NaslovnaForumKazinaCasino Orca - opšta diskusija

Casino Orca - opšta diskusija

 od Anonymized709
2.553 pregleda 40 odgovora |
1 23
Ako želite da diskutujete bilo šta vezano za Casino Orca, kao što su igre, bonusi, metode plaćanja, problemi sa nalogom, odgovorno kockanje ili bilo šta drugo, možete to učiniti ovde.

Zdravo kazino guru!

Imam problem sa kazinom! Moje povlačenje od 1.11.24. nije isplaćeno! Sve što vidim u svom statusu je da se obrađuje. 500 evra nije prebačeno na moj račun. Čet već danima govori da je iznos već poslat na moj račun, ali to je laž! Kao što rekoh, vidim samo da se to obrađuje i da se ništa drugo ne radi! Takođe sam ga isplatio preko Inpai-a (metoda instancnog povlačenja) i novac obično završava na mom bankovnom računu odmah ako je povlačenje zaista ispravno obrađeno! Imam isti problem u drugom kazinu u ovoj grupi! Takođe je bilo povlačenje 500 i isto pitanje! Dobici se ne isplaćuju. Ali ja se žalim drugačije na odgovarajućem sajtu!

moje korisničko ime: RMacheev

ps: kazino Orca u opštim uslovima navodi da isplaćuju u roku od 24 sata ali ništa nije urađeno 5 dana! Ponestalo mi je strpljenja i molim vas da mi pomognete!


lg Robert Macheev

Automatski prevedeno:

Dobio sam novac! Lg

Automatski prevedeno:

Hi, I read everything you wrote and I see that you managed to get the money. Did they also tell you what was behind the delay? What payment method did you use? It can sometimes take time if the casino happens to use a third party provider so that's why I'm asking. 🙂

If you read this Radka

This is EXACTLY the type of casino that I mentioned earlier in our discussions. Try the Playngo slots and look at the adressbar. Look at the numbers in the adress. These are not legit slots from the provider.

The rtp% has been removed where Playngo always put it and it cant be seen. They claim highest rtp% possible but that just aint real. I think its very dangerous what we are seeing, since this casino is so highly rated both here and on, many must be fake reviews.

Im not writing this in anger, I won 400 euro earlier so im good, but these casinos need to be stopped. Im 100% sure these are not the real slots from Playngo. Somehow they are copied and mirrored to another site, like

Players be aware, we are being scammed big time!

Ja ću biti prvi koji će napisati da je ovaj kazino prevara? Ne mogu da razumem kako to može biti ovako visoko ocenjeno?

Otvorite bilo koji slot iz Plaingo-a, pogledajte adresu u adresnoj traci ( ( itd.

Ovako ne izgleda zvanična adresa da su ovi slotovi legitimni. Rtp % je uklonjen iz "Pravila igre" gde se obično nalazi. Kazino tvrdi maksimalni rtp%, ali je čak i početniku sasvim jasno da to nisu slotovi sa visokim rtp-om. Ako znate svoje PlaiNGo slotove, znate da oni nisu legalni.

Brineći se da vidimo tako visok rejting u ovom kazinu, osoba koja ga je postavila ne može imati mnogo znanja o ovim slotovima i njihovim proizvođačima.


Automatski prevedeno:

I believe the matter has been fully discussed already, but you are correct; a refresh won't hurt:

In short: Unless someone proves without any further doubt that the casino is somehow scamming players, we just can't take this as precise and true information.

The whole previous communication was about whether something like that is even achievable these days. I believe we reached the same opinion; mostly it is not. Thus, I'd say, we are getting at the beginning.

Has something changed, perhaps?

The source, meaning the server address or location providing the game to the casino, may not sound official enough to you, but it is not proof. Do you remember the part about game providers or even casinos avoiding restrictions for certain markets? May look like this, for example.

Yet the games may still be exactly the same - just the source could be "hidden" on purpose.

