NaslovnaForumKazinaF1 Casino - opšta diskusija

F1 Casino - opšta diskusija (strana 2)

 od kszysio
11.884 pregleda 55 odgovora |
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Hello, I also didn't find the license and therefore the link to the validator, so I had our data team look into it. So thank you for coming up with that. 

Regarding the fake games, we still have a warning on our website for games from Novomatic provider. So I would be more careful before depositing. 

How are you still "recommending" this site when its obvious that they are using fake games or slots. Hacksaw is definitely a hacked copy of the real ones.


This simply just show that not even CasinoGuru can be trustet i guess. No warning for that this casino might be fake or using fake slots. Thanks for the loss of 50€ atleast


If you have some proof of this, please do not hesitate to forward it to us. Our data team will surely check it out.

Pa ne razumem kako ovaj sranje kazino može da ima ocenu veću od 9?! Apsolutno svi slotovi su lažni plus uklanjaju mnogo funkcija spolja. plus nemaju RNG trebalo bi da dobiju ocenu 2

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Ovaj kazino je jebena prevara, morate se kloniti ovog sranja... sve igre su lažne lažne ja bez rnga

Automatski prevedeno:

Hello. May I first ask how you came to the realization that those games you are talking about are fake?🤔

Is there anything we could help you with, perhaps? If you have any more information about the games not being real or anything else is wrong, please come forward with any proof of all this. Otherwise, it is not possible for us to give this casino "a grade 2", as you wish. Our data team takes the review of each casino really seriously and collects all the information precisely in order to put all the important information on our website.

So if you believe you could help improve our review, please do not hesitate to contact us. We always appreciate this kind of help from players.


please change the safety rating nothing but horrible reviews with all of us including myself claiming fake games you will not win a cent verified at 24 casinos and have wagered hundreds of thousands on my favourite games, i know damnwell how they should payout if you want proof just go on this site and do a RTP test yourselves the moment you up your bet every single spin goes dead the worst bonus rounds you could imagine etc they dont even have a licence outright scam you will NEVER beat a wager here

Ažurirano od strane autora

Hey, in order for the safety index to be adjusted and for something to happen, the player always has to prove that something is happening with the help of the complaint. The fact that you basically just lost in a casino is not a defining sign why we should do this, because it can happen to you in many casinos. 

However, in our review we have written something similar to the games from the provider - Novomatic.

Do you have any others in mind ? 

Of course, if you feel that there is something going on here that shouldn't be happening and you have no way to prove it, then it's probably best not to play here, what do you think ? 

Sve igre su lažne kako dođavola dajete tako visok rezultat kada ovaj kazino nema licencu i krade od vas? A koliko dobrih kazina ocenjujete? Da li vam se dešava da lažete?

Automatski prevedeno:

In our review we have written that the casino has some fake games, so it's not news I would say. As far as the license is concerned, slowly Curacao will be disabled according to what I've read, so it's possible that's why it's happening. 

Anyway, I'd like to know what happened to you here so we can try to help you if possible. 

Would you mind describing it to me please ? 


look at everyone else saying the same thing nothing but hate for the casino the amount of times ive bought super spins on book of fallen and picked the most common symbol and not even been able to line up 3 is an absolute farce ive logged tens of thousands of spins on my favourite games and i damnwell know how they payout even at their worst and this casino is just a piss take whether or not you care to take into account all us customers and our bad experiences with this casino is now irrelevant to me as it seems you dont take the care to look into the casino yourselves that said i appreciate you bringing into question curacao as this licence base on MANY of the casinos with bad reputation i have played at will state this licence it clearly needs to be brought into light as to whether it is actually a legal licence or fake which i heard you state on another persons comment, from now on il just state my experience as a player and urge others not to get ripped off whether you look into it or not its important us gamblers share our experiences and look out for others and stop them from being taken advantage of like we have and learn from our mistake before they learn the hard way.


