NaslovnaForumKazinaAtlantis Slots Casino - opšta diskusija

Atlantis Slots Casino - opšta diskusija (strana 2)

 od Natav
9.447 pregleda 46 odgovora |
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Hi, may I know what specific problem you have with withdrawals in this casino ? How long have you been unable to withdraw money ? Give us more information so we can try to help you.

Zdravo 👋 Uplatio sam u utorak i 72 sata je već prošlo u petak, ali uplata nije odobrena i iako sam napisao e-poštu nisam dobio odgovor 😕 moje dugme za ćaskanje uživo više nije dostupno 😔 to nije ne znači ništa dobro, pretpostavljam da mi neće platiti novac 💸 🤔 Prvi put kada sam pisao tamo-amo posle 72 sata dobio sam novac, ali ovaj put izbegavaju kontakt u ćaskanju uživo stvarno čudno.. to je prosto nečuveno što kockaš svoj novac tamo i kada uradiš ono što si osvojio moraš da moliš da dobiješ bar deo svog novca 💸...

Automatski prevedeno:

Hmm, does not sound very convenient... Have you ever withdrawn from the casino, or is this your first attempt?

Let's give it a few more working days, it's too early to give up hope.✨🤞

Zdravo 👋 ne, nisam povukao, uvek sam bio aktivan i imao sam prvu uplatu, ali sam i pisao napred i nazad, ali je na kraju odobreno, ali sa drugom uplatom ne mogu čak ni da kontaktiram live chat. Danas su dugme uživo učinili vidljivim, ali niko nema vremena da ostavi poruku 😕

Automatski prevedeno:

Ok, I'm quite confused now. To me, it sounds like you have successfully withdrawn just once, yet after a tough fight, despite that, you also said, "No, I didn't withdraw".

I would normally suggest submitting a complaint, but at this point, it's important to mention that we allow casinos 14 full days:

"If your account has been successfully verified, your game history checked, your withdrawal approved by the casino, and you still haven't received your winnings by 14 days since requesting the withdrawal, we will intervene and do our best to help you."

I am curious to learn more about your history with this casino, so please tell me more.

Zdravo Radka, hvala ti puno na informacijama i odgovorima, juče sam konačno uspeo da te kontaktiram u live chat-u. Rekla je da će uplata biti odobrena tek danas-sutra, zašto kažeš 72 sata i neće da se obradi, duplo duže traje, radi se o principu šta me nervira...čekaću. za 2 dana. LG

Automatski prevedeno:

Zdravo, primio sam imejl da će uplata biti odobrena za 3-5. Novac će biti na mom računu za 3-5...morate imati puno strpljenja sa ovim Casino.lg

Automatski prevedeno:

Hello Melocan!

I imagine asking the support for what causes the delay would be a waste of time, yet the most important part sounds promising! I agree it should be smoother, however.

On the other hand, this forum is full of far worse scenarios 😀. For now, I'm wondering are you going to find yourself another casino to play in?

Anyway, make sure to let us now as soon as you are paid in full!

Zdravo, pare su stigle, neću više da igram, odmori se. Hvala ljubazno

Automatski prevedeno:

Great, awesome, and marvelous all at once! 🙌✨😊

I'm glad the withdrawal finally made it through!

Honestly, taking a break is probably a good way to recover from this experience. So meanwhile, take good care and see you around later!👍

Hello Atlantis Slots Casino neće zatvoriti moj nalog iako sam verifikovao svoj nalog, ali ne želim više da igram, često sam pisao u ćaskanju i slao e-poruke, ali i dalje neće zatvoriti moj nalog šta mogu sada da uradim

Automatski prevedeno:

Hey, did the casino tell you any reason why they have a problem with closing your account when you say you are trying to do it via live chat and emails ? I think such requests should always be taken seriously. How long have you been waiting for a reply ? 

If you think you need help because the casino has been ignoring you for a while, you can file a complaint here and our team will try to help you. 

Do you think you will try this way or wait a little bit longer to hear from them ?  

Dobijam samo ovakve odgovore 😔 i mogu da se prijavim svaki put, ali moj nalog nije ponovo zatvoren

Automatski prevedeno:

I can't say, it would be best if the casino would answer. But like I said, I don't think they should take it lightly. However, if the casino said they'd get back to you, I'd try to give them a little more time. If nothing changes and your account is not closed then I would file a complaint.


Ok, hvala..

Automatski prevedeno:

file Ponovo sam im pisao i dobio pomoć preko ćaskanja. Blokirali su mi nalog, hvala Bogu

Automatski prevedeno:

Hey! I'm so glad to hear that.

Taking another break?

if you use this site then stop NOW

i have been using for a while, even though the withdrawals are limited very low and its hard to work through the bonus,

however today i have had my 4000 euros withdrawal blocked, my chat keeps getting closed down.

i even used a vpn to access the chat so they did not know that it was me and it worked fine until i told them who i was and then it was closed again.

no response from mutiple emails and looks like they are going to rob me of my 4000. which is an absolute disgrace. they enticed me back after i closed my account a few months ago and clearly are not stable


I found this warning on our website:


Could this be the reason for blocking you, perhaps?🤔

I can see that our team is currently trying to solve a few complaints with this casino, as you can see. If you feel that you would like some help from our complaint team, please do not hesitate and file a complaint here. You can easily do so by using this link.

Let us know if you need any assistance with that, please.

Zdravo, imam problema sa uplatama na atlantis slot kazinu, ovo nije prvo povlačenje koje sam napravio, i do sada je prilično dobro. 24. 04. tražio sam uplatu 1200 evra, a 05. 08. ništa nije uplaćeno... Poslao sam nekoliko kontakt mejlova jer deaktiviraju ćaskanje i skoro nikad ne odgovaraju na mejlove, a kada to urade uvek odgovaraju da podsećaju na finansije, ali ništa se ne dešava. 8/05 otkazujem povlačenje i tražim ga za 1500 evra, a ni danas više ne odgovaraju na mejlove i ćaskanje je deaktivirano. Odgovorili su mi samo jednom putem mejla rekavši mi da će biti plaćeno u ponedeljak, ali nažalost bila je sreda i nije bilo ni traga ni odgovora. Mislim da su ovo zaista prevaranti.

Automatski prevedeno:
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