No thats not why. Why remove the rtp% under Game rules then? Its their on all legit casinos. Guys who reads this, try to play the Playngo and tell me those have 96.58% rtp. Because they dont. This is not a legit casino, and its time to stop defending scammers.

Moram da se složim sa RaiManom! Ako neko zna za kazina u grupi protiv kvota, to sam ja. Otvorio sam račun u svakom njihovom kazinu i izgubio nekoliko hiljada evra. To je ogromna mreža i uvek je isti kazino, samo sa drugim imenom. Čak su i chatbotovi svuda isti. Svi moji nalozi su sada blokirani i dobio sam svaku isplatu, ali je jasno da ova grupa ne funkcioniše potpuno legalno. Primetio sam nekoliko stvari tokom godina, ali ne želim da ulazim u detalje jer Casino Guru ionako nikada ne objavljuje moje recenzije! Čini se da Casino Guru dobija novac od kazina i zato ih tako visoko ocenjuju. Ovde ima mnogo kazina koji imaju loše kritike u kojima sam imao najbolja iskustva! Dakle, imajući to na umu: završio sam i sa kazinom u odnosu na kvote i sa kredibilitetom Casino Gurua! Želim vam sve najbolje 👍🏼😉

Automatski prevedeno:

Nažalost, izgleda da ste u pravu. Ova sumnjiva kazina obično isplaćuju dobitke, tako je, ali sigurno možete da kontrolišete svoje slotove na potpuno drugačiji način nego da su legalni direktno iz Plaingo-a, što znači da oni odlučuju kada i koliko da isplate.

CasinoGuru? Odakle ti prihodi?

Automatski prevedeno:

Moram da se složim sa RaiManom! Ako neko zna za kazina u grupi protiv kvota, to sam ja. Otvorio sam račun u svakom njihovom kazinu i izgubio nekoliko hiljada evra. To je ogromna mreža i uvek je isti kazino, samo sa drugim imenom. Čak su i chatbotovi svuda isti. Svi moji nalozi su sada blokirani i dobio sam svaku isplatu, ali je jasno da ova grupa ne funkcioniše potpuno legalno. Primetio sam nekoliko stvari tokom godina, ali ne želim da ulazim u detalje jer Casino Guru ionako nikada ne objavljuje moje recenzije! Čini se da Casino Guru dobija novac od kazina i zato ih tako visoko ocenjuju. Ovde ima mnogo kazina koji imaju loše kritike u kojima sam imao najbolja iskustva! Dakle, imajući to na umu: završio sam i sa kazinom u odnosu na kvote i sa kredibilitetom Casino Gurua! Želim vam sve najbolje 👍🏼😉

Automatski prevedeno:

Thank you for your kind wish. I hope it is obvious we respect that each player is welcome to have an opinion. We, for instance, also believe that transparency lies in the capability to prove our own words.

According to what has been said regarding these so-called fake slots, is there anyone who can provide direct proof, please? Because if not, what is left is just the teoretical debate we've been around for quite some time. If you do not respect that such opinions or theories are not enough to punish any casino, I believe Casino Guru is truly not the place for you.

I would love to know what you expect us to do in such a situation. What authority should we direct you to investigate your accusation? Are you aware of any? Sadly, sadly we are not.

I openly explained how very unclear I believe the business around casino games and their credibility is.

If you can change that, I would be amazed. We have no professional way to investigate slots like anyone else. This is how things are. Allthough it seems you, for some reason, prefer to take us responsible, it is your choice.

Take care.

CasinoGuru štiti ova kazina odbijanjem recenzija koje ukazuju na očigledne nedostatke u legitimnosti. Očiglednim sajtovima za prevaru sa izuzetno niskim rtp-om i kopiranim slotovima se daje prostor i kredibilitet.