agreed they dont take into account warnings from avid gamblers and adjust the safety rating without a certain level of proof only the most tech savy can usually provide. from now on with casino guru i dont even look at the safety rating i go straight to the reviews for a proper account of peoples experience with the site, i very much so believe aswell that if they're not going to alter the safety rating they can atleast put a "various claims of fake games" under the casino name so people dont blindly deposit thinking everythings ok because the casino has a high safety rating

look at everyone else saying the same thing nothing but hate for the casino the amount of times ive bought super spins on book of fallen and picked the most common symbol and not even been able to line up 3 is an absolute farce ive logged tens of thousands of spins on my favourite games and i damnwell know how they payout even at their worst and this casino is just a piss take whether or not you care to take into account all us customers and our bad experiences with this casino is now irrelevant to me as it seems you dont take the care to look into the casino yourselves that said i appreciate you bringing into question curacao as this licence base on MANY of the casinos with bad reputation i have played at will state this licence it clearly needs to be brought into light as to whether it is actually a legal licence or fake which i heard you state on another persons comment, from now on il just state my experience as a player and urge others not to get ripped off whether you look into it or not its important us gamblers share our experiences and look out for others and stop them from being taken advantage of like we have and learn from our mistake before they learn the hard way.

It is really nice of you that you care about others and want to share your experience.

If there is anything we can help you with at this casino, just let us know, and our complaint team will have a look into any issue and will always try to get it solved if possible.


i highly reccomend casino guru adds a warning DESPITE safety index after a certain amount of players have complained of fake games so newbies dont take the safety index for face value and blindly deposit, prompt them to read the comments/reviews/debate before using the casino please. i was fooled by your high safety rating on a couple casinos many have come forward on but i was still new and had more trust in this sites rating of safety on casinos than i should have and in all honestly ive easily lost 2-300usd over a few of them

file na primer, ovaj kazino zaslužuje ocenu od najmanje 8,5, šta vidiš, daćeš ocenu 9,5 kazinu koji zaslužuje -1, kazinu koji ne bi trebalo da postoji, ja ću ostati uz tebe dok mu ne spustiš ocenu da bar 2 ne stidi se

Automatski prevedeno:

i highly reccomend casino guru adds a warning DESPITE safety index after a certain amount of players have complained of fake games so newbies dont take the safety index for face value and blindly deposit, prompt them to read the comments/reviews/debate before using the casino please. i was fooled by your high safety rating on a couple casinos many have come forward on but i was still new and had more trust in this sites rating of safety on casinos than i should have and in all honestly ive easily lost 2-300usd over a few of them

Our goal is to inform all the users regarding how the online casinos work and what to be careful of. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to gather all the information or even predict issues at online casinos. We always do our best to help and resolve those, though.

I am sorry that you had to come across some problems, of course.

Vaš cilj je da postavite svoju partnersku vezu i zaradite novac od budala koje igraju

Automatski prevedeno:

It's actually not like you're trying to describe. We always try to help players with any issues at online casinos.

So, if there's anything we can do, just let us know, please.

Also, in the meantime, you can read our article about our work and how we review all the casinos here. If you have any questions, we'll gladly answer them at any time.

Koliko ja znam, ovaj kazino, zajedno sa svojim sestrinskim sajtovima, VoT NV kazino grupom, koristi piratske provajdere.

U PlainGo slot mašinama, tokom određenih nastupa, simboli se menjaju na način koji se inače ne menja.

Značajno niske isplate Hacksav Gaming-a

Nemoguće je dostići određeni iznos u Vazdamovoj funkciji kockanja.

Oni nude velike iznose bonusa, a zatim prevare korisnike da koriste bonus kako bi polako izvukli manje iznose.

Razlog zašto ovaj kazino sajt ima visok indeks bezbednosti je taj što Casino Guru ne sprovodi nikakvu istragu o aktivnostima provajdera igara.

Šanse da korisnici mogu da povuku novac su izuzetno male, a retko je da korisnici uopšte mogu da podnesu zahtev.

Kazino Guruov indeks sigurnosti neće dati crne poene osim ako se ne uloži žalba i ako se odgovor kazina ignoriše.

Nažalost, indeks bezbednosti CasinoGuru-a nije baš pouzdan i postoji zabrinutost oko sajta da bi mogao da ima veze sa F1.

U stvari, ako se kazino guru registruje i igra sa malom količinom novca koristeći BonusBui, on ili ona će odmah moći da primeti bilo kakve značajne razlike u isplatama.

Stručnjaci koji to zanemare ne bi trebalo da sebe nazivaju profesionalcima.

Ili možda primaju partnersku proviziju od ove kompanije.

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