Ovi klovnovi imaju novi sestrinski kazino, MegaMedusa.com. Nemojte se prijavljivati na ovom sajtu.
Veliki slatkiš je, međutim, obradio 2 moja povlačenja, nakon što sam prokockao 70% mojih dobitaka na koje sam čekao više od 6 meseci. Dakle, postoji metrika na koju gledaju, ako osvojite previše, oni će odložiti isplate dok im ta metrika ne dođe u korist. Onda će vam malo po malo plaćati.
Ipak, možda ćete želeti da pokušate da prokockate malo svog dobitka, a možda će oni obraditi povlačenje onoga što je preostalo. Ovo je za one koji mesecima čekaju na povlačenje. Nije dobar način poslovanja, ali možda i način da se izbegne da se ništa ne plati.
Držite se dalje od cele ove grupe.
Izmenjeno jer sam pogrešno napisao ime domena kazina.
These clowns have a new sister casino, MegaMedusa.com. Do not sign up at this site.
A Big Candy, however, did process 2 of my withdrawals, after gambling away 70% of my winnings that I was waiting for over 6 months for. So there is a metric they look at, if you win too much, they will stall payments until that metric comes into favor with them. Then they will pay you little by little.
Nevertheless, you may just want to try gambling away a little bit of your winnings, and maybe they will process the withdrawal of whatever is left. This is for those who have been waiting months for their withdrawal. Not a good way of doing business, but possibly a way to avoid not getting paid anything at all.
Stay away from this entire group.
Edited as I misspelled the domain name of the casino.
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