Automatski prevedeno:

Nažalost, izgleda da ste u pravu. Ova sumnjiva kazina obično isplaćuju dobitke, tako je, ali sigurno možete da kontrolišete svoje slotove na potpuno drugačiji način nego da su legalni direktno iz Plaingo-a, što znači da oni odlučuju kada i koliko da isplate.

CasinoGuru? Odakle ti prihodi?

Automatski prevedeno:

If I may, next time you would like to ask a question, kidly use the reply button and separate the question specially meant for CG. Thank you in advance. I would certainly have missed that without the link you sent me per email. I do hope one answer will be enough.

The answers are here all the time anyway; nothing has changed aside from many other new projects and initiatives:

Hope you have a good one!

Thank you for your kind wish. I hope it is obvious we respect that each player is welcome to have an opinion. We, for instance, also believe that transparency lies in the capability to prove our own words.

According to what has been said regarding these so-called fake slots, is there anyone who can provide direct proof, please? Because if not, what is left is just the teoretical debate we've been around for quite some time. If you do not respect that such opinions or theories are not enough to punish any casino, I believe Casino Guru is truly not the place for you.

I would love to know what you expect us to do in such a situation. What authority should we direct you to investigate your accusation? Are you aware of any? Sadly, sadly we are not.

I openly explained how very unclear I believe the business around casino games and their credibility is.

If you can change that, I would be amazed. We have no professional way to investigate slots like anyone else. This is how things are. Allthough it seems you, for some reason, prefer to take us responsible, it is your choice.

Take care.

Kako ćemo to dokazati više od onoga što je već istaknuto? Uporedite sa igranjem u kazinu Momang sa punim rtp-om. Stavite ih jedan pored drugog. Ispitajte razlike. Kako se igra hostuje sa potpuno različitih adresa, razlika u dobicima i mrtvim spinovima, pogledajte kako se igre prekidaju i moraju stalno da se učitavaju u ovim prevarama. Očigledno je, nažalost.

Automatski prevedeno:

No thats not why. Why remove the rtp% under Game rules then? Its their on all legit casinos. Guys who reads this, try to play the Playngo and tell me those have 96.58% rtp. Because they dont. This is not a legit casino, and its time to stop defending scammers.

Ok, this is something very concrete, which I have, by the way, already commented on because we're back at the beginning when we started with the other casino:

"I think you refer to the preset RTP values, which scale, and the casino may choose the concrete RTP value when procuring the game from the game provider. This is quite a common practice and the reason why we always say the player should be able to see the current RTP value available to him for each game."

In any case, I'm not here to oppose, but you left me little choice when you at least partially skipped what I have written so far as to call your anger toward Casino Guru for some reasons unknown to me. Even though I've been completely honest with the situation regarding the casino games in the other thread, you seem to be more and more dissatisfied. Well, we are too.

I'm not aware of any decent way to inspect casino slots in order to ensure their fairness. This is what RNG stands for. Until at least one game provider joins the forum to openly address all our concerns, we may just share our opinions.

This is how it is these days. If you come across anything official, especially in written form, I ask you politely to share it with the community.

I also think this whole situation can be compared to the attempt to reveal fake manipulative news, articles, blogs, and websites through the internet. Also lacking the ultimate responsible refereeing authority.

When you say it is time to stop defending scammers, I think the second part should go as "let's prove them scammers." This is when it ends almost everytime. 🙁

You have no idea how I wish to have the answers or insight on how the practice is working.


Ne moram nikome da dajem dokaze. Jedino što bih voleo od vas je da objavite svaku recenziju koja je napisana o kazinu! To se zove sloboda govora! Ali već ste odbili 4. recenziju i odmah vam je jasno zašto! Inače, zašto se plašite da ne narušite reputaciju bilo kog kazina?? Nažalost, za mene niste renomirani sajt i da, ovo nije pravo mesto za mene. Takođe možete blokirati moj nalog jer definitivno neću tražiti kazino na osnovu vaše recenzije u budućnosti! sve najbolje

Automatski prevedeno:

Kako ćemo to dokazati više od onoga što je već istaknuto? Uporedite sa igranjem u kazinu Momang sa punim rtp-om. Stavite ih jedan pored drugog. Ispitajte razlike. Kako se igra hostuje sa potpuno različitih adresa, razlika u dobicima i mrtvim spinovima, pogledajte kako se igre prekidaju i moraju stalno da se učitavaju u ovim prevarama. Očigledno je, nažalost.

