NaslovnaForumKazinaBet-nox Casino - opšta diskusija

Bet-nox Casino - opšta diskusija (strana 3)

 od luciacadaicocomucha
14.713 pregleda 63 odgovora |
12 3 4

Dobro jutro, gospođo Radka

Da li ste uspeli da uspostavite bilo kakav kontakt sa kazinom? Prošlo je 15 dana od otvaranja žalbe

Automatski prevedeno:

Mornin' to you too! 🙂

I think you got it wrong.

I do not establish contact with casinos. You know I take care of the forum, I do not, on the other hand, handle player's complaints. You will always get the best update in your account - complaints, or via emails.

I can't see any response from the casino representative, though 🙁


Razumem i hvala vam puno na pomoći 😀

Siguran sam da me kazino više neće kontaktirati po ovom pitanju, savršeno su svesni da su me prevarili i opljačkali, nikada nisam prekršio nikakve propise.

Jedina satisfakcija je što će rejting kazina pasti i nadam se da tu više niko neće uplatiti novac jer su strašni prevaranti.

Automatski prevedeno:

I sympathize with you and it is a pity that the casino did not respond to your reopened complaint. But it will probably stay that way and the case will not be resolved, although I would like to be wrong. 

All I can say is that I hope a similar situation will not happen again. Your case will also be an experience for other players. I wish you the best of luck. 🙂


Hvala vam puno 😃

Za ostale igrače koji posećuju forum, ne preporučujem deponovanje sredstava u kazino Betnok, bolje je potražiti druga, pouzdanija kazina.

Hvala Casinoguru na pomoći u ovoj stvari i na izdvojenom vremenu :)

Automatski prevedeno:

Thank you for the positive feedback. I wish you wouldn't need to submit any complaints at all, unfortunately that's not how it works in the current world. Anyways, next time, try to find a casino with a higher safety index on our website. The chances of facing issues will be lower.

Dobro jutro... Želeo bih da pitam za rejting BetNok kazina

Nakon što su me prevarili za toliki iznos, nisu hteli da daju razloge za svoju odluku, nisu ni na bilo koji način odgovorili, samo im je ocena pala sa 4,4 na 4,2

Zar ne mislite da kada kazino vara ljude na velike iznose, pad rejtinga ne bi trebalo da bude drastičniji?

Automatski prevedeno:

Dobro jutro... Želeo bih da pitam za rejting BetNok kazina

Nakon što su me prevarili za toliki iznos, nisu hteli da daju razloge za svoju odluku, nisu ni na bilo koji način odgovorili, samo im je ocena pala sa 4,4 na 4,2

Zar ne mislite da kada kazino vara ljude na velike iznose, pad rejtinga ne bi trebalo da bude drastičniji?

Automatski prevedeno:

Hi, I think in this case everything is as it should be. Our team closely monitors all the things that affect the safety index and evaluates everything just like in any casino. I think the safety index of 4.2 is quite low and if the casino continues to fail to address other complaints, it will fall down.

However, I am curious how the situation around the safety index of this casino will continue to develop. 


Razumem vas, ali pre moje žalbe kazino je imao ocenu 4,4

Zar ne mislite da pad od samo 0,2 poena sa 4,4 na 4,2 ne motiviše kazino da pregovara?

Iznos za koji sam prevaren je veoma visok, tako da sa stanovišta kazina jednostavno više vole da ne govore ništa i izgube 0,2 poena za procenu, a ne da pregovaraju i onda bi morali da priznaju grešku.

Automatski prevedeno:

I understand your point of view, but I think that if the casino was able not to solve it now, it will be possible to do it again. From what I have seen, the other complaints that were unresolved had a similar number of black points and the casino itself with such a saftey index is not good. 

As far as negotiation is concerned, I don't think it would matter if the casino had a safety index of 2 or 4, if it doesn't want to answer, it won't. However, if there are more cases like this, the safety index will be lower. I think that the team in charge knows very well what they are doing and why the index has been lowered by such a value. 

Podsećam da kazino pljačka svoje igrače, meni su oteli 785 evra bez ikakvih posledica.

Ne preporučujem da tamo deponujete sredstva

Automatski prevedeno:

In this particular case I cannot agree with you because the casino got black points for not resolving the complaint so it affected them at least in the safety index. The fact that you didn't get your money back probably won't be returned, but at least you learned your lesson and know where not to play again. 😥


Da, znam da neću dobiti svoj novac nazad, ali s vremena na vreme ću vas podsećati da kazino pljačka svoje igrače.

Takođe verujem da smanjenje rejtinga kazina za 0,2 poena nije kazna za kazino, kazino bi radije izgubio ovih 0,2 poena nego da isplati 800 evra

Radio sam pola godine za ovu pobedu i kazino je ukrao novac bez navođenja razloga

Automatski prevedeno:

I am very sorry if the casino keeps doing this and if it continues to do so the safety index will decrease. Unfortunately, I am not here to say how much, because we have a special team that decides everything important around this.

I wish it would have turned out differently and no other players would have been in the same situation.


naravno da razumem,

Stoga, ako neko ovo pročita i namerava da uplati bilo kakva sredstva u Bet Nok kazino ili njegove blizance kazina, toplo savetujem da to ne uradite jer je njihova praksa veoma loša i pljačkaju svoje igrače bez ikakvog razloga.

Automatski prevedeno:

Clearly it is necessary to help each other, I just wonder if all the players who have played here have similar experiences. I would like to see how many like you there are because most of them come with the bad but few with the good. Anyway, there is no need to turn a blind eye to such things and surely those who read this will be warned ahead.


Pitam se da li su vlasti koje licenciraju kazina svesne kako kazina varaju i pljačkaju svoje klijente?

Zar kazina zaista nisu odgovorna za svoje prevare?

Ako izgubite, kazina se ponašaju prema ljudima izuzetno dobro, ali kada nešto osvojite, kazino odmah tretira kupce kao neprijatelje i oduzima im dobitak.

Automatski prevedeno:

I think it also depends a lot on the casino's license. Whoever is around online casinos knows that some are not so reliable and even if players contact them, they may write them off only sporadically and sometimes not at all. 

It's hard to evaluate these things in the online world and that's why I personally wouldn't play in casinos too much. There are licenses that, when players turn up, they write it off and deal with the case and whatever the outcome, they handle the situation. Some don't even dare to do that and then it looks like that.


Da li je moguće pozvati predstavnika kazina da razgovaraju ovde?

Hoćemo li pokušati da ponovo otvorimo žalbu?

Automatski prevedeno:

Unfortunately, if the casino is not active on the forum, they won't answer you here. I understand that this is a sad situation, but it's been going on for a long time, if truth be told.

As for the complaint, you have to ask for a reopening yourself. 

12 3 4

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