NaslovnaForumKazinaCazimbo Casino - opšta diskusija

Cazimbo Casino - opšta diskusija

 od mairatobias1996
2.313 pregleda 18 odgovora |
Ako želite da diskutujete bilo šta vezano za Cazimbo Casino, kao što su igre, bonusi, metode plaćanja, problemi sa nalogom, odgovorno kockanje ili bilo šta drugo, možete to učiniti ovde.

Kada se registrujem ne dozvoljava mi... Shvatam da veza nije privatna, pomozite

Automatski prevedeno:


I fear this is more of a settings or technical issue. Could you perhaps send a print screen?

I'd like to help, but honestly, for now, I don't know where to start...

Uložio sam opkladu od 100 € na dizalicu. Kada sam otišao da unovčim na 80 njihova stranica se uopšte nije otvorila kao da je zatvorena pa sam izgubio novac jer je meč bio nerešen na kraju

Automatski prevedeno:

Oh, are you able to access your account now? Because if you do, I would certainly contact its support or chat.

Frankly, I'd say there is little else to do for now. 🤔

Pokušavam da ih ubedim sada da je kompanija otvorena

Automatski prevedeno:

Zdravo, u nedelju 17.12.2023. podneo sam zahtev za povlačenje 178 evra. Kontaktirao sam ih svake nedelje i dobio sam odgovor tek prvi put i rekli su mi da je zahtev u procesu obrade od strane finansijskog odeljenja i da obično traje 3 radna dana. Šta ja mogu da uradim?

Hvala vam

Automatski prevedeno:

Hi! Is it withdrawal to card of bank transfer? May be they tell you something about holidays delays?

Zdravo, u nedelju 17.12.2023. podneo sam zahtev za povlačenje 178 evra. Kontaktirao sam ih svake nedelje i dobio sam odgovor tek prvi put i rekli su mi da je zahtev u procesu obrade od strane finansijskog odeljenja i da obično traje 3 radna dana. Šta ja mogu da uradim?

Hvala vam

Automatski prevedeno:

If nothing is still happening and the withdrawal from 17.12. still has not arrived, I would recommend to lodge a complaint. We give casinos 14 days to resolve such situations. Of course, it is possible that there were some delays due to the holidays, but since the casino has not given you any reason, I would suggest filing a complaint.

Anyway, have you had any successful withdrawals or is this your first problem with this casino ? 

To je moje prvo povlačenje u ovom kazinu i nakon što sam pročitao nekoliko žalbi i video da nisam jedini koji se dešava, odlučio sam da otvorim temu. Obaveštavaću vas

Automatski prevedeno:

Yes, I've seen that other players have had similar problems, but so far the casino has tried to resolve the complaints, so I think it could all turn out well.

Be sure to keep me updated as the whole situation develops. Anyway, do you have a verified account with the casino yet ?

Zdravo svima, imam važnu pobedu i Cazimbo mi ne plaća, traži od mene izvod iz banke iako plaćam pripejd karticom za naknadno plaćanje. Sada, nakon dve nedelje, obratio sam se udruženju Altrocpnsumo, kako ste to rešili?

Automatski prevedeno:

Hi, about your problem, what did the casino tell you when you said you deposited with a prepaid card ? Do they still need a bank statement from you ? Was it your first deposit to this casino ? It is necessary to complete the account verification successfully before you can withdraw money, which I don't know if this is your case. 

However, if the casino keeps repeating the same thing over and over again and nothing has moved the whole time, I would recommend lodging a complaint here on this link

Our team will try to help you and we'll see where we can get to.

Are you going to go ahead or are you going to wait for the association and their response ? 

@radka Žalio sam im se, ali oni traže moj izvod iz banke, to je nezakonito, sada preduzimam pravne radnje

Automatski prevedeno:

How about considering the free-of-charge complaint feature for a second?

I mean, it is completely free and might save you from dealing with lawyers.

In my opinion, the bank statement is quite a standard document used for successful verification. Sometimes it's far better to cooperate than try to bring in the court hearing... As a result, it may prolong the process unnecessarily.

You know, one thing is to be bold about your opinion, but in the end, you want your money as soon as possible, am I right?

Zdravo ljudi, i ja sam napravio lepu pobedu na ovom sajtu 2/01, podrška više ne odgovara, da li da dam ostavku ili može nešto da se uradi?

Automatski prevedeno:

Hi there,

And what seems to be the issue?

You won, and then what?

Have you submitted a withdrawal request? Are you, at least, fully verified?

Or, what was the last thing you were discussing with the casino?

We could definitely use more insights here. 🙏

Dobar dan svima, želeo bih da znam da li neko može da mi pomogne oko ovog kazina.

Problem je sledeći. Ovaj sjajni kazino, iz nekog meni nepoznatog razloga, ne povlači novac koji sam toliko puta tražio. Tražio sam novac nazad mesecima, ali niko mi ga nije vratio. Za početak, svaki put kada podignem novac, čekam najmanje 5 dana da transfer novca stupi na snagu, ali nakon tog vremena jedino što se dešava je da iz nekog razloga dobijem e-poštu u kojoj se kaže da je Retreat otkazan . Ovo je situacija kroz koju prolazim od decembra 2023. Ako neko zna šta da radim neka mi kaže

sve najbolje

Automatski prevedeno:

Hello. I have moved your post here, to the official thread of the casino, so also other can read it better. Have you actually tried to ask the support of the casino what is the exact reason for canceling your withdrawals? Has your account been fully verified at this casino? If you feel you need help of our complaints team, I would suggest you to file a complaint, and you can do so easily, just by following this link 👈. If you need any further assistance, please let us know.

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