Automatski prevedeno:

It is obvious for you, frankly. It is a collection of posts and words.

Normaly I would say capture the full gaming history of each game in question in both casinos and send it to us through the complaint. The problem is we have no official tool, software or even former game provider on our side to support our potential findings or to control the "results".

I understand all players need to feel someone there is capable of the investigation. We are not just convinced to be the ones. Go ask other sites about his issues. What will they suggest? Will they lower their ratings immediately or assemble the investigation of each slot?

I'm very convinced they would not. If they care for exact results through findings, for example. I'm asking these questions to demonstrate that we are in the very same positions as you.

Ok, this is something very concrete, which I have, by the way, already commented on because we're back at the beginning when we started with the other casino:

"I think you refer to the preset RTP values, which scale, and the casino may choose the concrete RTP value when procuring the game from the game provider. This is quite a common practice and the reason why we always say the player should be able to see the current RTP value available to him for each game."

In any case, I'm not here to oppose, but you left me little choice when you at least partially skipped what I have written so far as to call your anger toward Casino Guru for some reasons unknown to me. Even though I've been completely honest with the situation regarding the casino games in the other thread, you seem to be more and more dissatisfied. Well, we are too.

I'm not aware of any decent way to inspect casino slots in order to ensure their fairness. This is what RNG stands for. Until at least one game provider joins the forum to openly address all our concerns, we may just share our opinions.

This is how it is these days. If you come across anything official, especially in written form, I ask you politely to share it with the community.

I also think this whole situation can be compared to the attempt to reveal fake manipulative news, articles, blogs, and websites through the internet. Also lacking the ultimate responsible refereeing authority.

When you say it is time to stop defending scammers, I think the second part should go as "let's prove them scammers." This is when it ends almost everytime. 🙁

You have no idea how I wish to have the answers or insight on how the practice is working.

Yes..and in this case they removed the rtp value completly. I have shared all the signs that points in the direction that this is not a honest casino. If you know these slots, you know.

Ne moram nikome da dajem dokaze. Jedino što bih voleo od vas je da objavite svaku recenziju koja je napisana o kazinu! To se zove sloboda govora! Ali već ste odbili 4. recenziju i odmah vam je jasno zašto! Inače, zašto se plašite da ne narušite reputaciju bilo kog kazina?? Nažalost, za mene niste renomirani sajt i da, ovo nije pravo mesto za mene. Takođe možete blokirati moj nalog jer definitivno neću tražiti kazino na osnovu vaše recenzije u budućnosti! sve najbolje

Automatski prevedeno:

Takođe mi je odbijena recenzija u ovom kazinu, iako je to moje iskreno iskustvo. Ista stvar na "Bull 24 kazinu", uklonili su moju recenziju jer nisu mislili da mogu da dam lošu ocenu samo na osnovu činjenice da je bilo potrebno 3 dana da se kazino isplati (što je predugo u 2024, mi koji igrači imamo veće zahteve od toga).

Automatski prevedeno:

You know, the player's reviews, which are obviously exaggerating the facts, simply can't be accepted.

Do you honestly believe a casino has 0% RTP as you stated in the so-called reviews? If you care better to describe what is, in your opinion, wrong with each casino, such reviews would be accepted. No to mention, we tried many times to help you improve your expressions.

Do I have to say that so far you've submitted 14 only negative "review" mostly about each casino being a scam? It is sadly quite obvious that our general point of view is very specific. Not so objective, it seems; your posts have drawn the very same picture.

Even so, I'm sorry to see you go like this.

1 23

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