kladio na sledeću rundu i ona je otišla na 2,46k, što nije sjajno, ali definitivno dovoljno dobro.
Ali čekajte, ima još! U naredne tri runde sam poražen sa 1,01k, 1,17k i 1,00k.. i ako to nije bilo dovoljno, nakon što sam ispraznio svoj račun sve do NULE, sledeće dve runde idu 8,07k i konačno 31,01k. Pričaj o utrljavanju soli u moje rane.
Još jedna stvar koju treba napomenuti..
Iako to ne vidite u mojoj istoriji, takođe sam bio podvrgnut uzastopnim trčanjima 1,00k koje vidite blizu početka.
Zavera? Ili ja samo imam NAJGORU sreću na svetu? Ti odlučuješ.
That really make you wonder just how "fair" any of this stuff really is.
I can handle losing. That's the nature of the beast. I do not, however, enjoy being robbed.
What you see here, is Aviator systematically draining my account. If you match up my bet history to the gameplay history, you'll see exactly what I'm talking about.
After my small win of 2.47x, I left the game for a few minutes. In my absence, the very next round goes to 26.73x. Coincidence you say? Possibly. There were a few crappy rounds in my absence. I rejoined the game following a string of low 1.xx takeoffs and ended up getting beat by a 1.17x. Then a 1.07x! What you can't notice is that both of these games had an excessively long loading period after the countdown ended as I made my late bets. Still a coincidence? Maybe, but I can also tell you I didn't wager on the next round and it went to 2.46x, which is not great but definitely good enough.
But wait, there's more! The next three rounds see me beaten by a 1.01x, a 1.17x and a 1.00x.. and if that wasn't enough, after draining my account all the way to ZERO, the very next two rounds go 8.07x and finally a 31.01x. Talk about rubbing salt in my wounds.
One other thing to note..
Although you don't see it in my history, I was also hosed on the back-to-back 1.00x runs you see near the beginning.
Conspiracy? Or do I just have the WORST luck in the world? You decide.